All Chapters of The Alpha's Rejected Mate Is Back For Revenge : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
245 Chapters
Chapter 131_____________Daciana's pov.My head started banging like a thousand needles was being shoved inside my head. What is this pain and why am I feeling it? I asked myself, confused.My eyes which were knitted close finally struggled and flickered wide open. I looked toward my surroundings and found myself elsewhere.If I could remember correctly I was in some cabin with some young lady who offered me food but afterward, everything turned blank. I passed out.I then tried getting up but I couldn't, my legs seemed to be bonded in another place. What's going on? I asked myself. Bracing my sight, I scouted the surroundings with my eyes to catch a glimpse of where I was but all I could see was pure darkness and nothing else.I tried moving my legs again but what I did only created some noise and suddenly I heard the door twitching from the other side and a foot emerged."You shouldn't resist too much to not injure yourself" a voice spilled out and I recognized whose voice it was.
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Chapter 132_____ "Get inside her?" Those words hit me hard and kept on pondering inside my head. I froze trying to think what she meant by that when suddenly the sound of approaching footsteps jolted me out of my thoughts. "At least she would make good use before dying" the men whispered amongst themselves and smirked, they all clasped their palms in a circular motion and extended them forward towards me intending to get hold of me, my body. "Don't come any closer or else you will die" I threatened loudly for all of them to hear me. "You are in no position to pose a threat, why not just let us have the pleasure of getting in between your thighs, who knows we might even make your death less painful" a man chipped in from the side.He was so disgusting that I could have puked if not for fear of what was going to happen right now. "You shouldn't come or else I will kill you off, remember I am not just a Luna but a witch" I threatened.My powers seemed like it was suppressed but I s
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Chapter 133________Daciana's povI smiled wholeheartedly after what I had wished for came true. He came forth to me, stretching his manhood forward again aiming to go slot it inside my mouth just like before.I didn't budge but instead, I parted my lips wide open exposing them to his dick which he then pushed his waist forward to slot his dick inside.I waited patiently, and just when he did. I made sure to bite it off with my teeth till I was able to bite the tip-off. "Ahhhhh" he groaned louder, holding my head softly for me to let go but it didn't until I was satisfied.The others were jerked up because of his loud yelling. They all started making moves toward me to see clearly what was conspiring between us.I smirked and wiped the blood off my lips, my fingers were all freed. With just placing a tip on the floor I let out my fire magic, roasting them all up and burning the entire carbon into crimps.There was no stopping me at this moment because the rage that filled me alone c
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Chapter 134_________Daciana's pov "Hello," the voice said from behind and sounded like he was mocking me. At least the voice was a male and I rested assured it wasn't Maya but a werewolf and a rogue and I could swear it.In a shaky move, I did a robotic turn toward him. This time I had chanted my spell but what was remaining was to let go of the release button.I faced him and he gasped. "Daciana?" He gasped.I too gasped after hearing my name and quickly wanted to attack but he was quick to do a surrender gesture to stop me from my intentions.I stopped, yes, but with rolling eyes. I didn't let my guard down just because he wanted to be kind all of a sudden. It might be a move to catch me back again and I wasn't ready to go back to where I was.After thinking I was free all the while I was on top of that horse flying my way through but now I have met my dead end.I could even feel my body burning up because of the enormous spell I used before and it affected me because I was weak
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Chapter 135_______ Daciana's pov"Do not let me ask you again?" the voice asked again, this time stretching his hands forward to drag Damien off the way but he was proving stubborn and rooted to his feet. "Why are you like this? For this once why won't you hear me and back off" Damien complained and I could feel his wolf growl at this moment. He was locked in this because of me, if so there has to be something I could do to help get the both of us out of this situation.Steadily I pulled the strand of his clothes to notify him I have something in mind but he should know it wouldn't be mere stuff.He didn't budge but I knew he understood what I meant so I moved to the side expecting him to do what I just did but the opposite.The person that was being persistent all this while saw that Damien has giving up and moved to the side for him to check not knowing it was all an act.The moment he leaned closer, across Damien to see who was behind I stretched my hand forward and plunged him
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Chapter 136_______Daciana's povWe got into his little apartment, housing just a few people. Upon entering I heard footsteps of kids running and playing while their mom, his wife was yelling at them to be careful.I saw what I had been wishing for right before my eyes. I could have had this if not for someone.The worst part was that no matter where I go there must be something that will lead my thoughts back to Dorian whether I like it or not and it wasn't even something I can control at all.Maybe this was a curse so I would learn my lesson and know how to cherish things when they are on the tip of my fingers. "Honey!" Damien shouted.He looked more like a caring father and husband. I could see it purely written on his face and it made me wish he was the one for me instead.A few minutes later a woman came right up wearing some kitchen garment.She was a beauty but a short-typed woman. I would say everything about her was perfect except the expression she was having towards me ri
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Chapter 137_________Meanwhile, back in the kingdom. Dorian's pov.I woke up with a sure heaviness on my body. My eyes felt sour and I was feeling like I barely escaped an explosion. My head kept on banging an unrecognized sound making it harder for me to think at the moment. "He is awake" Kadden's voice was the first I heard before I started hearing footsteps approaching where I was. "Release me at this instant" I shouted while bracing my head with my palm. "That ain't happening Dorian, we are here to teach you some sense first since you've got none at the moment" Conri answered. His reply alone made the pain bubbling inside my head subside and I felt lightly weighted.I was able to adapt to my surroundings a few minutes later only to see we were deep inside an unknown wood for only the moon goddess knew for what sake these people brought me here. "What is your purpose for this?" I asked them, unbelieving the fact that they were the ones that brought me here and chained me to t
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Chapter 138________Dorian's povI wanted to shout but at the moment it was below my standard. Shouting before this lot would exist as a disgrace to me.All I could do was poke my eyes at them as the witch came on further and further to me, pushing her hands towards my head and beginning to do some sort of wicked act on me.My brain began to echo as it would burst out of my head leaving me with broken fragments. "Ahh! Stop this please" I pleaded to deaf ears. The witch kept on doing what she was doing while my friends stood there and watched how I was groaning in pain.They are not about how I was being tortured because it was to their advantage. I had told them I wasn't bewitched but they kept on insisting and decided to fix my head since to them it was altered.We spent a while there and the whole place echoed with just my screams alone. I could hear it resonate around the entire corners of the woods and wanted the pain to stop but to them, it wasn't enough. "Is there something w
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Chapter 139_________Dorian's pov"What's going on here?" I thundered before reaching the center of the crowd."The Alpha is here" I heard someone shout and they all bowed to my presence but there were certain people in the front that were reluctant to bow.I ignored that fact and just walked towards them expecting an explanation for all this and why the crowd suddenly gathered there when I didn't call for an audience.At first, I thought it might be because of Ashina, she was the Luna right now and has absolute authority apart from me.But now she wasn't even here at all so there has to be something going on here or someone behind it.I met some sky pack members and with the look of things there had been a fight among them. They were barely holding up their breath and wanted to take the fight to the next level by letting out their wolves. If not for my presence I knew they would have done so. "Explain at once" I shouted and immediately I saw an elder come out of the crowd to answer
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Chapter 140_______Dorian's pov"What sort of a question is that?" She asked with a squeezed face. Just now was when I realized I fucked things up. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her that but contrarily I needed to clear the doubt revolving inside my mind."I just wanted to know before jumping to conclusions" I replied with a frown, looking at my hands like I had blood on them. "Why not, Dorian I love you with all my heart," she said to me with assurance glinting in her eyes that made me believe her right away.I quickly leaned forward and gave her a deep kiss till we became breathless before I pulled off to let her breathe.Her mood has now gone back to how it was before, she was now smiling and holding me close like she never wanted this moment to go away."Sky pack Alpha is declaring war against us" I broke it out to her, no one keeping secrets between us."What?" She questioned, almost frightened.Our cuddling came off and we ended up staying on opposite sides and locked our eyes
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