All Chapters of The Alpha's Rejected Mate Is Back For Revenge : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
245 Chapters
Chapter 151_________The enemies were all werewolves so getting hold of us will be like an easy cake for them. They all could sniff us out with their nose and will catch up to us in no time. They were fast creatures and I knew that more than anyone else.I reached for a stool and placed it across the other side of the house, on the outer part. Luckily there was no one around and I felt at ease to pull them out through there.I made each kid pass through that place and wait for me just across which they did. Afterward, I followed suit and jumped off and we hurriedly ran off from that spot.Before then I made sure to return things to normal so they would figure out we escaped there even if they found the place.We rushed off all of us while I was also charged with looking behind us if there will be any enemies coming for us.I am with the kids so there was no possible way that I could fight with this number of kids I had to protect.We saw a car but it was far up ahead and it would be
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Chapter 152________If I wasn't with a child I would have stopped to fight them off but I couldn't now. I could feel my body burning up due to the spells I have used.I sped up fast going into a super mode just to get away from those guys and save these kids.Even as we were getting further and further they weren't still pleased and I could see it glinting in their eyes.There were no inspirational words that will be able to pull them out of this misery and I know that more than anyone.Just then I heard multiple howlings of different wolves. I looked toward the front glass and I could see almost eight wolves charging at us nonstop.They all looked hefty-bodied and I could see the skinny wolf that fell to my attack was the one leading the chase. "We are all done for" My mind kept on repeating the words but I didn't voice it out because I wouldn't want to crush every hope these children were having at the moment.They all saw what was behind us through the mirror on the other side. T
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Chapter 153_______Meanwhile,Dorian's POV.I stood upright with prying eyes, gazing at the so-called minors who think they could take me on. I would create havoc, my gaze alone explains that. Furthermore, I made a promise to myself, these people deserved just the worst for trying to stand for me, an Alpha.“Come at me” I shouted and already they were howling to come at me, to bite me off or maybe kill me if they think they can do that. “Attack the wretched Alpha” I heard one of them say, he had taken the position as their boss and was now leading them to a dead end.I began to lunge at them at full speed, still in my human form. I was confident that my wolf wouldn't be needed now.Not only that, but I was fast to grab on two, and they were laying helplessly on the floor afterward.The others feared for such hideous attacks I had done, but that glint that flashed in their eyes flickered away in a nick of time.They combined themselves, giving me a joint attack simultaneously, but st
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Chapter 154_______Dorian's POV.I got out, and unexpectedly I came across a maid, the one Daciana was so suspicious about. I gaze at her fiercely like she had hidden something I wanted to know so eagerly.“My lord” she greeted while prostrating downward. “What's your name again?” I asked after thinking for a while, but couldn't remember her name. “Avalon, that's my name sir” she replied while bowing her head. “Ooh, where are you heading to right now?” I asked her curiously. “I'm about to go check on Luna, she seemed unwell, and I am worried,” she offered, and I had no choice but to soften my gaze on her. I could feel the affection and dedication she has. “Okay, please keep her safe before I come back” I replied and with that, I sped off.I needed the physician and as of the moment he was at the far eastern gate of the kingdom. How will I get to him on short notice kept on revolving around my mind over and over again? “Hey you, get me a horse” I shouted quickly at a stand by a
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Chapter 155_________“you are shitting me, ain't you?” I asked, smirking.Steadily I kept on going forward towards him more and more until he crashed into the wall and got nowhere else to run to. “Alpha, please stay back, I did nothing wrong” he pleaded fearfully, but I knew no word he spilled would be able to quench my suspicion.I could feel his heartbeat, I am the alpha, there was something he was hiding.My claws were out and stretched toward him, but even that didn't make him spill out the secret despite that he was scared. “I have no use for you anymore”, I thundered in rage and swiped my claws to slit his neck, when suddenly I felt a loud banging on my head.I was hit by someone from behind with hard metal. It wasn't that tough for me to handle, but that wasn't the case for now, what else happened was that there was suddenly a smoke screen.I tried hard to control myself but sadly I couldn't. There was this heaviness I began to feel in my lungs, and it became like my breathi
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Chapter 156_______My bones began to shatter simultaneously while the physician quickly moved backward to avoid what was coming.He wasn't afraid that I was transforming but had a smirk on his face all this while, instead, he was looking at something on me.I traced his line of sight only to discover I was still in chains, but only that I was separated from the wagon.He said so, he said not to transform, but I was so blinded to see just that. My eyes widened at the realization of what I had just done.I ignited my transformation while I was still in the chain. How would it be possible for my wolf to get out of my hands and legs that had been bonded?These weren't just normal chains, but strong ones.My face was almost changed to my wolf while my hands were trying so hard to break free and transform, but it wasn't happening. “Ahhh” I shouted in pain.“Get me out of these handcuffs” I pleaded to him, but he turned a deaf ear.“I warned you, didn't I” he grinned.I kept on groaning in
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Chapter 157_______I was falling, yes I was. In no time I found myself back in reality, just back at where that man was trying to take me.If I had thought everything would be over, and would just wake up in my fort as if nothing happened, then that would be all fake. I was being taken like a piece of junk into a mud house, shockingly it has room and also a basement.All I could do was just watch as he plunges me right through.“You fool” I insulted him weakly, begging for breath as it was so hard to even think at the moment.“Ooh, you are awake” he replied and smirked out loud to rile me the more.“Drop me down you good for nothing” I raged out, but it was mere nothing to him.We walked further and further and suddenly, he dropped me just in the basement. The surroundings looked so rusty and also had that kind of scary vibe.I need not be told before knowing many hideous things had been going on here.He didn't even put me down gently but roughly like I was some unused metal."Fuck
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Chapter 158Dorian's POVA somewhat severe pain shot down the pipe hole of my heart, burning me up, and making me feel like I was in hell.My eyes were holding the urge to cry already, I wasn't even sure if I could differentiate between light and darkness.“You bitch, tell me you are fucking kidding” I finally found my voice after a while of choking.My body was numb, my eyes were fixed, opened, and widened to gaze upon such wickedness called Avalon.“Stop having hope and succumb to what you think I have done. You don't think someone of my caliber will just agree to be a lowly maid in your kingdom, do you? Hahaha,” She sent evil chuckles across the room, making my body shiver, the more.Weakly, I trailed my eyes to the side to see the bastard that caught me and brought me to this place, hoping to see some light in his eyes, the type that explains that he wasn't supporting what Avalon did, but that hope never happened.Just like Avalon, he was also enjoying what she said.“She had bewi
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Chapter 159_____Fear shot around my body like a bolt of lightning. My eyes blinked multiple times like I was trying to change the reality that played in my very eyes, but the same reality was fixed and wasn't changing.My head was also spinning and banging throughout today, I had never felt fear like that of today.I was told that my beast form was scary since I couldn't see myself, it was all a bluff to me.Those looks on their faces, exactly it was what was flashing across my face. “Fuck! Avalon what the hell” I yelled after swimming back to reality. My eyes blazed red while my face was covered in blood, his blood.“Haha,” Avalon laughed out loud, stretching her arm wide, portraying just how a hideous witch would.I looked around and saw the lifeless body of the physician that just dropped to the floor, unmoving, and had his head rolling toward another direction.Blood was everywhere and the worst part of it was that I was so drenched in it. My mouth, which was supposed to be fil
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Chapter 160_____meanwhile, Daciana's POVI was still pressed in between the door frame of a flipped-over car. My head was banging while my eyes were searching in front to see the kids.There was smoke everywhere, making my eyes too blurry to see up ahead. My brain was in turmoil, neither did I hear a sound of breathing nor see anyone moving.But there was a certainty that that wolf would surely come back for us since it was just the one who did this.Knowing fully well of the circumstance that might befall all of us, I summoned courage from the depths of my body and tried dragging myself off the door frame.I barely could, but I suddenly felt myself plunge up a bit. There's hope, I thought, and kept on pushing, pushing myself up.Practically, I used my foot to swing down below the car and get a boost upward. Just as you predicted, it worked, and I was freely out of the door frame.My body was still numb, weakness and anxiety were rubbing me, drawing me deep inside it, but the tho
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