All Chapters of All She Needs: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
393 Chapters
Chapter 271 His Uncle
Sometimes, Scarlett really couldn't understand how such a heartless man like him could exist. Did he really want to torture her to death? Why did he have to keep forcing her into such situations?"I hope you keep my words in mind and never forget them. From now on, if you make a mistake like this again, don't blame me for being heartless for what I would do to you. I trust that, from the past few days that you've been by my side, you know exactly what I can do. But it's alright if you feel like you still don't know what I'm really capable of. After all, we have all the time in the world for you to get to know me." After his threat, Jonathan returned to his car and sped off without even looking back. Scarlett glared daggers at his car as he left, hoping that she could tear him apart limb from limb to satisfy her anger. How could there be such a shameless man? How could he blatantly bully a weak woman like her just because he had money? Did he really think there was any point in forci
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Chapter 272 Call Him Uncle
Once Scarlett was settled in her seat, Justin slowly drove them to an area that resembled a military base. Was Justin's family part of the army, or were his family members high-ranking officials in the army?The dread in Scarlett's heart steadily rose as she saw a large mansion, which not only had an incredibly beautiful garden but also a massive swimming pool. Scarlett was completely stunned by the sheer size of the mansion. It was comparable to the castles that she'd seen in the past. She couldn't wrap her mind around just how rich Justin's family was. Though he'd said that his family was well off, she hadn't thought that they would be this ridiculously rich.Scarlett was suddenly filled with annoyance at Justin for not explaining his family background to her before. Now that she was here, she suddenly felt as if she was incredibly underdressed and that her clothes didn't fit in with the lavish mansion at all. After all, she knew how judgmental people from wealthy families co
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Chapter 273 I'm Not His Aunt
Just then, she heard a young woman's melodious voice ring out from just outside the living room. "Aunty! It's been too long! You have no idea how much I've missed all of you. I didn't enjoy my time overseas at all, and I feel like I had more fun here with all of you. Your house is always so lively, and there's always so much good food to eat, and … Who's this?"The woman had trailed off when she'd entered the living room and seen Scarlett standing awkwardly beside Justin. Her sudden question made everyone except for Jonathan, who was still expressionless, chuckle. Justin flashed a good-natured grin at her before saying, "This is my girlfriend, Scarlett. I brought her home to meet everyone today!"He then turned to Scarlett. "Scar, this is my aunt … no wait," he corrected jokingly, "This is my future aunt, Celeste Sloan."Scarlett stared at Justin in shock. If she was going to be his aunt, then that meant that she was going to be Jonathan's wife. Scarlett studied the kind-looking wom
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Chapter 274 Getting Engaged
It was just then that she suddenly heard Justin's voice ring out to address everyone in the room. "I have something to announce to everyone. I've already decided that Scarlett is the one for me, and I won't marry anyone other than her. Since Grandfather is so pleased with Scarlett, why don't you grant us your blessing so we can set a date for our marriage?"Scarlett could only stare at Justin in disbelief after his sudden announcement. Why didn't he discuss it with her before dropping such a bombshell on his family? Wasn't he worried that they would misunderstand and think that Scarlett was the one coercing him into marrying her? Scarlett had absolutely no idea that Justin wanted to marry her, so she was as shocked as everyone else in the room. Just then, she felt a prickling sensation on her neck and saw, from the corner of her eye, that Jonathan was glaring at her with murderous intent in his eyes, making her shudder in fear.Scarlett hadn't expected Justin to suddenly do somethi
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Chapter 275 Whatever
Nancy flashed a gentle smile at Scarlett before casting a glance at Celeste, who'd been sitting quietly in a corner. Then she said, "I think this arrangement sounds great. Whatever the case, it's true that Scarlett is still studying, so let's just let them get engaged first, and we can discuss wedding plans in the future. In fact, why don't we take this opportunity to set a date for Celeste and Jonathan to get married as well? Then, there would be two weddings, which would mean double the celebrations! Wouldn't that be nice?"Celeste had been silently watching the entire situation between Justin and Scarlett unfold and hadn't expected to be dragged into the mix as well. She bashfully lowered her head to mumble, "I have nothing to say about this arrangement."Jonathan was also suspiciously silent throughout the entire exchange, even though he was the one who was about to get married. He simply lit up a cigarette with an unreadable expression on his face while the entire family watched
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Chapter 276 The Bar
Julian immediately rushed to comfort Scarlett. "Silly girl. Don't worry, we're just going to get a few drinks. Although my uncle's words sound crass, he's actually a nice guy. Besides, you're his future niece-in-law, so he wouldn't actually do anything to you. He's just joking around. It'll only be us and a few close friends. There's nothing to worry about!"Hearing Justin say that, Scarlett knew that there was no going back now. If she continued to insist that she didn't want to go, it would definitely make things awkward. As such, she could only stay silent and watch helplessly as the entire situation slowly started to spiral out of her control.After Scarlett and Justin had left, only Jonathan and Celeste were left standing outside the house. Jonathan watched silently as their car sped off, whereas Celeste was looking at him. Jonathan didn't know it, but Celeste had noticed the odd way he'd looked at Scarlett.Celeste had practically grown up with him, so she could tell that it h
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Chapter 277 Truth or Dare
As expected, Daphne, who'd arrived in good spirits, was almost immediately crestfallen at his words. She hadn't expected him to say anything like that at all and was understandably embarrassed. Regardless, she still plastered a smile on her face and whined, "Do you really have to say something like that, Mr. Leonard?"Jonathan's expression seemed to warm minutely afterward, so Daphne mustered up the courage to get closer to him again. Seeing as he didn't object to their close proximity, she boldly clung onto his arm as well.Jonathan looked at Scarlett knowingly before reaching out to pull Daphne into his embrace and letting his hands roam all over her thighs, painting a lewd sight.Scarlett turned her head away from them, unwilling to watch such a lewd scene.On second thought, she realized that she had no right to be disgusted by Daphne and Jonathan. After all, she'd also been in Daphne's position before and had also been felt up by Jonathan in front of a crowd. That explained wh
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Chapter 278 Make Out With Your Fiancée
Liam continued after a pause, "The person who picks out the most powerful card would then be the boss and would be able to ask the person who picked out the least powerful card to choose between truth or dare. Though I have to warn everyone here that if anyone here chooses 'truth' but lies, they would have to suffer my wrath!"Scarlett's heart skipped a beat at his warning. Her luck had always been mediocre at best, and she never participated in such games because of that. Besides, what if Jonathan forced her to choose between truth or dare? As such, she shakily raised her hand to protest weakly, "I'm not feeling so good right now; may I please go home first?""No can do! No one here is allowed to leave! Let's start!" Liam announced it with finality, and the game officially started. Scarlett could only begrudgingly accept it. It seems as if she'd sealed her fate when she'd agreed to meet Justin's family. If she hadn't agreed to dinner tonight, none of this would've happened. In the e
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Chapter 279 Unable to Face Him
Before Scarlett could decide her next plan of action, she was already forcefully pulled into Justin's embrace and passionately kissed by him. Scarlett had never seen Justin so out of control like this before, and she struggled to catch her breath in between his relentless kisses. Justin, on the other hand, seemed to have completely forgotten that this was all just a game and refused to just let her escape. It was as if he'd forgotten that there was a crowd around them, watching them make out. Scarlett was surprised that the usually gentle Justin would have such a wild side. Eventually, after five minutes, Justin reluctantly let her go. Scarlett couldn't help but look at Jonathan after she was released. His expression had darkened immeasurably, which was completely at odds with the laughing faces of the others in the room.Scarlett was terrified and decided to just ignore him. The entire room was laughing except for her, Justin, and Jonathan, and their boisterous laughter made her
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Chapter 280 Nearly Ruining Her Life
Unexpectedly, she bumped into Jonathan on her way back to the room. Jonathan had a cigarette between his teeth and looked devilish, which only served to disgust Scarlett.Jonathan looked like a hunter who'd just caught sight of his prey when he saw Scarlett and angrily confronted her, "Who are you to call me a bear? I fucking dare you to say it again!" Scarlett tried to dodge him but failed and ended up getting pinned between the wall and his body as he forcefully kissed her. She tasted sweet and familiar, and it riled him up. It had almost been a year since they had kissed, and he missed it. He'd wanted to treat her gently, but just thinking about her making out with another man made him dismiss that thought entirely. He viciously bit her lips as they kissed, as if he were punishing her for daring to kiss someone other than him. Scarlett hadn't expected him to be so bold as to do this to her in public, and she desperately tried to break free from him, but to no avail.After a wh
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