All Chapters of All She Needs: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
393 Chapters
Chapter 261 A Moth Drawn to a Flame
Needless to say, Aria was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events that night. Jonathan, like Samuel, was a rare attractive man. While Samuel was undoubtedly outstanding, it was relatively easy to get close to him, for he was a man not short of passion. Any woman with a decent appearance could spend at least a day by his side, though the duration of their relationship would depend on said woman's subsequent capabilities.Truth be told, if it hadn't been for Aria's status that put her above most ordinary women vying for Samuel's attention, she would've made a move on Samuel long ago. She couldn't afford to compete with those mediocre women who called themselves avid fans, nor did she ever wish to sink that low for a man. Contrary to Samuel, Jonathan's demeanor was pure and noble, a kind of otherworldly unattainability separating him from the rest of the world. He was unapproachable at best, his iciness scalding anyone who dared get too close. It was simply his nature—a lone wolf whose
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Chapter 262 Don't Be Shy
Scarlett itched to dice him into a million pieces. Was he that addicted to toying with her? Not only did he take massive advantage of her just now, but he also had to say such embarrassing things in that infuriating, casual way he seemed to have perfected over the years. His mercurial unpredictability perplexed her—one moment, he was colder than ice, the next, he was breezy and affectionate like they'd known each other forever.It unsettled her, among other things.Scarlett was beginning to see how terrifying Jonathan was. He wasn't a man she could afford to cross—she knew that now. It was as if he harbored two different personalities in a single body, something she initially thought she would only witness in movies instead of in a man who had just had his hands all over her. His behavior had her suspect that perhaps those plots she had seen on screen weren't fabricated after all and that men as perverted as Jonathan really did exist in real life.Regardless of his true nature, Scarlet
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Chapter 263 I Guess I'll Accept It
Samuel continued courteously, "Since we're all friends now, I'll just be direct with you here. I'm the one who should be apologizing and begging for your forgiveness. You don't have to thank me, Ms. Langston. Quite the contrary, since I'm at fault here, I should also write you a check as compensation for putting your life on the line earlier. Here, take this as a small token of apology from me."Scarlett glanced at the check Samuel casually handed her in utter disbelief. The amount on it was two hundred thousand dollars. The sheer magnanimity dumbfounded her. It might not seem as significant to him, living under such wealthy conditions, but it was an amount she found hard to comprehend.The fact that he was giving this much money to someone who didn't need it when it could've been used for a better cause solidified her refusal. "Mr. Morrow, I really appreciate your kindness and generosity, but all I have are a few cuts and bruises that are practically healed by now. I don't need that m
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Chapter 264 It Had To Be Alcohol
Samuel never expected Jonathan to be so unruly, nor did he expect to be forced into this position. He really had underestimated the other man. However, that wasn't what puzzled him the most. Even though Jonathan belonged to the upper-class societies, he'd never been involved in any of the inner circle's gossip, unlike Samuel himself. Never once had he heard about Jonathan having any ambiguous relationships with a woman, so much so that the topic of Jonathan's sexual orientation had become a frequent topic of discussion in the circle. It surprised him that they would come to the point where he would be fighting with Jonathan, of all people, over a woman and that their fight would progress to this state.Samuel glanced at Aria, who was standing beside him. His family's business still depended on their long-term contract with the Zarts, and he couldn't afford to lose that long-standing collaboration between their families over something so trivial. No matter how unwilling he was, he could
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Chapter 265 Don't Make Everything So Serious
At that moment, everyone but her had raised their wine glasses and drained them. Scarlett's brows were furrowed as she surveyed the treacherous liquid in her own glass, last night's incident replaying in her mind again and again. She had vowed to never drink again, for the consequences were simply not worth that momentary bliss that came forth with alcohol. What if she got drunk here again? She didn't want to humiliate herself in front of three strangers she barely knew—not if she could help it.The sight of alcohol itself made her nauseous, especially when Jonathan was sitting across from her, forcing her to relive those painful memories. She used them to prevent herself from downing the wine no matter how much she wanted to, and Samuel instantly picked up her discomfort. "Ms. Langston," he began in a concerned tone. "What's wrong? You don't look too good. Are you not able to drink alcohol?"His reassuring words calmed her slightly. She couldn't help but wonder why Jonathan couldn't b
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Chapter 266 House Rules
Even with Samuel's defense of her, Scarlett didn't know if she should hand the glass in her hands to him after what Jonathan had to say about it. She knew, better than anyone, what kind of person Jonathan was. He needed to have the final say; everyone else be damned. She didn't know what grudge he held against her—he knew she couldn't drink much, and she didn't wish to be subjected to the same humiliation he piled on her that night either. He just seemed intent on not letting her have her way that night when things could have been settled and put to rest without his interference.Just like that, she found herself trapped in a dilemma, her fate governed by that pervert with no visible way out.The tenseness of the situation made even Aria feel awkward. While she understood Jonathan's intentions, she did not wish for them to be involved in another conflict. After all, they were both people whom she loved the most—Jonathan, her favorite cousin, and Samuel, the man she loved. The fact that
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Chapter 267 A Hostile Dinner
Jonathan's current expression was at odds with the man who'd forced her to drink against her will earlier. His concern for Scarlett seemed genuine, which befuddled her immensely. How could a man as temperamental as him exist? She wasn't the only one surprised by his sudden change—even Samuel and Aria couldn't help but gaze at him curiously. None of them could understand Jonathan's intentions or his ever-changing attitude toward Scarlett.Scarlett was beginning to suspect that something was wrong with him. Was he still mad at her for what happened last night? If he was, was it really necessary? It seemed awfully spiteful to hold a grudge against her after all this time, and for something so meager too.The way he treated her was punishment enough, at least in her opinion. Yet it didn't seem that way to Jonathan, who was hell-bent on seeking revenge. Scarlett had never seen a man this vindictive—a spoiled, rich kid who thought of himself as a god amongst humankind.Besides, if what he wa
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Chapter 268 Taking Her Home
Many things had happened at home that required the attention of both her and Grandma, so she had to leave soon. After all, none of the children at the orphanage were grown yet, and she couldn't leave her Grandma to shoulder the entirety of the burden. On top of that, with the massive blow Grandma had taken recently, her pain and suffering were beyond what Scarlett was facing right now.Jonathan and Aria wanted to leave as well. As such, the four of them stood outside the front doors of Samuel's villa and waited for the driver to pick them up. Jonathan suddenly pulled Scarlett away while they were waiting, as if he thought that she was a nuisance just by standing there. Scarlett had no idea what Jonathan was trying to do. So what if she was standing there with them? It wasn't as if she were blocking them! Why did he care where she was standing? He was an enigma—no, actually, he was more like a madman. Despite her reluctance, she just let him pull her away. After all, the events ov
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Chapter 269 Scared to Get Any Closer
So what if Scarlett knew that he was lying? It wasn't like she could just call him out. She had no choice but to pretend like nothing was wrong and smile foolishly at Samuel, neither confirming nor denying Jonathan's statement. In the end, it was of no consequence to her whether or not Samuel knew the truth, so she didn't really care. On the other hand, Aria, who'd been studying Samuel's face closely ever since Jonathan started talking, felt her heart stop when she saw Samuel's carefully blank expression.If Samuel himself had been the one offering to send her home, she would have happily agreed. However, Jonathan had been the one to suggest it, so now she wasn't sure if Samuel was actually willing to take her home. She knew that Jonathan had her best intentions in mind, but she didn't want Samuel to feel obligated to do anything for her. It was true that she was hopelessly in love with him, but she didn't want to seem too desperate for his attention either. She gave an awkward sm
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Chapter 270 Threat
Jonathan, who was focusing on driving, seemed to feel Scarlett's eyes on him. Without looking away from the road, he teased with a light smile, "Take a picture; it lasts longer."His arrogance made her frown. Why couldn't he just focus on driving? "Don't be ridiculous. I wasn't even looking at you. Besides, it's not like you're anyone important to me, so just focus on driving," Scarlett frantically retorted."You seem to have trouble remembering things, considering how you need me to constantly repeat myself. I've already made it quite clear that you are my woman now. So, you can stop denying that there is anything between us. In fact, I'm warning you against trying to deny being mine. You won't be able to handle the consequences." Jonathan threatened nonchalantly.Jonathan's threat brought back bad memories for Scarlett. She knew how heartless and cruel he could be, and sometimes she wondered if he was actually a robot in disguise. Just like a robot, he was completely devoid of fee
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