All Chapters of Perfect Lie: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
124 Chapters
Goodbye to pain 
+ "I'm leaving, leaving Italy, Berlin, and Prague behind to live in Madrid, Spain. Lucero is giving me a hand, one that I don't want to disregard because I have a lot ahead of me. I've put aside those hours of crying and mourning. I am a woman who wants to work hard for the child I carry inside. Right now, I'm staying in a hotel while Lucero is in New York for a family reunion. She's left me here with the condition that I stay calm and not try to hide from her. She's promised me, even swearing on her life, that she'll always be with me. I don't want her to focus on me; she has a life to take care of. I don't want her to go out of her way for me; it wouldn't be fair. That's why I haven't stayed locked up inside today. No, I've gone out to look for work, no matter if it's as a domestic worker or even just making copies. Work is work. Even though I don't have my resume with me, I'll enter anywhere with a sign that says 'worker wanted.' I have the drive; the symptoms of pregnancy won't
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+ After waiting for half an hour, I waited for the girl Dolores to finish work and while I waited, I began to think how lucky I was to have someone with a good and kind heart help me find a job. I waited and waited almost two meters away from the store where she worked, not wanting to be a bother or stalker, so I waited until she finished her shift and called me. I gave her my number, and it was wonderful, yes, it filled me with joy because she was in front of me with that infectious smile. I went up to her and thanked her again. I didn't mind boring her, no, my intentions were to show gratitude. She told me not to thank her and that we should hurry since her friend was waiting for us. No small talk, just action. I followed her lead and as we arrived at the hotel, "Rui Plaza España", no, this wasn't what I was expecting, this wasn't just any hotel. It was a five-star hotel! My feet started to tremble, I thought the job was too much for me, I didn't think I could handle it. I swall
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The job is mine
+ I'm about to scream to the sky, I have a job all by the grace of God who never abandons me, and I have the job that I was so afraid of losing. I have already signed a six-month contract, and I was welcomed as one of the members of the hotel. It was quite a journey. Yesterday, Dolores accompanied me to the hotel room and while I was inviting her to have a cup of coffee, she was looking for a way to help me with the documents, such as letters of recommendation, health certificate, study certificate, work experience, resume, and a list of where I have worked. Dolores told me that it was crazy to think that I could get all of those documents overnight. However, not everything was so bad, as the only document that I couldn't get was the health certificate because no one would hire a pregnant woman. After leaving her coffee cup on the table, I told her that everything they were asking for was on my phone and that I just needed to print it out, although there was one thing I couldn't g
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I don't want to be a dad 
+ADAL+ "I have locked myself in the office of my house, with no intentions of leaving. What I did is unforgivable, and the worst part is that I don't want to take back my decisions. I let Gisela go because I didn't want to take responsibility for the baby she's carrying. Things got out of hand, and I ran away like a scared dog. I'm a coward, and I don't need anyone to remind me of that because it's crystal clear. Right now, I'm trying to make alcohol do its job. I want to forget her, but the love I feel is immense. "Adal, what made you lock yourself up? Your mother is worried sick and hasn't stopped crying because you ruined your marriage by not taking responsibility for her pregnancy." The office door opens, revealing Alfonso. "Gisela has left Prague, and I don't know where she is. It's best if you leave her alone, since she doesn't want anything to do with you. Oh, she asked me to dissolve the contract along with the marriage." I put the bottle down and think about what he's say
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It's not your fault! 
+ How terrible, I haven't slept a wink and my phone has been having nightmares all night. With a prolonged sigh, I forced myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. A long, busy day of work awaits me. I haven't slept a damn thing, and I can't ignore the thought of the stupid man leaving the woman he loved. It's been a month, and I still feel remorse and regret for leaving Gisela. I wonder what has become of her. Everything I gained with her was lost in just seconds. Since that day, everything has been terrible because I have to support myself and face my parents. They don't accept my separation from Gisela and, above all, that I have abandoned her with a baby. My mother hasn't left my house, even though she is furious. She continues to follow me and reproach me for being a bad son. Seeing that her presence bothers me, I have decided to travel and lose myself completely in my work, as it is the only thing that makes me forget what torments me. I close my eyes a
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The problems are part of life 
+GISELA+ "That's my face! For the last time, I look in the mirror, and I'm surprised by the tremendous dark circles under my eyes that even makeup can't fix. I walk to the bed, grab my purse, and before I get scolded for being late, it's better to stop looking in the mirror and run out of here. "Gisela... it's late, please, you have to leave," she yells, and my head feels like it's about to explode. Fifteen days ago, I became an intruder to Dolores. She kindly offered me a room, becoming her apartment mate and slowly one of her friends. She shares a lot with me while I still stay quiet, not because I don't want to, but because I'm too ashamed. "I don't know why you're yelling, can you tell me..." I'm left with my mouth open, unable to finish the sentence. "Hi, I thought I could join you guys. I live near Dolores' apartment," she says sweetly, extending her arms and calling me with her eyes. Maria! I don't know where to put my face, I hadn't told her that I was living with her fr
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Noble hearts
Maria and I managed to arrive at the hotel on time, thank God, because both of them kept asking me who the person I'll see after work is and what triggers the change in my mood and demeanor. On the way, the two of them turned into "Sherlock Holmes," a pair of investigators, wanting to know about my life, my other side of the coin, the one I don't want to touch because it hurts me. They didn't let my mind process or discuss the Adal issue, "How does he know I'm in Spain?" Also, what's wrong with him knowing? It's not like he regrets it and comes to ask for forgiveness for his confusion and abandonment. I don't believe it. To calm them down a bit, I told them I didn't want to touch the subject and that after talking to the person who called me on the phone, I would meet with them and bring them up to date on everything. Of course, I've dreamed like the psychopath who keeps secrets, now both of them will have a lot of tools to talk sensibly. Even though they weren't very calm about w
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He will take the baby away from me!
Although it was difficult, I asked her to take a breather and let me speak. She didn't nod or say anything, but she remained silent, giving me the opportunity to speak. I told her that I didn't want to take advantage of her kindness and that when she turned around to leave me alone, I went to look for a job. It wasn't that complicated, nor was it easy, but it was thanks to a couple of angels who helped me, and no one knows that I'm pregnant, but that doesn't mean I lose hope that they will give me the opportunity to continue, as I am efficient with my work. Moving on to the topic of Adal, I tell her that I'm not afraid of him finding me, that he has nothing to look for, as he made it clear what my baby and I mean in his life. Lucero takes a few steps, her gaze relaxes, and after taking a deep breath, she tells me that Adal doesn't want to sign the divorce papers and that she knows I'm here because his bank has informed him of the money I withdrew from the card he told me to cut. I
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To value a friendship
Oh, I didn't leave the hotel alone. Lucero made sure I got in a taxi and that this was going to be the last time I did the crazy thing of leaving her side. She didn't come with me because I told her I needed to say goodbye to the two women who opened their home and heart to me. I owe them the truth and to face them, I need to tell them that I have to leave, that I planned to stay here for a while, but after talking to Lucero's parents, there was no doubt in my mind that my path is to leave, prepare myself, and be someone for my baby. I don't want him to lack anything. I hope they understand that I have to seek improvement and stability, as if I stay, I run the risk of being fired and Adal showing up with a letter I wasn't expecting. Taking the baby away to hurt me, it all sounds so crazy, but as it could be true, it could also be a lie. What I can't do is sit still; I have to get off the unexpected path. "Thank you very much," I get out of the car, with no intention of paying. The h
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Breakfast with friends
+ Uuufff… I confessed and feel a huge relief in my heart. I joined her for the sleepover, and things ended up taking a different turn. I started with the reason I came to Spain, as I couldn't tell them from the moment I was born. She needs to process things a bit. They were surprised to hear from my own mouth that my husband left me for getting pregnant and that my friend Lucero is the one who has been helping me. I think as they processed all the information, they reacted and asked if I have a baby inside of me. They pointed to my flat belly, and I nodded at the same time as feeling a knot in my throat. I apologized for deceiving them, for hiding my pregnancy, and I excused myself for the need to get a job, for everything that was overwhelming me and getting out of my hands. It was clear that if they had found out about my pregnancy, I would never have gotten the job. We spent a couple of hours talking about how lucky I am to have them, that God has made sure that both of them had
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