All Chapters of Perfect Lie: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
124 Chapters
+ADAL+ This has ended badly, I thought I had everything calculated, but my impulsiveness scared her off. And on top of that, Lucero had to appear at the precise moment I was planning to take Gisela home. My plan was for her to give me her address, so it would be easy for me to meet my son. I've been anxious ever since I found out she was coming to this city and working at one of Lucero's family's companies. I didn't waste any time contacting the woman who ruined my marriage and owes me her life. I tried to contact Lucero a long time ago, but it didn't work out. This time it was easy because her own company contacted mine, wanting to do business with us, and if I was interested, I could speak with one of the owners of the company, "Lucero." I contacted her and put her between a rock and a hard place. "Bring Gisela with my son, or I'll tell the whole world what you did." I wasn't playing with my threats, but the good thing is that she fulfilled them in one way or another. And now I
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Another day at work
+GISELA+ "Come in," I raised my voice from the office restroom, as I heard Dolores' insistent voice. "Where are you, woman? I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well." "I'm in the restroom, woman. It's impossible that you don't hear me if I'm shouting at you." It's impossible that after crying all night, I've lost my voice. I don't want to remember it, but everything related to Adal and my son is impossible to forget. Yesterday, I locked myself in Gerald's room and didn't speak to Lucero at all, as the ungrateful woman was getting tangled up with Alfonso. She was supposed to be close by! The next morning, I got up and headed to the dining room, where Dolores informed me that Lucero had been drinking all night and that it was unlikely she would be able to come to work with us. I went to check on her in her room, despite hoping that Dolores had gotten it wrong. But as things were, Lucero was lying in bed, and not even the alarm or my shouting could get her to open her eyes. She was brea
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Your mom is in the city
+ADAL+ + I had to leave the house early because I had planned to meet up with Gisela again. At the crack of dawn, Lucero sent me a message along with a photo album of my son. In the message, she said that Gisela would be alone in the company, giving me the opportunity to accompany her, and that she hoped I would give her some space for a while. I loved the message and the photo album of my son. At that moment, I rushed into my mother's room, not caring that they were snoring and enjoying a deep sleep. But, because he's their grandson, their flesh and blood, I got into their bed and woke them up with the photos of my son. They were thrilled and didn't hide the same happiness I felt. My mother assured me that he looks like me, although he got his mother's eye color, the rest is pure Adal Müller. I wasn't in the room with them for long because I told them I was meeting with Gisela and that I was going to do everything possible to get closer to her. There was no problem leaving the r
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To wake up from a dream that I want to escape from
+GISELA+ It was only three years, what happened? Why didn't they call me? Nooo, this must be a tasteless joke. Adal can't say that my father has died, that he didn't take his medicine. How? I sent him money and more, I always worked so hard to make sure they had everything they needed. Ash, everything hurts, I feel like I'm going to die, it's hard for me to breathe. My father, it can't be true what Adal just said. I can't accept that you're gone. Why did you do it? I never intended for you to leave my side. It was that woman! She's the one who killed my father, took his money, and left my mother on the street. "Please, I can't let you go," I hear Adal's screams behind me. "We're not finished talking, please don't do this to me." I wipe away my tears, run my hands through my hair, turn around, and the first thing I see is Adal with his eyes dimmed and a lost look. Hmm...that's strange. I shrug it off temporarily, because at this moment, I want to find that woman. I don't care wher
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You're just like everyone else
+ "I ended up giving in and Adal finally got his way. It has been a full week since the day I stayed at his house with my son, Lucero, and my mother. We spent time with Adal's family, they met my beautiful baby, and there was a reconciliation between families, but not between Adal and me. At first, I was scared because my mind couldn't stop thinking that they only approached me with the intention of taking my baby away from me. However, I was wrong because they cried and promised me that they wanted to meet their grandson and that the only way was for me to trust them. I allowed all of that to happen, but I set my conditions: they must give me time, not pressure me to lend my son to them, and not wish to see him every day. I made it clear that I have work and that I stay with him at night, but on weekends, he's all mine. I was tough! Yes, they must understand that nothing is easy, and I have to accept that my son has a family who loves him as much as I do. Although I still feel t
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She was the only one who was with me
"No, I need them to leave," I replied angrily, "understand for once that I need to be alone." "Damn..." he muttered, and I felt like opening the door, "I don't know what happened to make you shut yourself in, but let me tell you one thing, woman, if you don't come out now, we're not leaving and neither are the employees because it's not fair for you to stay and for them to go to sleep." That man is insane, I had no choice but to open the door. I stumbled and half said that both of them were insane. "Hey, what happened to you?" Dolores comes to me with open arms, "why didn't you call me?" I stopped, a lump formed in my throat, and I burst into tears as I felt her arms around me. Between sobs, I told her that I was to blame for other people making bad decisions. "No, that's not true. We are all responsible for our actions, and you didn't put a knife to that person's throat to make them mess up, like we do with butter on bread." I didn't do it with a knife, but in a way, I pushed h
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I need an opportunity
+ In the end, Adal got his way. The spoiled son of his father took us home because he said I was nervous and not in condition to drive. At first, I objected, but Dolores jumped on board to become friends with Adal. After Adal realized there was nothing he could do, he blackmailed me with the words, "Our son is waiting for you at home." He was being sly, as he brought my baby into our fight. I don't want him involved in my life anymore. I don't need him. Now that I'm home, I bite my tongue with the intention of staying quiet. I watch as my son plays with that man, because Gerald ate all the dinner the nanny prepared. Dolores approaches me and tells me I need to change my attitude. Whatever that man did in the past, it's better to leave it behind because time keeps moving forward, it doesn't stop or go back. Now she's becoming Adal's savior and defender. No, that man doesn't need anyone to intervene, he can defend himself just fine. "Mrs. Gisela, the child needs to shower, but..."
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extreme madness
+ The night bears witness to our madness, and it wasn't long before Lucero showed up. The three of us decided to leave the house together, of course, only if the babysitter stays with my baby. And since Lucero is one of those who swears that everything will be fine, Dolores and I came to accompany her to the first bar we found, not those shady ones as Lucero would say. She has that touch of superiority, which is normal, that's how she was raised. For me, it's the third time I've been to this kind of place, and I think it will be the first time I take any drink with alcohol. At this moment, each of us will share our story; what troubles and saddens us. We've come here to drown our sorrows. The music in the bar is completely soft, not the kind where you have to shout to be heard. The club has low lighting, deafening and full of contorted bodies: on the dance floor, in the hallways, against the bar. A DJ mixed music on a small stage, and posters plastered all over the front promised t
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Girls' night out!
"Hey, you're not supposed to drink it like that," shouted Lucero, trying to snatch the margarita glass from me. As she made the attempt, I tilted the glass further, taking advantage of its chilliness. "You have no remedy, dude. Please bring three margaritas. She needs more than two. Oops, sorry. She's already on her second one, and it's all because she wants to act tough and drink vodka when she can't handle it." "Lucero!" I complained, finishing the last drop of margarita, and placing the glass aside to pick up the next one. "You're right. I'm not a drinker, and if you know me well, you know my throat is burning." And I went for the second margarita, I'm sorry for Dolores, but my throat is on fire. No! This can't be happening. My tongue is... "You're already lost, woman. Nobody understands what you were talking about." That's it. I'm already feeling dizzy, but it's all because I took the two margarita glasses from Lucero. I thought things would be different this time, that becaus
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I don't remember anything
+ "Wait for me, don't go alone," I hear Dolores shout behind me. She wants to dance with me, and I hope the waiter doesn't bring the margaritas right now. God, I need those margaritas! "Baby, don't leave me alone," and boom, Lucero joins us. This is good because now we're really enjoying the night. We're the three friends, not rivals that everyone expects. Never ever forget this moment. Lucero and Dolores are two important pieces for my heart and mind. "Please wait for me here, I'll be quick in the restroom, you know, so the others can get in," I leave them there. I want to dance with them, but my bladder is the most important thing right now. I walked down a narrow hallway and reached the restroom, which was so bright that a pulse of pain shot from my eyes to the back of my head. When I arrived at the stall, I fixed my hair and shouted to the sky because it's empty and all the stalls are available for me. Ha, how funny, I just need one. After a couple of minutes of relieving my
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