All Chapters of Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
1132 Chapters
Chapter 101 Role-Playing
A look of enlightenment appeared in Chloe's black eyes as she looked at Joseph's face.She asked carefully and tentatively, "Did Grandpa ask me to go to your company?""Pretty much.”“He mentioned this to me before, but I turned it down with an excuse."Her underlying meaning was that it was none of her business now.Joseph looked up at her coldly. "Well, you shirk responsibility pretty fast.""It doesn't concern me, so why can't I shirk responsibility?" Chloe retorted seriously.Harold was too enthusiastic, and she found it hard to accept. It was not that she could not handle it. She was just not a true granddaughter-in-law of the Whitman family.She was unwilling to lie to Harold every time she met him because he was very nice to her. Thus, she felt guilty. She was weighed down by her guilty conscience.Joseph retrieved a tissue and wiped his lips before he asked lightly, "Are you very busy at Baxon?""Yeah, I'm a little busy.""Do you get tired?""I can handle physical e
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Chapter 102 You Took It off for Me
After resting at home for a few days, Chloe's period passed.The next day was the final day of her holiday. She planned to go shopping and enjoy a meal with Emily. Before she went out, she informed Joseph and told him to have dinner on his own.When Joseph read that message, he snorted. ‘She just recovered, and she already can’t stay still. She just has to go out.’Samuel put the drafted contract in front of Joseph. "Check it out. See if there's anything you want to add."Joseph picked up the document and quickly read through it. Just then, Lucas came in with two boxes of cookies. When he noticed that Samuel was around, he smiled and greeted Samuel."Mr. Joseph, Liam from the data department got married to Tina from the translation department. These are the cookies they gave out."Hearing that, Joseph glanced at the boxes of cookies. His voice turned cold and low. "Add another condition. She's prohibited from engaging in workplace love affairs."As a result, Samuel was at a loss
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Chapter 103 Dear, Let’s Go to Bed
When Ava caught up to Adam, she heard him address Chloe as his sister.She stared at Chloe fiercely. Feeling frightened, a cold shiver ran down her spine. "What did you call her?""Sis. She's older than me, so I should address her politely."What Adam said sounded right. He was wearing sports attire and had dreadlocks, appearing like a bad youth. Hence, it was rather horrifying to hear him obediently address Chloe as his sister.However, Chloe rolled her eyes. He did not say such a thing when he teased her a few days ago."How did you guys get acquainted with each other?"Adam averted his gaze. "I got to know Ava at my dad's company. Why do you ask so many questions?"Gentleness appeared on Ava's face. She suppressed her deep shock and forced herself to calm down. "I'm sure you don't know that I'm Chloe's older sister.""I'm aware of that."'I also know that you guys bullied Chloe and drove her away.'Of course, it was Alexander who told Adam about this after Alexander learne
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Chapter 104 Taking the Lead
Chloe's hair stood on end from inexplicable fear.She shook her head and covered her stomach. "You go on ahead. I need to use the washroom.""There's a washroom in the bedroom.""No, I'm used to—"But before Chloe could finish her sentence, she gave a short cry.Joseph had suddenly scooped her up. She lost balance and instinctively held onto his neck.A hint of wickedness dawned on Joseph's handsome countenance. He put his thin lips to her ear and spoke in a voice only both of them could hear. "You like goading me into action so much. Well, I'll grant your wish today. Let’s see if I can do it or not."His masculine scent engulfed her as his warm breath tickled her ear. She instantly blushed. Even her earlobes turned slightly pink. She stared at him motionlessly, but through his beady black eyes, she could not tell if he was joking, trying to scare her.She had tried all means to seduce him for such a long time. But if they really were to do something, she was an inexperienced n
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Chapter 105 Joseph Hates Her So Much
The moment they were about to indulge in their desires, the phone on the bedside cabinet rang.Originally filled with desire, Joseph’s lustful eyes cleared. He gazed at the woman whose clothes he had torn off before he abruptly regained his composure. He then got out of bed and walked into the bathroom with his phone.With a loud “Bang,” the door slammed shut. The whole wall seemed to shake along with the slamming. It was filled with a tinge of inexplicable fury and helplessness.This scene was unexpected.Stunned, Chloe remained in bed for a long time. She lowered her head to take a look when she heard the shower turn on.‘That’s pretty big. What's wrong with him? Is he dissatisfied with me? Was I that bad?'Suddenly, immense shame and defeat overwhelmed her when she recalled how she had taken the initiative earlier. Her eyes turned red as she smoothed her clothes and stormed out of the bedroom.Harold had already left and was no longer downstairs.She heaved a grievous sigh.
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Chapter 106 Join My Company and Be My Assistant?
Chloe took the bus to Baxon, her mind lost in a daze.It was a day before she started work again.The security guard and janitor on the ground floor were engrossed in idle chatter."How's your relative doing? Did she end up getting a divorce?""She did. Life has become challenging for her. Without proper education, she's now single-handedly raising two children. I remember advising her against leaving back then, but she chose not to listen. She regrets making that decision, but there's nothing she can do about it now.""Sigh, in my opinion, her husband makes well over 150 grand every year. Despite his bad temper, he hasn't made any significant mistakes that would undermine their relationship. If they hadn't got a divorce, they wouldn't be burdened with financial worries. It's a shame that it's the children who will bear the brunt of it.""It's just how it goes. Young folks tend to act on impulse. It's tough to convince them otherwise."As they carried on with their sporadic conv
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Chapter 107 Resigned
"No, thank you. I’ve already found a job with a good salary," Chloe responded, taking a sip of water."So quickly? Which company?" Icarus expressed his surprise."It's a small company...""Your qualifications are remarkable. Why settle for a small company?" Harry interjected, “I can connect you with some great job opportunities. Don't let your prime years go to waste.""He's right. While small companies can serve as stepping stones, joining a larger corporation offers better prospects for long-term growth.""Yeah, Chloe. Don't be too impulsive in your decisions."Hearing their advice, Chloe’s heart warmed. However, deep down, she understood that it was her inability to act impulsively that led her to accept Joseph's arrangement. Nevertheless, she sincerely cherished their genuine concern."I will and I have indeed given it careful consideration. I won't make any impulsive moves," Chloe replied, a mischievous smile gracing her face as her eyes sparkled like stars. "I’m fully awar
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Chapter 108 Dazzled
Icarus let out a chuckle, feeling dazzled by the sight of Lucas and attributing it to a trick of the eyes.He took a deep breath, composed himself, and resumed walking toward the front desk."Hi, Table 8 just settled the payment," the staff informed Icarus, catching him off guard. His immediate thought was that it must be Chloe, but when he returned to his seat, she was nowhere to be found."Where’s Chloe?" Icarus asked, his voice thick with concern.Harry shrugged, indicating he did not know. "Lily’s finding out.""But weren’t you here earlier, Lily?""The heat was killing me, so I went to the nearby store to buy an ice cream. When I came back, Chloe was already gone," Lily explained, pulling out her phone. "I'll call and ask her. Maybe she went to the restroom."Icarus's eyes narrowed slightly. "Chloe has had quite a few drinks. The alcohol should be kicking in right now."*On the highway.Chloe nestled into the comfort of the car's back seat, her mind abuzz like a train z
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Chapter 109 What's Your Nephew's Name
Chloe braced herself against the discomfort in her stomach and sat up straight to examine the contract.However, the swift movements of the car hurtling through the darkness, coupled with an abrupt break from Lucas, nearly caused her to vomit right then and there.Chloe retracted her hand that was poised to switch on the overhead light. She hunched over, covering her mouth with one hand, while flipping the contract to the last page. Despite the dim light, she located the signature area and swiftly signed her name.As a solitary woman, she had nothing to offer to those with greedy intentions. Moreover, even if Joseph harbored any intentions of enforcing unjust conditions, he would find it futile. After all, the terms of her salary had been mutually agreed upon from the get-go.Chloe handed over the contract, immediately closing her eyes in an attempt to suppress her rising nausea. She moved swiftly as if purposefully avoiding any interaction with Joseph.His handsome face darkened,
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Chapter 110 Mr. Joseph, There's Been an Unexpected Development
Nephew?Joseph’s brows knitted together as he replied, "I don't have a nephew."At that moment, it felt as if a tightly wound string in Chloe's mind had snapped. Her mind went blank, leaving her with an empty stare and a vacant gaze, devoid of expression. She stood there in a daze, completely lost in her own confusion.Three months' worth of memories spun through her mind like a carousel. She became acutely aware that many things had left traces and evidence. It was her own eagerness that had led her to overlook them.‘So why did Jake mention an ambiguous relationship between me and his uncle?’As her thoughts slowly churned, the name Icarus flashed through her mind.‘Distant relatives...‘Senior…’Chloe's breath caught in her throat, and she wished she could slap herself hard for her foolishness.Joseph noticed Chloe's abnormality and grasped her shoulders with both hands. "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?""I…I'm fine," she stammered."If you're feeling unwell, let’s
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