All Chapters of Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
1132 Chapters
Chapter 121 A Flower Bud Waiting to Bloom
After a brief pause, Adam said rather shyly, "I wasn't aware that you were acquainted with Mr. Joseph and wanted to flirt with you when I saw how pretty you were. Of course, I don't dare to treat you that way now that I know."Joseph prohibited him from doing so, let alone his father.Hearing that, complicated feelings washed over Chloe. She had unspeakable feelings.She made the right guess. As expected, it was because of Joseph.*After Adam hung up the call, he quickly sent Chloe a bunch of screenshots of his conversation with Ava. Although Ava appeared gentle and virtuous on the surface, she had sent such explicit messages to Adam.Chloe pitied Jake when she saw the extent to which Ava had cheated on him. She just happened to spot Ava and Adam when they hooked up. There might be a lot of other men Ava had hooked up with without Chloe's knowledge.After she finished reading the final chat log, Adam sent her a contact number. [This guy’s an entertainment news reporter. Sis, yo
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Chapter 122 Family Friends
After a while, Joseph finally looked up from his computer screen and absent-mindedly picked up the document to read.He smoothly signed his name at the end of the document with steady penmanship."There's no problem. It can be carried out."Chloe nodded and retrieved the document before she replied properly, "Okay, I'll be going now, sir."However, a strong force opened the door before she reached it.A domineering and attractive woman was standing outside. She strutted into the office in her high heels.The woman was meticulous in her attire. Her clothes were customized designs by famous designers, so they were very expensive.There were four strong and muscular bodyguards behind her. At a glance, it could be seen that they were well-trained.Chloe was frightened and hastily took a step back."Joseph, your grandfather told me that you're married!" Jane Fox stared at Joseph in disbelief and evident sadness. "Say it isn’t true."Joseph's black eyes turned ice-cold as he said,
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Chapter 123 Helping Him Deal With His Crazy Admirer
"Shut up, b*tch!"Jane was fuming with so much anger that her body shook. She would have slapped Chloe if Joseph was not hugging Chloe in his arms.Joseph stared at Jane and frowned. "Watch your tongue. My wife is right.""Do you want to spoil her so?""Is there a problem with me spoiling my wife?"As a result, Jane found it hard to breathe. She glared at Chloe with envy. "What kind of evil means did you use to seduce Joseph?"Jane had liked Joseph since childhood. Although he did not reciprocate her feelings, he treated her nicely because of the relationship between their families.This was the first time he was defending someone so openly.Chloe tilted her head. Not angered in the slightest, she ruminated over the matter seriously. "I didn't use any evil means. I simply asked Jojo for his number, and he decided to marry me. He probably fell in love with me at first sight."'That's true, isn't it?'I did hit on him, but I only did it once. He was the one who suggested we get
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Chapter 124 Coco Framed Me
Ava took a deep breath and said meaningfully, "Are you really unaware of it?""I don't know anything. Spill it.""Your father and Chloe are engaged in an abnormal relationship.""What's abnormal about it?""Why are you so clueless?" Ava’s tone was firm. "Did your relationship with Chloe stem from your father?"Adam pushed his blanket aside and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, that's right."He would have asked for Chloe's contact number no matter what if his father had not noticed that Chloe and Joseph were a couple. Of course, everyone loved bright and charming women.Unexpectedly, Ava misunderstood the way Alexander was related to Chloe. After some pondering, she did not dare to get straight to the point."I grew up with Chloe, so I know her character best. Previously, I saw her get into an old man's car. Her relationships with others are rather complicated."Adam was slightly stunned. For a moment, he did not think about it from that angle."What nonsense are you talking about? Say
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Chapter 125 Planning to Confess One’s Love
Jake's expression changed. He immediately consoled her. "There, there. Take your time and tell me everything."Ava sobbed as if she had suffered a great grievance. She could not even speak properly. "Chloe maliciously photoshopped some pictures to threaten me."As she said this, she turned on her phone and showed him the chat logs that Chloe had sent her.After Jake read them, he felt a tinge of disbelief. "This chat log doesn't seem to be photoshopped…""So you think I'm this kind of person?" Ava burst into aggrieved tears. "It's a well-known fact that Mr. Adam is a playboy. Why would I hook up with him?"Jake’s heart softened at her words. After struggling for a few seconds, he chose to believe her. After comforting her, he told her the things that he had been holding back for a few days."You know that my dad wants to build a company for me, but we need money right now. Can you please use your dowry to help me out first?"He had no choice since his uncle did not want to lend
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Chapter 126 A Different Joseph From Imagined
Chloe fell silent, reflecting upon the support Icarus had provided her thus far.She made up her mind to inform him about Ava's deceitful actions.As Icarus heard the details, fury ignited within him."My nephew’s a fool!" Icarus exclaimed, his anger evident.Chloe shrugged and replied, "Feel free to tell him that yourself. If I were to tell him, he might see it as me defaming Ava."This is why she had been hesitant to confront Jake, as her efforts had gone unappreciated, and furthermore, leaving her entangled in a messy situation."Thank you, Chloe. Jake will surely regret his actions," Icarus expressed his gratitude."It doesn't matter to me whether he regrets it or not," Chloe replied nonchalantly.Icarus observed her indifferent demeanor with great joy. Despite the circumstances, she no longer held any feelings for Jake. However, he believed that confessing at this point would be considered too hasty.During a restroom break, Icarus discreetly handed a tip to the waiter an
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Chapter 127 Intoxicated Surrender
Icarus was puzzled. "What's the matter?"Just as Chloe was about to shake off Joseph's hand, he swiftly released it, leaving her feeling perplexed."It's nothing. I should get going." Joseph casually straightened his tie, acting as if nothing had occurred. His cool, phoenix-like eyes shifted toward Icarus. "Lucas, why don't you have a chat with Mr. Icarus?"Lucas' reluctance was clearly visible on his face. His mind was focused on Mr. Joseph, while Mr. Joseph only had eyes for Ms. Chloe. Well, it was just a mistake, after all.Deep inside, Icarus remained silent, unable to find the right words.‘There's really no need. Please just leave quickly.’As soon as Chloe and Joseph departed, the cafe's waiter returned with the flowers.Lucas stared at the blossoms, his gaze frozen. He cautiously inquired, "Mr. Icarus, were you planning to confess to Ms. Chloe?"Icarus faintly smiled, neither confirming nor denying it, keeping his response ambiguous.*Chloe stepped into the elevator
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Chapter 128 A Dowry Is a Woman’s Pre-marital Asset
"I’m going home!""Ah, what a coincidence. Shall we?"Chloe took a deep breath, mustering a smile as she said, "Joseph, are you trying to prevent me from leaving because you desire my body?""Hah, can't I use the same excuse on you? After all, you didn't resist, and it seemed like you were enjoying it," Joseph retorted.Chloe was momentarily speechless, taken aback by his quick-witted response. Feeling a mixture of embarrassment and frustration, she found him shamelessly clever. She grinned and countered, "Yes. After all, you were the one who took the initiative this time."Upon hearing her words, a fleeting expression of unease crossed Joseph's usually composed and handsome face, and he let out a light snort. "As you wish."In this verbal skirmish, neither of them emerged as the clear victor.Chloe shot him a fierce glare before retreating to the office restroom to compose herself. In front of the mirror, her face bloomed like a peach blossom, her eyes shimmering with moisture.
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Chapter 129 Ava’s One-Sided Breakup
”I never said that.""But that's what you think."Ava scoffed. "Fine. If you're going to see me in a negative light, then we have nothing more to discuss. Just go, please."With those words, the Johnsons' housekeeper swiftly appeared and escorted Jake out of the villa. Everything unfolded in a whirlwind, and Jake realized his father had called, pressuring him to finalize the investment funds."Dad, I've encountered an unexpected situation here. Give me a few more days. I'll settle everything by then.""You can't even seize an opportunity when it's right in front of you. How about I give you one year to handle it? Would that be enough? Don't bother coming to the office tomorrow."Jake's breath caught in his throat, his hand trembled, and his phone slipped from his grasp, crashing to the ground. It felt as though the world was crumbling around him.*Not long after, Ava unleashed a bombshell on the Internet.She published a lengthy thread discussing three matters.The first was
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Chapter 130 Commoners Like Yourself
"Why should I be afraid?""She'll likely confront you.""Aren’t you going to help me?"Joseph remained indifferent. Closing his eyes to rest, he disregarded her plea for help. It was clear he had no intention of intervening.Chloe stared at that handsome and valiant face of his and rolled her eyes in exasperation.‘Come on, even if she’s so great, she can't match the multitude of formidable young women out there. If it was only Jane, that would be manageable, but with her allies, I’d undoubtedly find myself at a disadvantage‘Forget it, I don’t want to dwell on it. I'll see how it goes and take it one step at a time.’In the front seat, Patrick took charge of driving as they made their way to the art exhibition center situated in a far-off area. Chloe gazed out the window, observing the fleeting scenery, and eventually closed her eyes, seeking solace after a day filled with restlessness.It was Patrick's voice that roused her from her reverie, prompting her to follow Joseph and
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