All Chapters of Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
1132 Chapters
Chapter 131 She’s a Bumpkin and Can’t Play the Piano
Chloe fell silent, finally realizing that this was yet another form of humiliation directed at her."No need. I'm not interested in you, and I don't want your autograph," Chloe said with a sweet smile on her face. "By the way, my favorite celebrity is Aiden Knight."In an act of retaliation, she purposely brought up the name of his rival, fully aware of the impact it would have.As anticipated, Sebastian's expression immediately turned grim. He let go of Chloe and sneered sarcastically, "Well, you have terrible tastes then."Chloe shrugged with nonchalance, casually turning her head away to demonstrate her lack of interest in getting into an argument with someone so uncivilized. Just then, Joseph returned with Jane, who shared an equally discontented look as Sebastian. Her eyes were red, hinting at an unpleasant incident that had taken place.Chloe furrowed her brow momentarily but swiftly eased her expression. She looked at Joseph and asked, "When does the evening party begin?"
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Chapter 132 Lowly People Will Never Make It Big
He had plenty of ways to silence these people.Chloe blinked and said, "It's not about fighting over a piece of bread, but about fighting for dignity. Just answer my question."'Embarrassed?'Joseph chuckled and replied, "You're overthinking it. If there's anyone who’ll end up embarrassed, it’ll be you.Words caught in her throat, Chloe was unable to retort. In this case, she did not need to worry about anything anymore. Just as the host hesitated on whether to skip this part and end the event, she stood up."Can I have five minutes to prepare?"Her voice was sweet and melodic as it echoed throughout the exhibition hall.The host was stunned for a moment before smiling. "Of course."As the crowd watched intently, Chloe took her seat in front of the piano. She took a deep breath, gently rested her fingers on the keys, and began the process of familiarizing herself with the instrument."Hah, what a poser. There's no benefit in putting on airs and pretending to be something you'r
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Chapter 133 Work as a Maid at Night
"I didn't.""Then why are they…""You’re my wife. If they disrespect you, wouldn't it be disrespecting the Whitmans?" he answered.On top of those, Chloe did not disgrace him.The bidding for the piano ended with a final bid of 2,000,000 dollars, called out by Joseph himself. It was not that others lacked the money, but rather, they did not dare to bid.After all, it was his wife who played the piece, and their participation was merely for show. Engaging in a bidding war would have been inappropriate.On their way back, Joseph asked Chloe, "Why do you only know how to play one piece?"She paused for a moment, and self-mockingly replied, "When I was in high school, I wanted to learn to play. However, my father insisted that Ava should be the one to learn, believing that it was unnecessary for me to spend money on such pursuits. To prove myself, I’d visit a classmate's house every afternoon to practice on their piano. Due to my limited access to the instrument, I became familiar w
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Chapter 134 Does She Think I’m Old?
Chloe wanted to smack herself in the face. ‘Why did I tell Lily that I worked as a maid?’Now that things had come to this point, Icarus would surely think that something illicit was happening between her and Joseph.'Hang on. It's true that I have to keep my marriage with Joseph a secret.'With this realization, Chloe instantly felt less embarrassed. In fact, when they bumped into Joseph as he was coming downstairs, she even took the initiative to invite him to join them for a meal.After all, Icarus and Lily had come all the way here, and it was only reasonable for her and Joseph to entertain them together. If she went out for a meal with someone else and returned home late, Joseph would certainly be mad about it. So it was better to take the initiative and invite him along.Upon receiving Chloe's invitation, Joseph thought, ‘This dumbo’s making some progress.’He had previously told her to avoid being alone with other men, and she not only remembered his instruction but also i
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Chapter 135 A Strange Feeling
It was only then Chloe noticed then that his complexion was pale, with his eyebrows furrowed tightly and fine beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead and nose.Without hesitation, she hurried to the nearest pharmacy and returned with the medicine.After taking the medicine, Joseph’s complexion slowly improved after half an hour.Once they returned to the house, Chloe asked softly, "If you can't handle spicy food, why did you eat the crawfish?"She regretted bringing him there in the first place.Joseph, still covered in a cold sweat, glanced at her and smiled ambiguously. "You were going out for a meal with another man. If I don't follow you, do you expect me to starve?"The guilt that had just welled up in Chloe's heart vanished without a trace. Annoyed, she retorted, "I didn't force you to eat, and there's nothing in the contract that says I can't go out for a meal with friends.""Is that not stated in the contract? Thanks for the reminder. I’ll add it tomorrow.""Joseph,
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Chapter 136 Who Are You to Bring Joseph Lunch?
"You know these employees of Fairlight?" the developer asked.Melody was taken aback. "She's from Fairlight?"'Didn't Ava say Chloe had left Fairlight and wasn't working there anymore? Why is she back there now?'"She is. The two of them are here today to inspect the site," the property developer confirmed.Jealousy and anger overcame Melody's face, but she suppressed her emotions and put on a friendly facade. With a forced smile, she said, "I've known her for many years. We're old friends."Chloe remained silent, rolling her eyes but choosing not to expose the truth. She just wanted to get her job done as soon as possible.Realization hit the developer and he generously granted them half an hour to catch up. However, Chloe quickly declined and said, "No, no. We should dedicate ourselves to our work during office hours. We can catch up privately outside of work."The property developer looked at Chloe with appreciation in his eyes.Melody was so enraged that her eyeballs were a
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Chapter 137 Personal Grievances
"Hi, I'm here to help Chloe deliver Mr. Joseph’s lunchbox. She's currently conducting a site inspection and couldn’t get away. I'm the secretary of the boss from the office across the street," Melody introduced herself.Lucas took a sharp breath, feeling a headache coming on. He had just informed Joseph moments ago that Chloe would soon be arriving with his lunchbox. Joseph had neatly stowed away the documents on his desk, and his frosty countenance softened somewhat when he heard what Lucas said. However, the person who stood before him now was not Chloe, and an uneasy feeling settled over Lucas.Despite his internal frustrations, Lucas maintained his composure as a professional secretary, ensuring his emotions did not betray him on his face. He put on a courteous demeanor and guided Wendy toward Joseph's office."All right, please follow me," he said.'F*ck it! I'm sorry, Miss, but I need someone to help me take the blame. And no one is more suitable than you for this job.'Foll
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Chapter 138 It’s Because You’re Stupid
Feeling deeply humiliated, Melody cast a glance at Joseph, expecting him to reprimand his employee on her behalf.However, Joseph's countenance was dark, making him hundreds of times more intimidating than the assistant standing before her.In the end, Melody glared fiercely at Lucas before storming off in anger.*Fueled by rage, Melody returned to the site and looked for Chloe."You did this on purpose, didn't you?" she confronted Chloe as she seethed with anger.Chloe blinked innocently. "What are you talking about? I don't understand.""You intentionally set me up to provoke Mr. Joseph and make a fool of myself!""But it was you who volunteered for the task and insisted on helping me deliver it," Chloe replied, glancing at the developer and saying earnestly, "I’m not remembering things wrong, am I?"The developer let out an awkward smile and turned to Melody. "That’s enough, Melody. Go fetch us some coffee.""But Uncle! She bullied me! You have to help me!"'He's her unc
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Chapter 139 No One Bullies My Wife
Upon hearing Chloe's words, Melody lost all control of her emotions and started throwing objects at her.Wendy reacted swiftly, grabbing Chloe's arm and attempting to pull her away from the chaos, while the developer rushed forward to intervene and put a stop to Melody's violent outburst.Once they were outside the site, Chloe regained control of her emotions and offered a sincere apology to Wendy. "I'm sorry for messing up the job, Ms. Wendy. I'll personally talk to Mr. Joseph and accept any punishment he deems necessary."Wendy laughed heartily and patted Chloe on the shoulder, "It's fine. You don't have to shoulder all the blame. I've long noticed that the secretary from Moongazer has a grudge against you. What you did was right. Otherwise, people will just keep taking advantage of you."Chloe blinked and chuckled. "I thought you’d scold me right off the bat.""If you did something wrong, I would. But since you didn't, why should I?" Wendy said as she started the car and settle
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Chapter 140 Even if You Spank Me to Death
Startled by Joseph's touch, Chloe appeared taken aback by his sudden display of affection. Yet, when he reassured her that he would support her decisions, her heart quickened with a hint of delight."Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" she asked."I've already told you that you not only represent yourself but also the entire Whitman family.""But you also told me to keep our relationship a secret…""Yes. You can't expose our relationship in the office, but I didn't say you can't do it outside.""If the outside world knows of our relationship, it won't be long before the staff in the office finds out as well."In the era of big data, even the most secretive celebrity couples would be exposed, let alone theirs. Joseph grew quiet, recognizing that announcing their relationship publicly might not be the wisest decision. Furthermore, Chloe's defiant attitude made it necessary for him to evaluate her further.After all, he was not someone she could effortlessly charm or
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