All Chapters of Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1132 Chapters
Chapter 141 A Suddenly Ravenous
Chloe walked over and took the document to take a look.Soon she put away all the displeasing affairs that had just happened.Her voice went a pitch higher and she appeared shell-shocked as she asked, "Is this evidence of Sebastian's tax evasion?""Mm-hm.""Do you want to report against the Foxes?" Chloe put both hands on the table. "Aren't they your family friends? Why do you want to do this?""Do you really believe in that superficial relationship?" Joseph’s lips twitched in an unfathomable manner and his expression filled with disdain.Jane's ambition was pretty obvious, so Mr. Harold never considered her when he was introducing women to Joseph. Of course, people cared about equal social ranks when it came to their marriages but they were also afraid that it might cause disaster instead.Chloe was slightly stunned but realized that he was right. Jane might really like Joseph, but she always talked about interests and profits. How sincere was her love for Joseph? What she care
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Chapter 142 I Think My Boyfriend Is Cheating On Me
Seeing as how Jake was awake in the middle of the night, it looked like he had not been having an easy time after breaking up with Ava.However, Chloe did not care about that. She shuddered at the thought of going back to her exes. Besides, she would never do that either.She was not moved by Jake’s midnight pretense of loyalty and passion.After washing up, Chloe went downstairs with Joseph.The weather was perfect today—bright and sunny. Chloe's work desk area was beside the window. She threw open the window and felt a light breeze which lifted her mood.She enthusiastically typed away on her keyboard, making rhythmic clicking sounds."Chloe, someone is looking for you downstairs."After an unknown period, the receptionist called her and interrupted her thoughts.Chloe took off her earphones and was stunned for a while. "Okay, I'll go down right now."When she arrived on the ground floor, she furrowed her brows when she saw Jake."What do you want?" she asked."Coco, congr
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Chapter 143 The Cheating Couple
After Chloe exited the elevator, she gazed at the whole floor that Joseph occupied.A realization overcame her. Although he had a bad temper and vicious tongue, he was not a playboy. After spending such a long time with him, she found that he had good self-control.‘He is a pretty good man…’When Lucas came out, he saw Chloe standing at the entrance of the elevator, lost in thought. She even nodded to herself from time to time.He waved his hand in front of her and disrupted her thoughts. "Ms. Chloe, are you here to see Mr. Joseph?""Ah… Yes. Is he here?""Yes, he is."After saying that, Lucas deliberately added, "Mr. Joseph has left instructions that you may go straight in whenever you come by. It's more convenient that way."Chloe gave Lucas a weird look. She just needed to come here once to deliver lunch to him at noon every day. So, it had nothing to do with whether it was convenient or not.Still, she gave a courteous reply even though she fancied such a thought.Surpris
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Chapter 144 You Can’t Stay With Joseph for Long
In the room, clothes were scattered all over the floor. An unknown woman was lying on the water bed, naked and screaming.It was irrefutable evidence. It was just like the day when Chloe walked in on Ava and Jake in bed together. Thinking that such things were behind her, she could not suppress her nausea upon seeing this same scene.In the next second, she started retching. At the same time, she heard people arguing.Lucas had worked for Joseph for a long time, so he acted resolutely and decisively. He immediately separated Emily from the scumbag. After affirming the truth, he took out his phone and took photographs of the scene to record the evidence. He then left with Chloe and Emily.When they got downstairs, Emily regained her wits. With a tear-filled face, she asked, "Why did you pull me away? I haven't beaten him up.""Don't waste your time on meaningless stuff."Chloe tilted her head. She found that Lucas’ resembled a certain person very much."Ms. Chloe, Mr. Joseph is w
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Chapter 145 She’s a Perfect Match for Joseph
Chloe clenched her fists beside her body and faked a smile. "Why?"Jane’s smile deepened as she leaned in closer to Chloe. "It's because the woman he loves is abroad. He remained unmarried for such a long time because he was waiting for her to come back. When she's back, it'll be time for you to get lost."He married you because he felt that you're obedient and easy to bully. It'll be easy for him to get rid of you in the future, and he won't get into trouble either."On the other hand, the Foxes and the Whitmans are family friends. If there's a marriage, it'll be an alliance. It won't be trifled with and we can't get a divorce so easily." Jane looked at Chloe and mocked her, "But you're different. Your mother died early, and your father hates you. Your family disowned you, so no one will step up for you. It won't cost much to make you disappear."Joseph is a businessman. He knows how to minimize losses."Chloe was stunned. She knew more than anyone the meaning of this marriage. S
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Chapter 146 How Did It Suddenly Turn Out Like This?
Chloe jolted from her daydream and swiftly closed the web browser with a guilty conscience."Coming," she replied.On the first floor in the living room, Joseph had also changed into his home attire. His navy blue long-sleeved shirt and long pants softened his demeanor, making him appear less distant and more approachable. However, his scrutinizing gaze in his eyes seemed unfriendly."What were you doing holed up in your room?" he inquired."I was just changing," Chloe replied, her gaze on his clear but distant face. She recalled Jane’s remarks, but she suppressed the sudden surge of sourness and kept a composed smile. "Different rules for the mighty, right?"Chloe and Joseph shared something in common. Upon returning home, they would change, taking off the ones they had worn outside for the day. Wearing outside clothes indoors felt unclean to them.Joseph smirked and responded, "It only takes five minutes to change. You've been in there for forty-two minutes."His sarcastic and
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Chapter 147 Intimate Photos
Ava was dressed in a delicate white dress, laughing and joking with a stranger. Her enchanting demeanor made the man next to her blush."I'm relying on you for this case.""No problem. It's just a small matter. But can you handle your alcohol? You don’t look like a wild one...""I can handle some. Lawyers like you must have a challenging time in their daily work. Today is a good opportunity for you to unwind.""Then I'll follow your lead. Thanks to the timely rain outside, it has created this chance. It's an honor to have your company, Ms. Ava."In just a few sentences, Chloe grasped the situation at hand. Without hesitation, she boldly approached the pair, a sneer on her face.As soon as Ava caught sight of Chloe, her previously joyful expression turned serious. The man beside her observed the sudden change and inquired, "What's the matter?"Ava’s lips tightened into a line and whispered, "I just saw my sister."The man paused, following her gaze, and his eyes landed on Chloe,
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Chapter 148 You Don’t Need to Train Me
Upon hearing these words, a surge of anger coursed through Chloe's entire being.Her voice turned cold as she roared, "You dare to do such a thing?!""You'll find out soon enough." Ava's eyes darted around, and a sudden idea sparked in her mind. "Daddy’s birthday party is in a few days. If you attend, I’ll permanently destroy all of Emily's photos, and we can have a proper discussion about this. Seeing as we’re sisters, I truly don't want to take this to court.""Aren’t you afraid I'll report you to the authorities?" Chloe suppressed her anger, her eyes burning with an intense fire."Yes, I am. But I’ll advise you not to ruin Emily's life for your temporary satisfaction. A girl who experiences such a blow may have suicidal thoughts."Chloe's eyes turned red, and her pupils contracted. She knew. She knew it all too well.She understood the devastating impact those photos would have on Emily. Other than her mother, Emily was closest to her—her oldest and dearest friend. Furthermore
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Chapter 149 Be Good, Will You?
"If you refuse to obey me, who else would you listen to?" Joseph disregarded the first part of her sentence, gripping her chin tightly as he questioned her coldly.According to customs from the olden days, a husband was traditionally regarded as the center of a wife's world, and it was expected of her to obey him dutifully.Joseph's intensity instantly grew, causing Chloe to gulp nervously. "I mean, our relationship is somewhat unequal. We should treat each other with respect.""Fine, as long as our capabilities match.""But even if I don't match, there should still be some humanity. I cook for you every day and even have to flatter you as Toto does. I’m a living, breathing person, and I deserve to be treated with dignity!""What's wrong with being like Toto?" Joseph raised his chin slightly. "Do you know that many people in the world envy Toto's life?”Chloe gazed at the Border Collie lying by the door, its luxurious bed imported from abroad and costing tens of thousands. A mere
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Chapter 150 Icarus' Undivided Attention on Chloe
Hearing Lucas’ words, Chloe felt a warmth in her heart, although she was aware that it stemmed from Joseph's possessiveness. Nevertheless, she could not deny that he was being attentive to her needs this time."Well, I'm grateful to him," she replied.Lucas smiled and nodded in response.Inside the banquet hall, everyone was elegantly dressed. Benjamin and Ava stood at the entrance, welcoming the arriving guests. It appeared that the dissolution of Ava’s marriage to the Coopers had little impact on their attitude.As soon as Ava spotted Chloe, she rushed over and embraced her affectionately. "Coco, you're here. Let me walk you inside."Chloe discreetly shrugged Ava off, maintaining an expressionless face. "I can go in on my own."Ava paused, concealing her hidden malice behind a gentle smile. "All right, Jake is inside too. You can sit with him."Chloe ignored Ava’s instructions and found an empty seat, choosing to sit alone. It had been challenging to distance herself from Jake
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