All Chapters of In His Arms Again: Chapter 831 - Chapter 840
967 Chapters
Chapter 831 Research
Elizabeth listened to Luther and went to do research on the Devito Corporation and Stanley.After reading all the information, she was astounded. She never thought that there would be a man whose power was comparable to Carl's.She pursed her lips. Recalling Stanley's face, she had to admit that he did look handsome.Turning off her laptop, she got up and left the office. She went to meet Luther again.Noticing the change of expression on her face, Luther knew that she had done her research. "Do you get it now?""He's already collaborating with Carl and has sponsored the project with a few billion dollars. Would he still work together with us?""Men like him have money to spare.""But I heard from Dad that he doesn't have a good impression of Stanley." Worried, Elizabeth asked, "Will we succeed?""That's why I'll try asking for Carl's help."Elizabeth's eyes lit up. "Why don't I go talk to Carl about it?"Luther instantly shook his head. "Do you think it's more suitable for m
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Chapter 832 Threatening Rosie
"What about those things she didn't give you on her own accord?""Nonsense!"Right after that, Yuna placed a receipt and a few pictures in front of her. "Elizabeth didn't mention anything about giving you these bags nor did she say that she wanted to buy them."But you used her black card and lied to the shopkeeper about buying them. You then took those bags as your own."Anxious, Rosie grabbed those pictures. Her face turned pale.Why would Yuna have these pictures?She regained her composure. Putting away the pictures, she sneered.She said, "So what? Elizabeth wouldn't care about these bags at all. Even if she found out, she'd do nothing about it. Surra, it's absurd of you to threaten me with this matter.""Well then, does Elizabeth know that there's a man behind you who orders you to manipulate Elizabeth so that she'd do certain things?""There's no such thing. Stop trying to slander me.""If I can say this out loud, would I have no evidence?" Yuna said funnily.At that
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Chapter 833 Planned
Watching Yuna as she left, Rosie was still threatened by Yuna's harsh words.She was furious while looking at these pictures.In the end, she could only destroy these pictures herself.For now, she had to do what Yuna said. She'd think of something else later on.Yuna was about to call Cedric when she walked out of the cafe. To her surprise, a man was walking toward her.She quickly stowed her phone away. "Sorry."She wanted to walk away, but that man was still standing in front of her."I'm sorry.""It's okay."The voice was so familiar that Yuna looked up instinctively. When she saw Stanley's face, there was a moment when she thought she saw Yvan.Yuna smiled, "I didn't expect to see you here. Excuse me.""I'm surprised to bump into you too, Ms. Surra." Yvan's gaze was gentle.He managed to hide and suppress other emotions so that she wouldn't notice anything. "Are you here for coffee too, Ms. Surra?""Yeah, but I just finished mine.""I should've come earlier then." Yv
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Chapter 834 Contact Information
But Carl quickly heard about Yuna and Stanley's meetup.When Yuna headed back to the research center, she was called upstairs right away. When she entered, Carl seemed a little tense.Seeing that, she asked curiously, "Did something happen?"As she spoke, she even pulled out her phone to check it. "Cedric didn't tell me about anything either."Carl took a deep breath. He realized that the look on his face was scaring her.He quickly regained his composure and shook his head. "Nothing happened. Don't worry.""Alright, why do you want to see me?""I heard that you met Stanley just now," Carl said."Yeah, I bumped into him. Mr. Morgan didn't want to pay a visit to the research center again."He was hoping that I could tell him our next plan. That's why we sat down to discuss the project." Yuna quickly thought of an explanation."We've encountered this sort of situation before too. Can't we do it again this time?""We did encounter such things in the past. But if you bump into h
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Chapter 835 Ashton's Call
"Didn't you say that you don't want to be in contact with Ashton?""If I don't give him my number, he'll come here to see me."Sherry didn't know what to say for a moment. "Could it be that he actually needs to talk to you about something?""I hope so.""You gave him your number then, didn't you?""If I didn't, he'd linger around the Feron company. That would've affected everyone at work."It might even become something bigger. If rumors of me and Ashton got out over there, wouldn't that be bad?" Yuna said worriedly."Then—"Before Sherry could say anything, the two glanced at the phone on the bed at the same time. It was a number from Aradelle.The number was familiar to Yuna. It was Ashton."I'll leave you be for now.""Yeah."Yuna grabbed the phone and sat on the couch. She answered it.She didn't say a word. It was silent on the other end of the call, too.Sighing, she spoke up first, "Mr. Yale.""Why didn't you tell me when you left?" Ashton sounded calm. She couldn
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Chapter 836 An Attack
The next day, Yuna came to see Caleb early in the morning.She brought up the matter which they discussed with each other before. After hearing that, Caleb seemed curious."You don't look well now. Is it because of Ashton?""I was the one who promised to help him with this early on. Ever since I came back here, I hadn't contacted Mr. Yale at all."If I don't start working on the project soon, it would seem as if I have no integrity." She found a suitable excuse.After hearing that, Caleb then realized her concern. He said, "Ashton isn't someone petty. He's always been an understanding person."Why don't I talk to him after this? We'll confirm with him about this by then.""Actually, Mr. Yale has sent me the project folder."As she spoke, Yuna forwarded the document to Caleb. "Caleb, have a look at this so that you'll be able to work together with Mr. Yale on the project."Caleb nodded after reading the document. "Sure. I'll call him up after I'm done reading. I'll update you i
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Chapter 837 Asking
Michael said okay.Yvan continued, "How many important projects is Ashton handling right now?""Three.""Destroy them."He sounded casual, as if he wasn't dealing with anything important. But anyone who knew the situation would understand that the three projects Ashton was working on involved tens of billions of funds.His simple instruction could almost end the Yale Group.That was exactly what Yvan wanted.He didn't want Ashton to pester Yuna anymore.…Natalie, Nathaniel, Sherry, and Harry were sitting in the garden, relaxing. They ate as they chatted away.Sherry was curious about something at that moment. But it wasn't convenient for her to ask anything since there were always guests at Yuna's place these days."Tell me if Uncle Carl has been nice to you two all these years."Natalie and Nathaniel exchanged a glance. They thought about the same thing.They expected their godparents to ask them about this sooner or later.Natalie nodded. "Of course Uncle Carl treats u
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Chapter 838 Accident
Natalie said, "Actually, I wish Uncle Carl would be my new daddy. Nathaniel likes Uncle Carl a lot too."They could tell that Nathaniel had never been so friendly toward Yvan before. However, he acted very differently around Carl.Nathaniel said calmly, "That's what you hope for. But it'll depend on whether Mommy likes him. If Mommy just wants to be friends with Uncle Carl, Uncle Carl can't be our daddy.""That would be a shame then. I hope Mommy will realize how good Uncle Carl is.""We'll wait for that to happen."Sherry and Harry were speechless. They didn't know how to join their conversation at all.If it wasn't for Reina who brought some food over to them in time, they wouldn't know if they'd be able to continue this topic at all.They couldn't imagine what else would come out of the kids' mouths after this.…Yuna focused on her work. For a while, she didn't think about Ashton's matter.When she was discussing data with her colleagues, she didn't notice another colleag
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Chapter 839 Medicine
Both Carl and Cedric found his words strange. Even Yuna didn't expect him to say something like that.Yvan explained patiently, "Carl and I certainly can't proceed with our discussion today. Besides, I'm planning to head back home to take a nap. Dropping her off is just along the way."Smiling, Yuna shook her head. "Thank you, Mr. Morgan. I don't need to go back home for now."Carl thought that Stanley must have feelings for Surra.He said, "Since you're tired, it's better for you to head back earlier and get some rest. Cedric, do send Mr. Morgan off."He was clearly asking Yvan to leave.Although Yvan was upset, he couldn't show it."Alright then. If that's the case, I'll leave you guys be. You don't have to send me off. I know the way out."Before he left, he even glanced at Yuna out of the corner of his eyes. He also looked at Carl, who didn't let go of his grip on Yuna's hand.After Stanley left, the three slowly exited the building too.Yuna pulled her hand out of Carl's
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Chapter 840 Back Home
Sherry's eyes lit up. "It's okay. I know this man. He's the sponsor of Yuna's new project. He lives in the luxury villa next to our neighborhood."Reina then understood. "Alright then. I just wonder why he'd send over so many medicines for skin injuries out of nowhere."Harry asked, "Could it be that Yuna got hurt?"That seemed to be the best explanation. If not, why would somebody deliver medicine over for no reason?Just to confirm if something like that had happened, Sherry called Yuna up immediately. To her surprise, Yuna did encounter an accident at work.At the same time, Yuna was astounded to hear that Stanley had brought medicine to her place."Did Mr. Morgan not say anything else?""Aunty Reina's the one who talked to him. She said that Mr. Morgan left after delivering the medicine.""Okay, got it."Yuna ended the call. She was confused by Stanley's actions.Why would he bring medicine to her?Right then, Carl placed a teacup in front of her. "What are you thinking
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