All Chapters of In His Arms Again: Chapter 851 - Chapter 860
967 Chapters
Chapter 851 Coincidence
Yuna followed Yvan into his car and left the research center. Carl stood by the window. Without a word, he watched as the car left. Cedric entered the room without his knowledge. "Hasn't Stanley been giving too much attention to Yuna?" Hearing that, Carl sat back down on the chair. "Why? Did you notice something?" Cedric sat down as well. "Stop acting in front of me. You clearly noticed it earlier than I did." "It's true that Stanley has been placing a lot of attention on Surra. But that's just a guess. He hasn't done anything to her. We can't make a conclusion about him just yet." Carl was just trying to reassure himself too when he said that. That was because he had an urge to tag along just now. Cedric could sense Carl's feelings. He said, "Actually, you don't have to be so worried. Surra has two powerful bodyguards following her everywhere. "Even if Stanley really wanted to do something to her, her bodyguards would've found out right away. They won't let him do what
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Chapter 852 Accompanying Him
Right then, Natalie leaned onto the glass railing and looked down in excitement. "It really is Mommy." "Eh? Isn't that Daddy?" Natalie's casual comment instantly brought Sherry and Harry's guard up. They quickly looked downward. From this vantage point, that man did look like Yvan. But thankfully, Harry soon figured it out. "Natalie, you saw it wrongly. That's not your daddy. He's probably your mommy's coworker." Sherry glanced at the man again. She then said, "That's Stanley." Harry agreed but looked puzzled, "Is he the one Yuna sent gifts to?" "Yeah." Nathaniel was silent the whole time. Just because of Natalie's comment, his eyes were fixated on that man beside Yuna. When he looked down from above, that man did look really similar to Yvan. But his face was different. Nathaniel felt that it was strange. "Natalie, let's head down to see Mommy." "Sure." Holding Natalie's hand, Nathaniel ran toward the lift. When Harry and Sherry realized what they were doing, th
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Chapter 853 Bumping Into Luther and Elizabeth
Sherry and Harry left the museum early with the kids. They set off to their next destination. Sitting beside Nathaniel, Natalie seemed confused. "That's strange. Why does that man look so much like Daddy when we saw him from the second floor?" Nathaniel told her, "Maybe they just have similar height." "But that's not it. Uncle Cedric and Uncle Carl are almost as tall as each other too." Nathaniel continued, "In this world, there would be people who look similar but have nothing to do with each other. So it isn't weird." Natalie nodded. "Okay, I was wrong then." Sherry was in the front passenger seat. She turned toward them and clapped. "It'll probably take quite some time to reach the next destination. Why don't we buy some food and bring it there?" Nathaniel replied, "Yeah, we can buy some food." "Alright. We'll look for food now, then," Harry said as he drove. …Yuna thought she would be able to get this over with quickly and head back to the research center. T
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Chapter 854 A Chat
Luther could clearly tell that Yvan was standing up for Yuna. He was curious as to how they became this close. But he wanted to do business with Yvan, so he certainly couldn't upset him now. If not, he would have no chance of collaborating with him anymore. He quickly grabbed Elizabeth's arm, signaling her not to say anything out of line. Meanwhile, Yuna had followed Yvan out of the restaurant. After they left, Elizabeth shrugged off Luther's hand. Dissatisfied, she said, "Surra is so slutty. She's actually flirting around with another man so soon. Carl would definitely be mad when he hears about this." She couldn't wait to call Carl right away. But Luther stopped her again. "Elizabeth, can you please think with your head?" "What do you mean? Are you saying that I'm stupid?"Elizabeth was obviously upset. "Doesn't Surra usually work in the research center at this hour? If she's accompanying Mr. Morgan outside now, do you think Carl wouldn't know about it? "Maybe Carl
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Chapter 855 Longman Group
Yuna first dropped by Carl's office. As expected, he was still there. Carl knew that she was heading back here. That was why he had been waiting for her. "Mr. Morgan only asked me to bring him around the city. We had a meal along the way too." Yuna stood in front of him. "Why would you ask me to do that so suddenly?" Carl sighed. "Stanley said you're the only person he's familiar with here. That's why I asked you for help." "I only agreed because I didn't want to make things difficult for you." "Even if you didn't agree, I'll have my ways to deal with it." "The project has just started. And it was really nothing. I just came up here to tell you that I'm alright." Carl knew that. After all, his men were following them. They'd inform him right away if anything had happened. "Have a seat." Then, he got a cup of tea and placed it in front of her. "I don't know much about Stanley. Besides, it seems like he's trying to get close to you. Whether or not he has any ulterior mo
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Chapter 856 Approaching Yuna
Ashton grabbed Darren's hand. He made a look at Darren. Although Darren didn't have the best temper, he held himself back. Lucian watched the interaction between them. He smirked and said, "Mr. Yale, we should be nice to each other when we do business. That's the same when we're having a negotiation. Don't you think so?" Ashton nodded, appearing calm. "Yes. We were a bit impulsive earlier, but our intentions are genuine.""Okay. Tell me what kind of good conditions you can offer me then?" Lucian asked. Then, he raised his hand and said, "But I'll be honest with you. Although the president left this matter for me to resolve, our final decision still has to be approved by him. "Even if I agree to your conditions now, there's still a chance that the president might not be satisfied with those conditions. Do you understand?" "Why are you the one dealing with us then? Can't we just talk it out with Yvan?" Darren asked hotly. "If someone tries to set you off again and again, wou
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Chapter 857 Approaching Her Again
"Are you really not going to think further about this, Ms. Surra? I can guarantee you that it'll benefit you as well." Yuna was unfazed by Luther's words. "I'm not interested. I hope you won't call me again, Mr. Luther." After hanging up, Yuna blocked his number. When she turned around and was about to head in, Cedric happened to be standing there. "Cedric." "Why did Luther call you out of nowhere?" "When I was having lunch with Mr. Morgan, we bumped into Luther and Elizabeth. They probably misunderstood things and thought that I was close with Mr. Morgan. That's why they wanted me to help by speaking nicely about them to Mr. Morgan." Cedric didn't seem happy hearing that. "They're shameless." "I've turned them down." "For now, the Wycliffe family couldn't recoup the 700 million they lost. Plus, Stanley and Carl are collaborating on this project. So the Wycliffe family would set their eyes on Stanley as well and want to do business with him," Cedric explained. "It's
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Chapter 858 Seven Hundred Million
One thing Yuna hated the most was when someone used the safety of her children and friends to threaten her. It wasn't the first time this happened to her. She called Maxus again. Calmly, she asked, "Where are you?" "Drive half a mile ahead. I'll be waiting for you at the club here." Yuna looked in front of her. She hung up after a firm, "Okay." She knew that Maxus was waiting for her there on purpose. She told Gianna to drive to that club. At the same time, she told Cedric about what was going on. When she entered the club, she first saw Luther, who had been waiting for her. Smiling, he nodded. "Ms. Surra, sorry for doing this to you." Yuna had a cold look on her face. She stood in front of him. "Looking at your expression, this probably has nothing to do with you. Am I right?" Luther seemed troubled as he said, "I hope you understand, Ms. Surra." "Now I know what the Wycliffe family is like." Then, she walked upstairs. Luther smiled bitterly and followed her. He then
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Chapter 859 Not Giving Up
Yuna snickered. "I believe you've looked into my background before. Not only am I working at Baywater Institute, but I also have my own company in Jefton State. Do you think a mere hundred million would sway me?" Maxus' face darkened. The smile on his face froze. He didn't expect Yuna to be so greedy. "If I really do give you 700 million dollars, you'll have to do everything you can to get a business deal with Stanley for my company. Can you do that?" Yuna knew that he was only saying that. "Since you're willing to go along with that, taking a video as proof and signing a contract wouldn't be a problem, right?" she asked. Maxus was furious when he heard that. "Are my words not enough?" "Verbal agreements don't provide any solid evidence. If you go back on your words after I walk out of here, who can I turn to for justice?" Yuna wasn't afraid at all. She even tried to agitate him further. "What? Is doing something like that too much for you? Where's the integrity in this,
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Chapter 860 Changed His Mind
Maxus staggered and slumped onto the couch. "Are you sure?" "Jerry hung up on me just now." Luther said, "He said that they'll make us pay the price if we harass Surra in any way." "Surra wasn't harassed at all. She wasn't—" Maxus recalled what happened just now. His mind then went blank in an instant. "Uncle Maxus, Surra seemed upset when she was heading out." Concerned, Luther asked, "Did you say something to her that you shouldn't?" "Go and check if Yuna has left." Luther didn't go outside and have a look. Instead, he said, "She definitely did." Holding his forehead, Maxus didn't know what to say for a moment. …Yuna didn't let what happened bother her. She didn't know that Yvan was about to attack the Wycliffe Corp too. Sitting in the car, she saw that there were a lot of missed calls on her phone. They were mostly from Cedric and Carl. She first called Carl. "Hello, Carl." "Are you still in there?" "Don't worry, I've already left. I'm going to meet up with
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