All Chapters of In His Arms Again: Chapter 861 - Chapter 870
967 Chapters
Chapter 861 Sending Them Off
It was Yvan's car. When he saw Yuna happily chatting with the others, he wasn't worried about her anymore. So he told Jerry to drive away and leave. But Nathaniel happened to see his car. There was hesitance in the child's eyes. That car seemed familiar to him. But he thought that it would be strange if Yvan were here. After the meal, they headed back home. Yuna, Sherry, and Harry were discussing something in the study. Meanwhile, Nathaniel and Natalie went back to their room. Natalie was curious to see Nathaniel looking into Stanley and Devito Corporation. "Nathaniel, didn't you investigate Devito Corporation and Stanley last time? Why are you looking them up again?" "Something's weird." "How?" Natalie stood beside him and saw what he was searching on his laptop. Tilting her head, she asked, "Do you think this man has feelings for Mommy too?" "How did you know that?" "When we were in the museum, I thought that the way that man looked at Mommy was kind of strange. H
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Chapter 862 Bringing the Kids Along
Yuna wanted to send the kids back home first. But after giving it some thought, she decided to bring them with her. She couldn't let go of what happened before their dinner yesterday. Besides, she did bring the kids to the research center from time to time. And so, they tagged along and followed Yuna to work. Holding their hands, they were about to enter the company when her coworkers warmly greeted them. Everyone wouldn't stop interacting with the kids when they saw them. Natalie smiled sweetly as she said hello to them. Meanwhile, Nathaniel appeared cool. He kept quiet and didn't say a word. Yuna led them to the lounge to sit. Her coworker watched over them while she went to get changed. After she came out, her kids attracted everyone's attention again in the research center. A lot of people were lingering around the lounge. Even the table was filled with all kinds of snacks. She chuckled helplessly at the scene. Natalie held Nathaniel's hand the whole time. She cheer
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Chapter 863 Staying Here
Cedric shooed them away, saying that he needed to work. He also told them they could come to his office to watch the twins during lunch break. The others had no choice but to leave them alone. Cedric then headed to the research lab. He saw that Yuna had already started working. "Natalie and Nathaniel are playing in my office right now. You can head there if you want to see them later." Chuckling, Yuna said, "Cedric, Lucy and the others wouldn't do anything to the twins. You're always so worried." "They're all people who are single and haven't married yet. Looking at how excited they are whenever they see Natalie and Nathaniel, accidents could happen whenever so many people surround them," Cedric said seriously. Then, he added, "Let them go to my office during lunch break to see Natalie and Nathaniel." "Okay then." …Yvan knew that Yuna had to drop Harry and Sherry off at the airport, so he didn't head out for a run that day. But when he realized that Yuna didn't brin
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Chapter 864 Meeting Stanley
Natalie was wondering if Carl was at the research center too. If he was, perhaps she could head upstairs to have some fun with him. Carl's office was huge. There were many things she could play with over there. She was excited and was about to head upstairs. To her surprise, she bumped into someone. The man was quick to react. He carried her up. "Did you get hurt?" Natalie frowned and rubbed her backside. But she realized that the man was rubbing the spot where she got hurt as well. She then opened her eyes. When she saw the man in front of her, she widened her eyes. "It's you." "You recognized me?" Yvan smiled warmly. He was able to hug Natalie again after so much time had passed. He was over the moon. "Of course. You're the handsome man who went to the museum with my mommy that day." Yvan was slightly disappointed when he was being referred to that way. But at least his daughter remembered him. She was even friendly toward him. He didn't need to create any scenarios
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Chapter 865 Mini Park
At Nathaniel's explanation, Carl furrowed his brow. He knew Natalie would definitely not go missing if she was in the research center. He held Nathaniel's hand and told his men to look for Natalie. "Follow me." "Alright." Nathaniel let him hold his hand. Even the staff who were passing by would greet him cautiously. With Carl being there, they didn't dare to do whatever they wanted. Soon, Carl's man came back. "Mr. Edwards, Natalie was brought to the mini park at the back by Mr. Morgan." Carl and Nathaniel both seemed surprised. "Don't tell Mommy about this first, Uncle Carl. I don't want to distract her from work. Let's go meet Nat ourselves," Nathaniel suggested. "Okay," Carl agreed. He told the others, "Don't let this get out. Call me if anything happens." "Understood." Then, Carl led Nathaniel to the mini park. …Natalie and Yvan were having fun in the mini park. Watching the field of flowers, Natalie pointed at them and said proudly, "Let me tell you. I
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Chapter 866 Lectured by Nathaniel
The atmosphere became tense. Yvan didn't become upset. Instead, he seemed apologetic. He nodded. "Sorry, I didn't think much. I just thought that she was cute." Carl took a deep breath. Upon hearing Stanley's apology, he had no choice but to let it go, even though he felt uncomfortable. "I'll ask my assistant to keep you company. I'll have to bring the kids away first. I hope you understand." After that, he carried Natalie and led Nathaniel away. Yvan replied with a simple "Okay." Coldly, he watched as Carl took his children and left. The sight was killing him inside. But because of the plan, he had to hold himself back. As they walked further from him, Yvan took a deep breath to calm himself down. He jerked his head away so that it wouldn't affect his feelings or he'd seem suspicious. …Natalie was resting on Carl's shoulders while being carried by him. She kept sneaking glances at Nathaniel, who was walking beside Carl. She didn't dare to breathe loudly. She knew tha
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Chapter 867 Ashton
After Carl left, Natalie had some cake. She glanced at Nathaniel and said, "Nathaniel, when I was with Uncle Stanley just now, something felt weird." Nathaniel felt that Stanley was really suspicious. "How so?" "He's really similar to Daddy." After saying that, Natalie quickly explained, "Don't misunderstand me, Nathaniel. It's not that I miss Daddy. I just feel that Uncle Stanley is really like Daddy." Nathaniel frowned. Calmly, he asked, "In what way?" "The way he talked to me, looked at me, and even how he reached his hand to me. His gestures were all really similar. I thought that I was overthinking. After all, his face and voice weren't like Daddy's. "But it still feels weird. How can two men who are unrelated to each other be so alike?" Natalie asked, slightly troubled. Then, she ate her food. Natalie's words brought Nathaniel's guard up. He thought that he should really look into this. "Don't you find it weird, Nathaniel?" Natalie asked, now confused. "Don't te
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Chapter 868 Driving the Kids Home
After the call, Yuna headed back to the research lab from the room next door. She then saw "Stanley" outside. Although it was just a glance, she sensed something really familiar about him. But she quickly averted her eyes and nodded at him as a greeting. Nevertheless, Yvan could immediately tell that Yuna wasn't in a good mood just by looking at her. She seemed different from when he saw her earlier. Did something happen to her? Yvan stared at her in silence for a moment. He then said, "Ms. Surra hasn't recovered from her hand injury yet. Isn't her workload too much now? I don't want any accidents to happen again in the projects I'm investing in, nor do I want to see any of the staff here being overworked." After that, he turned to look at Carl sternly. "Are we clear on that, Carl?" "You can be rest assured, Mr. Morgan. I won't let things like that happen in my research center." "That's good." Yvan pretended to be satisfied as he nodded. He changed the topic. "I remembe
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Chapter 869 Picking Ashton Up
The next day, Yuna headed to the airport. Based on Ashton's time of arrival, she was there on time.She didn't know that someone was following her. It was none other than Yvan. Since there were two bodyguards around her, he had to think of ways to follow her without losing track of her or getting caught. His car was parked across the street. He looked outside the window. Yuna didn't get out of the car. This lasted for ten minutes in silence. Finally, when he saw Yuna getting out of the car, he also noticed Ashton walking out of the airport. Instantly, Yvan's face turned dark. With a gloomy look, he asked, "Why did nobody tell me that Ashton was coming to Phoenix City?" Sitting in the driver's seat, Jerry didn't think that Yuna was there to wait for Ashton, either. "Sorry, Mr. Jenkins. I'll contact Michael right away to ask him what's going on.'' Seeing Ashton entering Yuna's car, Yvan took a deep breath. He just wanted to know why Ashton would appear in Phoenix City ri
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Chapter 870 Talking Things Out
Yuna watched Ashton calmly. She saw the change of expression on his face. There was conflict in his eyes. "Mr. Yale, being together is not just a matter between two people. It involves both of their families as well. "Besides, I have a complicated background. I don't want to bring you more trouble because of my issues," Yuna confessed. "I chose to leave without saying goodbye to you. I even cut you off. It's because I hope you'll be able to figure out how you truly feel toward me. "I won't forget about my promise or all the things you did for me. I hope that we'll always be friends," Yuna said seriously. "Mr. Yale, do you really want us to end up this way?" Ashton didn't say a word. He merely lifted the glass and finished his drink in one go. "Seems like talking things out in person hurts even more." As he spoke, he smiled bitterly. Yuna glanced at him calmly. "Mr. Yale, we can only be friends, nothing more." Ashton appeared to be slowly accepting the truth. He said,
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