All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Wanted Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
168 Chapters
Chapter 101
Aurelia's POVTelling the truth was not part of the options. She looked like she had already concluded in her head and was ready to rip me apart if I uttered the wrong words.But I started to wonder if there was anything right to say?The fact that I didn't sleep in my room last night was already a crime in her books."Aria!" Alpha Adrian called in a voice filled with amusement. "Darling," he walked over to her and took her hand in his own, raising it to his lips and pressing a kiss. Only then did her gaze falter from me and I took the leisure to breathe."Why look so serious so early this morning?" Adrian asked as he pinched her cheeks softly."It's almost 10a.m." she gruffed."Careful," He warned softly, "You'll have wrinkles.""You'll marry me either way," she concluded and it sounded like a matter of 'whether he liked it or not'."I'm not too sure about that," he leaned on one foot. Aria growled, stepping closer and he moved away as if he was frightened like he didn't have her gro
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Chapter 102
Aurelia's POV"Is it true?" Casey barged into my room after Adrian left over thirty minutes ago.I jerked with a fast beating heart, thinking Aria had come for me so soon. I relaxed a bit when I saw it was just Casey and Glenn with worried looks on their faces."What?" I was sitting on my dresser, brushing my hair. They walked in with a tray and I figured they were here with the hangover soup and food."Is it true that you slept with the Alpha?" Casey asked with a smile-"What the- No!" I denied immediately. "Slept with? Where did you happen to hear that information from?""It's all over the place," Glenn replied. She couldn't meet my gaze, maybe it was because she still wasn't talking to me.Who would spread that kind of a rumour? My goodness! Someone had got it all wrong. Whoever it was, definitely had plans to put me in trouble.I rose to my feet, devastated at such news that would only incur Aria's hate. The way she glared at me in Adrian's study was something I didn't want to rem
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Chapter 103
Aurelia's POVI could still see Aria’s glare in my dreams. Even in the shower when I closed my eyes. She was out to get me and it was no surprise when my workload increased.There was no use asking Casey and Glenn. The sorry look on their faces told me all I needed to know. I didn’t take her punishment to heart. She was just a woman who was doing what she could to ward off what she perceived to be a threat.It felt as if she was daring me to report to the Alpha family. I couldn’t even do that in my wildest dream. I didn’t think of myself as being that important to anyone here. While Luna Maria was very nice, she still had to treat Aria with respect.I was a stranger here and so I knew my place. Aria had just refused to understand that.Worst part of it all was that Adrian and I still played chess whenever he wanted. It was impossible to say no to him and sometimes he would even trick me into it.I tapped my head with the back of my hand, sighing as I looked over my finished work once
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Chapter 104
Aurelia's POVIt was a scary sight to see. The way they glared at each other, I could feel my limbs weakening and the thick tension in the air.Adrian was still being lenient. He would have had her on her knees by now. When he straightened and stepped back, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.The thought of these two having any form of disagreement because of me was something I never wanted to happen."This has nothing to do with Aurelia," he said as if reading my mind. "Your warriors are brainless bunch that have no manners whatsoever-""Men will be men, Adrian," she interrupted him with a scoff. "Or do I have to remind you that just yesterday, you had Aurelia in your study room, overnight-""That's what this is about?" He arched his brow as he confirmed his suspicion. "At this point, if you tell me you made that happen, I will believe you into next Monday!""What difference does it make?" She was adamant. "Don't think I do not see how you look at her.""Oh, do tell, you
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Chapter 105
Liam's POVI was wearing the Royal robe that was meant for a mating ceremony. The same one I had ordered when the thought of mating with Aurelia crossed my mind. The ceremony was today only that, the bride was…different.I turned away from the mirror as if turning my back to my thoughts and I looked around my room, thinking of something else to do while I waited for the auspicious time.The City was bubbling with great joy. They were pleased that their King had found his Queen. I doubted if they would wear the same smile if they knew that the Queen wasn't my mate and my mate had rejected me by running away.It still hurt to think about but at least, it wasn't as bad as it used to be.I headed to my shelf and picked up my bottle of wine, taking a sip to just clear my mind and get on with the event planned out for today.Despite how calm my thoughts were, I was unable to sit still. I paced, touched everything that caught my fancy and I muttered some of the City rules to myself just to ke
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Chapter 106
Aurelia's POV"Aurelia, stay away from Alpha Adrian for your own good."I halted in my steps as the voice came from behind me. I turned to see three maids at a corner, staring at me with worry in their eyes."We heard Miss Aria lost her temper today," another one said as she stared at the floor in panic. "It's not good for you if she's angry at you, Aurelia. We've seen this before.""How?" I was curious to know what else Aria must've done to anyone she had suspected to be a threat. "Has this happened before?"As if on cue, all three of them nodded. "She's not to be spoken about. She was Miss Aria's personal maid who came with her from her own pack. She got along quite well with the Alpha but Miss Aria," she trailed off, afraid to speak the words that were already sending a chill down my spine."Miss Aria married her off to someone from another Pack without her consent," she said. "She just doesn't like anyone who gets along with the Alpha.""We're worried about you, Aurelia. Aria's an
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Chapter 107
Liam's POVAndre slammed his back against the wall across the room. He groaned weakly as he sagged to the floor, coughing and spitting out blood… again. He wiped his mouth, looking up at me with a lazy yet daring smile.He spat a thick coat of blood to a corner and he started to rise to his feet again. It didn't look like he was going to give up anytime soon. We've been at it for close to an hour now.He winced in pain as he got up and I knew he would need to rest for days once this was over…if he survived because each time he opened his mouth-"Seeing how I'm still alive, I must say, you've grown soft. This is Aurelia's doing, isn't it?"My beast growled and I was filled with instant rage. He kept running his mouth like a little brat yet he took every hit without dodging or trying to counter it."For the first time in a long time, she made you feel," he continued. I was holding back my wolf as best as I could yet the control slipped every now and then."You think marrying someone els
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Chapter 108
Aurelia's POVI stared at the door as Casey left after dropping such a bomb of information. His Highness was… getting married.Liam, my mate, was getting married to Emma. I wanted to be happy for him. I really really did want to be happy…so why were my eyes starting to leak?I threw my hands over my mouth, sniffing as I wiped my tears but it didn't seem like that was the end of it.How long was I gone? No! It didn't matter. I should've expected this. After all, he was going to dispose of me soon. My only joy was that I didn't allow him the privilege of rejecting and throwing me out.Since my actions were more like a rejection on his part, he would have to live the rest of his life with his ego bruised and tainted.I used all that to pick myself up. Things will surely get better at my end. First, I just needed to survive this place and try to live my life as quietly as possible.I started to pace my room with my fists clenched. I stared at the floor, searching for a spec of dust to jus
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Chapter 109
Aurelia's POV"Why?" Adrian asked regardless, oblivious to how frightened I was and how I shook in their presence.How did he find me and so soon? Why did it have to be him? Why wouldn't he just let me go? His obsession with me had become too alarming and it felt as though it increased every single day."Why would Norton go as far as chasing her to my land? Has he no regard for me-""That's Alpha Prince Norton to you," they corrected rudely. "We don't want any trouble. Just hand her over and we'll be on our way-""Like hell I will!" he bellowed. "Is she his mate? Even if she is, I smell no mark on her-""Mate?" one of them mocked while keeping a fierce look. "More like plaything,"My heart dropped."It's no surprise you backed her up so eagerly. She spread them for you too like she did with-""Shut up!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. "I've never… with Norton… ever! Let me go! Why won't he let me go-" I gasped as I soon realised what I'd just done. "No," I mumbled as I li
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Chapter 110
Aurelia's POVThe knock on the door forced me to sit and I waited anxiously as Alpha Adrian walked in. He had changed into something else and his right shoulder had been wrapped in a white bandage. I wondered if it hurt as much as it looked back then."I was going to send the healers to you but I figured you were already tired of them," he interrupted the silence and I looked down at my hands that had turned red from pinching them too much."Thank you," I mumbled, thinking of what else to say."So you're from… Red Valley," he stated. " I did not see that coming."He was sounding calm. Why was he sounding calm like it was a shocking realization that he was still trying to come to terms with ?"Do you want to talk about it now?""I'm sorry," I lifted my chin in his direction. He had his arms folded across his chest and a stern look on his face. His lips were almost in a pout and he stared at me with scrutinised eyes."For?" he titled his head. "For what exactly?""For everything. I didn
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