All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Wanted Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
168 Chapters
Chapter 111
Adrian's POVI closed the door to Aurelia's room and paused with my hand still on the handle. I could still feel a little pain at my shoulder blade but it wasn't anything that would stay or leave a mark. At most, it should be healed in the next few hours.The stroll of earlier had turned into something bloody in less than a minute. I never thought Aurelia could be faking her memory loss.Everything had been so real and convincing. Even losing her wolf didn't seem planned out. Was she that eager to forget Norton and his abuse that she accidentally triggered something in her head?One could only assume at this point."She lied through an innocent face," I thought to myself as I slowly started to walk away. "Women are truly deceitful," I chuckled, shocked that I held no grudge whatsoever towards her.I meant it when I said I wasn't mad. She truly did have a good reason to lie and I couldn't hold it against her. I recalled how she trembled under their accusations and I shook my head at ho
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Chapter 112
Aurelia's POVSomething changed in just two days. I could feel it. Actually, I could see it. The personal maids that were assigned to my room before I woke up, the sweet smell of food by my bedside and how their hands fumbled to please me."What is this about?" I asked them on the second day, "Did the Alpha ask you to do this?""Yes, Miss Aurelia. We've prepared your bath already," she announced with her head lowered."Okay," it was strange and I hoped it would be over soon. Maybe I should speak to Alpha Adrian about it. "Where's Casey and Glenn? I need to know my chores for today. I didn't do anything yesterday-""Oh no, Miss Aurelia. The Alpha has ordered that you're a guest and you must live like one. We cannot allow you to touch anything. The Alpha will punish us," they begged with a frightened tone."I see," I looked around my room, thinking of what to do today. They were giving me almost the same hospitality as Liam had. I was starting to feel a strong sense of déjà vu.I made a
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Chapter 113
Aurelia's POVAria choked on her food first. Her eyes were wide as she coughed endlessly, slapping her chest to relieve her of the shock and from the grip of death.I, on the other hand, was too stunned to speak. I was bent on believing that I had misheard Alpha Adrian's words."W-What did you say?" I stuttered, trying to confirm. It had to be that I misheard his words."I said," he leaned forward. "Marry me-""How dare you repeat that?" Aria yelled with all her might, it wouldn't be a surprise if her vocal cords died out. "Do you realise what you're saying? Do you hear yourself?""Yes, I do," Adrian replied. "Why? Do I sound foreign to you?""If this is a fucking joke, you better take it back!" she jumped up from her seat, sending the chair flying back and slamming her hands on the dining table. It shook and I knew if it wasn't made of such strong materials, it would've fallen apart."You're yelling, Aria," he reminded her in a cool voice. "Keep it down-""Are you insane?" She contin
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Chapter 114
Adrian's POV"No?" I mocked as I barged into my bedroom. "I'm doing this for her own good! Norton will chase after her quicker than she can imagine!" I paced my room with my hands on my waist, trying to do a little brainstorming.Nothing was going according to plan! She should've jumped at the idea of marrying me. I was giving her a way out of the mess she was thrown in because of Norton.Why… Why couldn't she see that? After all I had done for her.Maybe I shouldn't have told her to leave. Maybe I acted a little rash… and harsh. She had nowhere else to go. She couldn't possibly head to Red Valley. I was the only way out for her… the only saviour she could come across around here."Oliver," I stopped and turned to my Beta. He no longer looked surprised when I called his name before he made his presence known."Yes, Alpha," he placed his hands behind his back, looking at me with a blank face."Don't look at me like that," I warned. "Do you have something to say?""No, Alpha-""I'll hea
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Chapter 115
Liam's POV"Please look upon me. Please speak to his highness for me. Don't put me to shame, Andre. Please help me!" her cries were impossible to ignore.I was standing in front of my study room and the door was left partly open. I peeked in to see Emma on her knees and bowing before Andre.The scene was one that even in my dreams, I never thought it would happen.Emma lowering her head to Andre? Her desperation was reaching greater heights each day."Emma," I heard Andre sigh. He got up from his seat and walked away, leaving her to bow before the chair. "Please give it a rest already-""Never!" she jerked her head up and I was almost frightened. Her mascara had rolled down her face and her eyes were wide. She looked like she had been smacked down by a truck and she just ran all the way here. Even worse, she was still in her royal mating robe for the ceremony that had been cancelled three hours ago."What did you two talk about here?" she asked him. "It must've been something you said
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Chapter 116
Aurelia's POVTHREE DAYS LATER"Thank you, come again!" I called after the nice gentleman that stormed out of the bar, making sure to slam the door on his way out. The sounds made the other customers jerk, sneering at the door with murderous intent. He had disrupted their silent murmurs and they hated it."Why are you being so cheerful?" Mrs. Anna asked, a little frightened as she stared at me in front of the counter. "That man did nothing but growl at you," she reminded me. "You still called him a gentleman?""Oh," I noticed that. How could I not? He was practically in my face with a sneer and with the stench of booze slamming me from different angles. "Well he seemed like a gentleman. He didn't do anything rash."My smile, however, still frightened the old woman. She had her scarf in her hands and under her chin, "My dear, I am worried for you. You have such a poor sense of judgement. You're like a child with nothing but innocence. How can you still stay in a place as gloomy as this
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Chapter 117
Aurelia's POV"You're pregnant, Aurelia," Mrs. Anna repeated.I heard her the first time. I just felt I was still dreaming and I would wake up soon. Yes… I still believed that. "I'll wake up soon. It's only a dream,'' I muttered under my breath. I squeezed my fist, rumpling my dress in the process and scratching my skin.No way. This couldn't be real. "I have to wake up,'' I told myself again and I looked around the room. I noticed the wooden wardrobe at the far end and I got out of bed."Aurelia?'' Mrs. Anna called after me but I continued walking. "Where are you going?''"I need to wake up,'' there were tears in my eyes now. " I need to wake up,'' I chanted over again and I gripped the wardrobe at both side, throwing my head back-"Aurelia!''A hand grabbed me, sending me flying before I could slam my head against the hard wood that would definitely leave a scar and tear open my head a little bit but I wouldn't die.I landed on the floor with my ass, staring at Mrs. Anna in shock. S
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Chapter 118
Aurelia's POVTears leaked from my eyes with his hand still around my mouth from behind. His face was beside mine and I could hear his every breathing and when he chuckled, my breathing shuddered as I shook."Did you really think I wouldn't find you?" he said mockingly and I began cursing my own fate. Where did it all go wrong? It had only been three days. It started to feel like I wasn't even trying to get out of whatever hell was in my way. I always ended up back in the same place I started.It felt as though I was running on a spot- not going anywhere."Were you angry that I asked you to leave?" Adrian continued. His hand was already smoothening my jaw and he was rubbing his knuckles softly against it."What are you doing in this hellhole? Didn't I say I would take care of you for a long time?"Bile rose to my throat and I felt the pressure kick against my throat. I pushed his hand but I fell to my knees, emptying the vomit onto the floor. I was coughing in tears and rubbing my han
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Chapter 119
Emma's POVA cancelled wedding and a search party for that woman was enough to drive me to the edge. I guess Liam was right when he said not to return until I was sane. Anyone in my shoes would lose their mind at the change of events.Just a few days ago, everything was going according to how I had planned it. A life without Aurelia around was an empty spot for me to fill and assume my rightful position as Luna beside King Liam.Everything had fallen into place until… "Andre," I grinded on my teeth, imagining his bones instead. I wished nothing more than to ground his bones to powder and watch him disappear from the surface of the Earth.Whatever he said to Liam really got to him because now the wedding was not only off but Liam was pumped into finding that woman again.Why wouldn't they just understand? Why couldn't they see it? I was the perfect person to be by his side. How could a commoner, an outsider, a woman with no background attain the position of Luna in a powerful city like
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Chapter 120
Aurelia's POVWhen I opened my eyes again, the familiar ceiling stared back at me in silent welcome. I laid there, gripping the sheets by my side and trying hard not to let bitterness overwhelm me. I was right back where I started. Why did I even bother to run in the first place?I was starting to wonder if this was how I was going to live the rest of my life; being tossed about by Alphas who cared more for their ego and didn't give a shit about the collateral damage- me."Are you awake, Miss Aurelia?" The voice was tiny and careful. At least it wasn't Aria. I didn't think I was ready for Aria's problems yet but just like every other time, it would always slam me across the face when I least expected it.I pushed myself up to a sitting position and I saw a maid standing by the foot of my bed. She looked really young and small in size."Where is Casey?" I asked. "And Glenn?" They were the familiar faces I wanted to see or did something happen to them while I was away?"They are busy,"
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