All Chapters of Valene: Daughter of the Shadow Rogues: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
139 Chapters
Chapter 20: A Reconciliation...of Sorts Pt. 1
Valene: When I felt my eyes moving against my closed eyelids, I was aware of my return to consciousness, yet I was still too weak to open them. Gradually, I garnered the strength to open my eyes and when I did, I found myself in a large room with curtains drawn to the side, covering what I assumed was the only exit, save the window to my right.. Was there someone else in here? “Hel…hello?” I attempted to say when I felt the scratchiness in my throat; there was a dryness in my mouth that I nearly choked on. Quickly, I looked around for something to nourish my parched tongue and fortunately found two bottles of water sitting on the stand next to my bed. They must have known that this was bound to happen-my waking up to dehydration. After gulping down one of the little bottles, I sat up in my bed, only pushing the covers far enough back to lift my shirt and check the wound that got me here in the first place, as I recall. As I attempted to lift my shirt, I realized how sore I was, so I
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Chapter 21: A Reconciliation of Sorts Pt. 2
“If life is so miserable for you…then why not leave?” he asked me instead of answering my question or admitting that I was right in my assumption of his thoughts. “Well…for one, we cannot just leave if ever we decide that vassal life is not for us. Once you pledge…once you are sentenced, a human serf is a life that you live until death or until your Keeper decides to have other plans for you, and that in itself is rare.” I sighed, looking up at the ceiling as I thought about the fact that I had, not so long ago, potentially come across one of those rare chances. “My predicament is…a little more complicated than that…however.” I finally added after pushing the thought away. “How so?” he asked. I looked down at him as he finished my bandage. “I don’t think that I could ever leave…even if I wanted to.” By this point in the conversation, I was just confiding in a stranger because there was no one else to confide in. “Why?” There were a lot of reasons, but the one that was strongest am
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Chapter 22: A Reconciliation of Sorts Pt. 3
“Don’t seem so surprised,” expressed Harlyn as she nudged me. Her expression was playful at first but only for a moment as a glint of sadness appeared behind her eyes. “I do care about you, Vali. Despite what you or even Daddy thinks. I’m just…not good at expressing those feelings. Especially, where-” “A human is concerned?” I finished her sentence. Part of me hoped that I was wrong. She shrugged. “The truth is the truth, Vali.” Harlyn instead confirmed my assumptions. “Right.” Harlyn exhaled and opened the bag that she handed me; I had completely forgotten about it. “I brought you something besides clothes, Vali. I wish you’d take a look.” She beat me to the punch and opened the bag for me, pulling out a box, and I already knew what was in it. It may seem gluttonous, but my eyes lit up when I saw them; sweet treats! “I saw this donut place on the way here and thought, what the heck.” “Thank you!” I exclaimed. “I probably shouldn’t be so excited about these,” I took a chocol
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Chapter 23: Decisions and Liabilities Pt.1
Valene: The ride home was nice and quiet outside of some casual conversation between Harlyn and me. No more was mentioned concerning the idea of Master Wade turning me into a wolf, and to be honest, while I was thinking about it still, in the back of my mind, I certainly didn’t want to talk about it anymore. When we pulled up at the Wade estate, I was glad to be home despite the complications of the family unit. “You good?” she asked me as I carefully stepped out of the car. I nodded a yes. No, I wasn’t all that good, but I wanted to be able to move on my own. Or at least try. “They must have a whole to talk about.” I heard Harlyn mutter as I stressfully shut the door to her sports car. “What are you-” I started to ask when I saw an old and beautiful muscle car sitting outside of the house. “Who-who is that?” I nervously looked at Harlyn and then back at the car. Somehow, I already knew who it was. Shakily, I took a deep breath and instinctively grabbed at my well-wrapped wou
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Chapter 24: Decisions and Liabilities Pt. 2
“This is your territory, and because I have long respected you, I will not encroach on your territory with disrespect. Although, I am surprised that you actually had someone as…prestigious as your heir pick her up from the hospital.” “Tell me,” Harlyn said. “How else would she have gotten home?” “Walk? Hitch a ride? Usually, a Keeper does not care enough to concern themselves with it.” beta Almeida replied. Harlyn seemed to have found this slightly amusing, but then she replied, “Valene may have acted out of character the other night, but she is still a good human and one that has served this family diligently for years.” Harlyn said. I admit that I was surprised that my daughter had defended Valene in such a way. “I would not leave her to fend for herself in a matter that was not completely her fault.” She stepped toward the Alpha. “It wasn’t like she was the one who acted out of character that day…was she, Alpha?” she looked past Ares and at his beta. “As I remember, you two…wer
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Chapter 25: Could This Be The Start Of Trouble? Pt. 1
Valene: Since Master Wade had business to tend to with the Lycan Alpha’s pack, we waited until around half-past eight to head to Bone’s pub. It didn’t take much time to get to Bone’s Bar and Grille. When we pulled up, I watched as people piled into the bar. “You know…you do not have to do this, Valene.” I chuckled. “Do what? Quit or quit in person?” I had to see his face when I said this. I wanted to know how he facially reacted to my question. I shouldn't have asked but I simply could not help myself. “To be honest, Valene, you do not have to do either,” he said. “I never pressured you to leave your life. You did.” I looked back out of the window of the car, disappointed in his response, though not necessarily upset. How could he ever understand the complexities of being a rare-blooded human serf, after all? “As I told, Harlyn…I don’t think you’d understand, Master Wade…with all due respect.” I finally countered. “Then help me understand, Valene. I will never understand
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Chapter 26: Could This Be The Start Of Trouble? Pt. 2
I looked past Carrie to see my soon-to-be former boss approaching swiftly. “H-hey!” I anxiously replied. I knew before he could even approach that he too wanted me to stay.“Val, I need you to-”“Wait, wait, before you say anything further, Herry, I didn’t come here to pick up an extra shift. I-”“Valene, I really need you tonight.” He said with desperation. “You see that we have special guests. And I don’t have any entertainment! I need entertainment! They-”“Who are these men, Herry?” I asked. Sure, it wasn’t any of my business, but what did it hurt to ask? There was something about these men that seemed to hold significance to Herry. It was only during such times when these men were present that he paid close attention to detail. Suddenly, I was concerned.Impatiently, he rubbed his face and exhaled. “Normally, I’d tell you that it isn’t any of your concern, but…well now I’m starting to wonder if maybe you knowing will make you more inclined to help me.” Reflex made me glance bac
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Chapter 27: A Storm On The Horizon Pt. 1
Alastair:There was something going on around here and I wasn’t happy about it. “You smell what I smell?” Aziz remarked in the back of my mind.“I do,” I said as I looked around into each low-lit corner of this little pub. Immediately, I connected with Toran and John. “We have a problem, boys.” I got straight to the point.“Is that right?” Toran asked.“That’s two for two tonight.” As soon as John said this, I became concerned. I immediately knew that he was referring to the patrol that Ares, his pack and a few of my own were doing. “What is it?” Both Aziz and I asked, my wolf suddenly concerned for his pack and those of the young Lycan. “Ares and the others were ambushed. Seems that a few of those Rogue beasts were lying in wait. And…they are powerful. Something ain’t right about this, Alastair.” John said.With frustration, I cursed under my breath. “How are they?”“Oh, they’re fine, Alpha,” John replied. “The young Alpha is a little irritated by the force in which he was forced
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Chapter 28: A Storm On The Horizon Pt. 2
Immediately, this man’s cohorts stood up and was rearing to fight. And just as they did, my officers appeared on cue. As always.“I assure you…that this is not a fight that you want.” Aziz pushing through in team with me. “You two are late.” I said.“Sorry, Alpha. Took a minute for John here to get spiffed. I could hear Kilder in sync with his counterpart and I knew that Kine was already in team with John.“Perfection takes time.” John countered. “Now…down to business.”“Right,” I said, and kept my gaze on the men angrily staring at me. “Now, I’m going to assume that this fool is not the one who speaks for you all as he is quite…emotional. I’d like to speak to the one whose really in charge here.” They were silent and visibly reluctant. So, they want to try us, both Aziz and I thought. I slammed my hand so hard against the table so hard, it cracked. “Tell us…who’s in charge!” I growled in team with Aziz.Even more men stood as I made my aggression known. Neither me nor my officers wer
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Chapter 29: A Storm On The Horizon Pt. 3
“I think you should let her stay.” Toran said. “She may need the release.” He quickly gathered everyone else that was in the bar and moved them to the back while John immediately started on those who thought they could sneak us from behind. Most of the men were severely crippled by the time we were done with them and Valene had hardly a tear in her clothes, but her face was splattered in blood. She was good at defending, but I…to be honest was a little off-put about this rage that she suddenly had and I couldn’t shake the feeling that a lot of that rage was pointed a little…toward me. When there was only Chade left standing, and barely, I pushed my previous thoughts to the back of my mind and approached him.“Wh-what is…sh-she?!” He snarled with fear as she stood behind me, with blood spatter artfully smeared across her face. “That’s irrelevant,”“Oh but it is!” He growled. “No human! No…none! Are as…as…”“Deadly?” I said with mirth. “It’s only the result of good training.” I said.
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