All Chapters of Valene: Daughter of the Shadow Rogues: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
139 Chapters
Chapter 40: Anything Better Than This Pt. 1
Valene: It was the day before Harlyn’s birthday before I was actually free to assist as Master Wade had requested. Upon leaving his office two days prior, he found that Harlyn was staying with a friend for a few days to figure out some party ideas. I, no doubt, knew that this was just a ploy for her to meet up with Master Talon, something that she did often when she was in high-stress situations. However, I had no doubts that she’d revert to party planning afterward. To be honest, I was glad to be given a little more time away from the “party planning scene.” Although Master Wade found my skill in planning a gift, it did not mean that I liked doing it. I’d much rather have been at a judgment hearing for whatever actions Nurse Betty accused me of. “The-the gopher was in the Alpha’s room acting completely ununiform! It was disgraceful!” Nurse Betty exclaimed in a shrill voice. I did not budge from Master Wade’s side as everyone stood around waiting for her to finish, accusing me o
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Chapter 41: Anything Better Than This Pt. 2
Master Wade’s growl resonated through the room. “I’ve heard enough of this!” He stood from where he sat. “The truth of the matter is, Nurse Betty, I have full entail on what happened that night, and so does Alpha Barbosa. Valene saved his life and she diligently looked after him until he awakened. You, however, as well as the staff, were given a direct order to leave my vassal be and you did the exact opposite. By rights, you should be the one under judgment.” “But, Alpha! I-” “I’ve heard enough from you, Betty Honer.” He said. “Take her.” As soon as Master Wade made the command, his pack members grabbed her. “But-but-I’m an Inhuman! Like you! That-that gopher is a filthy human! How could you-” Before she could finish her sentence, Master Wade whipped past me, and suddenly Nurse Betty’s choking sounds filled the meeting room. “Do you really think that our shared species exempts you from being judged for your wrongdoing?” “Bu-but-” “Let me be clear!” His voice boomed, suddenly
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Chapter 42: Anything Better Than This Pt. 3
Master Wade finally intervened and I was so glad for it. Fighting when I had to was something I had come to terms with. Doing it for entertainment was something that I didn't like. I didn't like it at all. “Alright, that’s enough.” He said. I stepped back, thankful that he had stopped this further. Whether she wanted me dead or not, I still wanted no part in executing her judgment.  “I’m sure you see now, she-wolf, why my vassal is useful to me.”  Shakily, she attempted to stand as her arms and fingers began to heal themselves. Her glossed-over glare was cornered on me as tears fell from her eyes. She was embarrassed and enraged. “I…will…kill you
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Chapter 43: It's Best To Stay Away Pt. 1
Valene: Since I was tasked to report to Harlyn after the meeting immediately, I took it as an opportunity to make it a stress-relieving moment. I ran the ten-plus miles to the spare pack cabin that neighbored the temporary residence of the Silver Moon Pack. I was clad in black, a simple turtleneck long-sleeved top, and black bottoms with combat boots. Was this appropriate for a run? Probably not, but it wasn’t like I was supposed to have a choice in clothing when on a run, let alone having a run at all. I was pacing down the street when I saw Harlyn’s BMW hatchback-red parked between the space of her party cabin and the Blood Moon Pack’s cabin. As the view of Master Barbosa’s packhouse came into view, I could not help but recall how he was staring at me during the meeting. It wasn’t the how that really drew my curiosity, but the fact that he was staring at all. Why? That question kept playing back and forth in my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more unsettled I became. Or
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Chapter 44: It's Best To Stay Away Pt. 2
“You coming?” the beta asked when he noticed my hesitation. “I am not sure that I should, Master Almeida.” He chuckled. “Relax, little vassal, I would be a fool to harm you. It seems someone outside of your Master has found interest in your existence.” “Interest in…what do you mean, sir?” I asked. He didn’t answer my question but he did respond to it. “Come.” Master Almeida replied and headed into the packhouse. Taking a deep breath, I hesitantly took continuous steps forward until I stood anxiously at the entrance. I took an uneasy look behind me. “I will not bite, vassal,” he said to me. “How may I be of assistance?” I quickly retorted following his comment. Sure, he said he wouldn’t bite, but I did not want to stand around long enough to find out whether it was true or not. “Your Mistress…quite…audacious,” “Is she?” “Your sarcasm says everything I need to know about how you feel about her.” “With all due respect, Master Almeida, I doubt your assumption is correct.” Be
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Chapter 45: It's Best To Stay Away Pt. 3
I took a deep breath and then reluctantly spoke the truth that the Beta of the Blood Moon pack requested of me. “I do not think so much of myself to assume that I could take you down, Master Almeida.” I clarified. “Mistress Bet was one of the easier inhumans I’ve had to put down.”“Ah, so-”“That is not to say that you would not catch hell trying to do the same to me,” I interrupted him. Since he wanted me to speak candidly, I would. “One thing that I’ve learned in my seven years of vassal-hood is that there is more than one way to skin a cat…a dog, vampire, wolf….or lycan.” I looked into his eyes. “It may be a small percent chance, but I assure you that there is always...a chance of me putting you down.” 
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Chapter 46: Bone's Concern/ The Elder's Elusive Son Pt. 1
Valene: Even with a full day left to prepare, it seemed like mere hours. Before I could blink, it was suddenly the night of Harlyn’s gathering, and it seemed that the whole borough of Shadow Veil seemed to be abuzz about it. Although it took no small effort on everyone’s part, we managed to finish decorating right in the nick of time. Never mind the fact that the forecast called for chilly weather that day, though nothing too ruinous. While everyone was getting ready, I was tasked to head to Bone’s to make sure that everything was well-placed and ready to go. Master Wade insisted that I take a vehicle instead of a cab, and since we were so strapped for time, I did. I pulled up outside of the bar and looked at the door. I hardly stepped foot in the place since the incident that night with the intruders, and when I did, hardly a word was spoken between myself and the staff, Herry included. It was as if they all were afraid of me now, and to be honest…I couldn’t blame them. Plac
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Chapter 47: Bone's Concern/The Elder's Elusive Son Pt. 2
"What I'm about to tell you is not a simple truth, if I'm being honest," I remarked to my friend and former boss. “It’s…complicated, Herry-my involvement in all this. Just know that…while I am a vassal, I assure you that my Master does take good care of me and-”“Taking good care of you? Valene, I watched you slaughter a group of inhumans like-like it was nothing! Is that taking good care of you? I-I know that it is not my place to question this. I’m sorry Valene, I-I just-”“Have you ever heard of a gold blood, Herry?” I asked.“A…a what?” “Gold blood,” I stood from where I sat. When he shook his head, I smiled and nodded, figuring as much. “How could you?” I m
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Chapter 48: Just A Sympathizer Pt.1
Valene: When I returned to the Wade estate, Harlyn’s car was already outside. With only two hours before everyone had to head to Bone’s, I was honestly surprised that she didn’t call me. During this time, she was usually frantic about getting ready. I was always tasked to be her calm and support. Maybe Penelope was that source tonight.I went into the house and quickly rushed up the stairs and to her door. “Mistress?” I started to knock when her door swung open. “Where the bloody hell have you been?” Harlyn’s eyes were bewildered and frantic. I tipped my head to the side and looked past her, and sure as I was standing there, Penelope was sitting on the bed looking entirely defeated.“Apologies, Mistress,” I quickl
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Chapter 49: Just A Sympathizer Pt. 2
Yet another space of silence resulted in the response that I gave Master Wade before he finally spoke again. “I…can’t say that I am necessarily glad to hear that, Valene. But if you are okay then so am I.” We shared a smile before he headed toward the door. “Oh! Before I forget,” He picked up the significantly sized bag that he dropped on my bed earlier. I didn’t even realize what it was until that moment. “I had a request.”“What is it, Master Wade?” I asked, glancing at the bag before regarding him again.“I was wondering if you’d perform tonight…at the bar?” This was certainly a surprise. “I-sir, are you sure that I should-”
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