All Chapters of Mated to a Witch, a Wolf and a Human: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
150 Chapters
wizards in the human world
Blair exchanged glances with her friends, wondering if the nurse was with her right senses, she had been the one calling her about one thing or the other, and just few minutes ago, she took her blood for a test, and have used it on her mother, and here she is, asking her such weird question.Clearly she didn't know what to answer, and she didn't seem interested In answering, she just wanted to know how her mother is.She cannot loose her mother, not now.She would be too lonely if anything should happen to her mother. She was scared of what the nurse might say next, but Fredrick looked even shocked, at what the nurse had said."What do you mean by that? He asked her, and she could only open the door to the hospital room, where Mrs Fire is, to show them."This is someone that was dying a few minutes ago, we were so scared, we might loose her, but as soon as she collected your blood, she is sitting now, and the first thing she asked is, she wants to eat, so I am going to ask you again n
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Jayden is still the same
After putting off the fire, the house was in a state of disarray. Blair watched the news, and how people of the community, seem to have one thing or the other to say about it, and funny enough, none had good things to say.Not like there is any good thing to say, when you allow your house, burn, but they should be nice with their words, knowing that their words, could hurt someone.She watch the mood of her mother changed, and she knew, she had to turn off the television set in the hospital room.She exchanged glances with Brittany, who wasn't looking like herself at all, she kept looking back, and at the door, as if she was expecting someone to just walk in."Are you okay Britt? She asked, going close to her mother to hold her, by the arm."I am fine, it's just that, I didn't see Frederick come back, and he didn't say anything to you, he just left". That was when Blair noticed that he wasn't there, she had been so carried away, with the situation of things, that she didn't notice tha
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Sexual massage
"Why did you just leave like that? Astra asked Adman,the person she had sent to seduce Blair."I told you, going as her friend wouldn't work. My real face is cuter than that of her friend, I should use my real face and confront her, she refused"."That is how humans are silly, they will always act like they don't want you, but deep within them, all they need you to do is put more effort in asking them out, and you just ran off like that"."I didn't run off, I was almost caught". That answer alone annoyed Astra."You are not serious. I am going to leave you here in this human world, I need you to fix the problem however you want to fix it, and you don't go threatening any one". She was talking about the threat he gave Mrs Fire. Now he cannot go back as the other Frederick, he will have to be himself."What if I am caught? He tried calling her back, but she was already far gone.Astra is the princess of Jeman witch Coven, and since Jayden haven't come back for her, she knew he would com
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Only a little is needed to cure any sick person
Her mother is shocked at what she heard, she stared at her daughter and asked her."You allowed him sleep with you, after knowing what he had turned to? She asked her, clearly disappointed, that her daughter allowed something like that, to happen to her. She didn't want to get too angry, because of the little girl, with them, but she also couldn't hide it, she was so angry."I am sorry mother, but he came to me at home, and I know you saw it too, maybe you just didn't want to believe it. You saw my torn nighty". Her mother raised a brow, she had seen that truely, but she didn't really think she had sex with him, she thought she was masturbating, just as she had told her."Now you have his blood and he will never be able to leave, neither will you be able to leave him". She agrees with her, for even though she had said that she would leave him, she knows that she really couldn't.With everything happening to them, all she could think of now, is getting to see him, and tell him all tha
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Are you married?
He kept his own part of the promise, he took them to an abandoned building. though the ride there was quite long, after they had collected what was left of their burnt house. They will start their life afresh in a new place, far from Atlantica.Blair was almost dozing off, when she was tapped on the shoulder by the doctor."We are here already". She smiles at the man, who have not stopped smiling since the miracle happened with his daughter.She got down, holding her mother, while they waited for him to direct them."We would have loved to stay back at Atlantica, but with the new realization of things, staying there would be too much trouble for us, we need to move on in another place"."That is exactly the truth. Staying back there, will raise too many dust, but I am glad, you are still close by. There are wonderful people here, that you can meet, and they will make you really happy.I can introduce you to a few persons". She exchanged glances with her mother, and she didn't think th
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It is time
She laughed, before answering."I think you are being too fast, you don't even know my name yet."Oh! Please forgive me. It's just that, I think knowing if you are married is the first thing I should ask, because of my last neighbor". Blair laughed, as she asked."What about her?"I saw her, I didn't know she was married and it wasn't like I was asking her out, or anything, but what happened was that, she was lonely herself, and she started making passes at me and I almost fell at one point, but then, her husband showed up one day, and that was when I knew she was married, and her husband travelled for peace keeping. Apparently, she was married to a military man, who had been away for too long, so when she saw me, she wanted me. I know I am a very cute guy, so I needed to ask, before you will start falling for me too". This time, Blair laughed so hard."You are really funny. By the way, my name is Blair Fire, and I come from Atlantica, something happened to our house, so we had to co
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going back to the pack
Wolf 36Jayden didn't look scared, for it was something that they would have to do.He just walked behind her, while she still remained conscious of him, and ready to strike, Incase, he wants to act smart.She watch him take a seat where Adman had been sitting before, his eyes was on the feather on the television set. Blair had only pushed the door, before her mother got up from the bed, and walked out, as if in a trance.She saw Jayden, and didn't even freak out, that she started thinking if it is really Jayden, that is seated in their room."Jayden, what have you come to do? She asked calmly."I have come to get my bride. She doesn't belong here, but she is allowed to visit you every once in a month. She has my blood inside of her, she cannot be normal in this place, she will be seen as a threat always by witches and by wolves, she is meant to be beside me.There is a meeting of the wolves in three days time, I have understood my power and abilities perfectly, and i. ready, to take
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Welcome party
On arrival, Blair noticed that it was a different kingdom, and there were so many person's there. They all look so beautiful, and there was not even a single animal there."Why are there no wolves? She asked, as Jayden held her by the hand, leasing her straight into the palace. They didn't land inside, they landed outside, he wanted them to see her bringing a human in, and holding her by the hand.Through out the week, during his training, it had been one meeting to the other, they were angry, saying he doesn't have to bring a human, but after a friendly fight with their most skilled warrior, they knew he has no one to stand against him.During the Star meeting, they have organized, the best warrior from all the wolf kingdom, they are to fight him alone, with no support, if he is able to come out victorious, then, they won't question his human, neither will their question whatever thing he says.He was even staged with his father on disguise, his father didn't know it was him, they to
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erotic dance
Blair doesn't like the fact that Jayden was sitting far away from him.This is one of the reasons, she didn't like this sharing if a thing.He may not be able to sit close to her now, for fear that people will say he is being partial, but she really wants to sit with him. She started looking for a way to get his attention, while the party was on going, then she thought of what to say, that would make her leave the hall.After looking round, but was not able to get his attention, he decided to reach out to Tangy, who was not too far from her."Please can you show me to the restroom? Tangy only needed to stare at her, before realizing what she really wanted."I will show you to the rest room. Come let's go". She says, as she walked out with her, and the crowed screamed in joy, as they feel the both of them have come to test with the fact that they will be sharing Jayden, and they are already cool with it."That is the restroom". She pointed at the rest room, and stood waiting for her."
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Sex after party
From the erotic dance they just had in the hall, Jayden had already started feeling the demon inside of him awake with full force, which is why, he didn't bother sitting down back, he just led Blair by the hand, into their room."This is where we are going to be spending the night. I mean this night and every other night.The room was so big, it could be called a hall."How many persons stay in this room? She asked, and he smiles knowingly."Just me, and no one is allowed to come to this room, it is mine and only money, but now, you are going to share this room with me. I have been lonely in this room". He tells her, pulling her close, to kiss her."What about my look alike Tangy, you speak about her with so much likeness, in your eyes, I won't be surprised, if she have been spending nights in this room". "You are right dear, she is a really nice lady, and a very patient one, but she have never spent a night in this room, and not because she doesn't want to, but because I never invit
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