All Chapters of Mated to a Witch, a Wolf and a Human: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
150 Chapters
Wedding in paris
Frederick glared at him, while he kept laughing hysterically at his friend. They used to always be that close, it shouldn't be any different now that he is something else.He kept laughing, just looking at his angry face."I know you are angry, but wasn't that fun, in a way? Jayden asked him, as he got closer to him."That was not funny at all". He responded, as he moved closer to the door, where he is sure, he will find people like him, who are not that creepy."But we used to play these games back then at school, why then are you suddenly acting like you hate the game? He turned to stare at him sternly."Are you seriously going to compare this game you just pulled with me, and what we used to do back then in school? No way, this one was creepy, you scared me". The way he said the last part made Jayden laugh all the more.It felt good to be able to laugh with his friend, and chat with him."I miss you man, I really do, I wish things happened differently, I would have loved to stay he
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another Union with Astra
They both found themselves at the submarine palace, she looked back as if she would have loved to go back. She have had so much fun in a day, and with the ring on her finger, she just couldn't stop smiling.She feels sad that it has to end like that, she really would have wished for it to continue, being a human is fun, but being a supernatural, with Royal duties, she couldn't say if she would get the chance to experience such fun again in a long while.With everyone wanting her to be too serious, act in a particular way, and do things in a particular way.Jayden was feeling the same way, he had met his friend again, and everything had seem like before, but now, he was going back to a life, which few months ago, he didn't know about.Jayden could tell that she was feeling the same way, so he had to paused, to have a talk with her." I know you miss them, I miss them too, but I believe we will get through this together". She nodded her head, as the door opened to Mogana, looking as be
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Jayden, never let go of both their hands
Jayden made sure he kept listening to Blair's heart, to know what she was thinking, and if she is scared, or senses danger around her, he should be able to help her, though he knows that, no one would want to hurt her, as long as he was there. He read her mind, and also looked the direction of Adman, their eyes met, he knows he had fought with him, the son of the most powerful witch, so he bowed his head.Jayden nodded his head, Blair was right, there is no way their sin, will go unpunished, he will see to it, that Astra and Adman are punished accordingly.For Adman to even see him, and still stayed back to fight him was an error, that if he doesn't correct, others will not learn from it. An elderly man, a great wizard, from his looks, one could tell that he is a great wizard, he must have fought wars and defeated so many enemies, he was the one standing, to unite the both of them, yet he doesn't look so happy to do so, it was as though, he was coarsed into doing so.Astra was called
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Hi, I'm Tangy, and I am a werewoman
They found themselves, in another part entirely, but Jayden never let go of the hands of both of them.Astra felt happy that he still held her by the hand, even after they had landed, where he wanted them to land.Just the way he had landed at a far distance, on the day he brought Blair to the kingdom, he landed far also, as he walks with the witch. He wants them to see her, so that they all prepare their minds, as to what they should be expecting.They were still walking, when they started hearing murmuring from different sides,"first he brought a human, now he has brought a witch, what sort of a king will he be? One says, as he nodded his head in disgust."They say he is the most powerful of all the werewolves in all the lands.They say he will defeat the blackmoon wolf pack". He added, while another quickly chipped in."They even said he can defeat the black moon alone, without the help of the army". "That is an exaggeration, he isn't that strong? "I believe he is, I saw him dur
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This is gonna be harder than I thought
Astra eyed her, and started walking inside.She didn't even pretend to like her, or play along, she just gave her the look of, 'you are my rival' Maybe Astra is going to really be a danger to them, she decided not to push her, she just walked away too.She went straight to her room, but she could hear Astra looking for her way in the palace, but since she isn't just a human like Blair, she was able to magically find her way to where others are.When she felt completely lost, she bumped into one of the palace guards, but they have all being warned that a witch was coming, so they should beware.They were all giving her the not welcomed attitude. She wandered round the office, and finally found her way to Tangy's room."Is this how you wolves behave? I am new here and you all just left me? Tangy didn't respond to her, for she had tried to smile with her before, and she just glared and turned away.Aren't you going to say anything? She asked her, but when Tangy got off from her bed, she
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Believing that he will fall for her soon
As if that was not enough, Blair and Jayden had to be so loud, with disgusting statement, and that was when she realized that, she didn't need to sit close to their door, maybe that was why Tangy had laughed at her.Tangy must have felt all she is feeling now, and she just wanted to be her friend.Maybe having someone powerful to be her friend, wouldn't be such a bad idea. She should really apologize to Tangy, if that would make her speak to her at least, because she wouldn't be like this, still on her wedding dress all day. She walked towards where she had seen Tangy stand, she could tell that is her room, and there is another room, that is locked, just by the side, that might be her own room, So she knocked on the door, Tangy probably knew she is the one, for she opened the door, a d still held it with one hand, while her other hand, was relaxing on her waist.Astra stood watching the beauty Infront if her, but she had to just think of the best line to come up with, definitely not t
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You are my morning tea, I must eat you first, before any other meal
Blair and Jayden were still on the bed, sleeping, while holding each other closely, but then, their sleep was distracted by a very loud noise. It was a trumpet and the instruments of loud music. Blair was still feeling very tired, that she didn't want to open her eyes, until she felt Jayden disengage from her. He was doing it in a way that says, he didn't want to wake her up, when she had already woken up. He went and stood by the window side, looking outside, there was so much colour outside the main Palace, which explains that something was going on.He was even more worried that she would be awaken, by their loud noise, but then he heard her voice."Is today your coronation? He turned to see her, laying on her side, trying to cover her nakedness. She should be allowed to sleep, for she have been able to satisfy his urge all through last night. Why he was having such need for her body, especially if he touches her, was something he really couldn't explain."I don't know love, I th
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Tangy, please sir with me
The meeting started off real well with music and dancing of the junior pack members, and those that just shape change for the first time. They were having so much fun, as they kept dancing, trying out their new abilities with each other.Blair was in the bathroom with Jayden, they were taking their bath, in preparation to join others."I will like you to sit with Tangy or Astra, I want to be on my own today please". Jayden stared at her, he couldn't believe that she is the one suggesting to be alone.He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He just had to ask with a soft voice."Did I do something wrong? He asked her, and she shook her head to say no."You didn't do anything wrong my love, as a matter of fact, you have been doing everything right, and this is really hard for me, but I just want to put myself in their shoes, even if it is only for today. Especially Tangy, I want her to feel what it is like to be seen and attended to.The people here, are her people,
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Walk with me
Her full concentration was on those dancing, she didn't even try to share it, by thinking of one thing and focusing on another, she was really enjoying what they were doing. For the first time, she doesn't look so scared, of the way they shape change, she just saw it as an art performance.Tangy was happy that she could sit with Jayden, without Blair interfering.She was in smile all through, She kept looking around for her twin, she wanted them to see that she could actually have Jayden to herself. Then she sighted her father walking into the hall, she was happy to see him, for she didn't have to be so worried that, he will think she isn't happy.He had told her that they could damn the goddess and get her another mate, that would be faithful to her, but she doesn't want the pack to talk about her all through the season. She is a quiet and easy going person, if such a news goes off about her, they will really gossip, and that would be bad for her father's reputation."That is my fath
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Getting all the attention
He stood transfixed upon seeing her, as if he hadn't seen her before, but then he realized, it must be because if what her father had said, so he clears his throat and was about to speak, when she took it from him."I saw my pa come back in alone, so I got worried, he could really be a handful, I hope he did not bother you". She says with a smile."No, he didn't bother me, actually, he was advising me, on his to do today. I never knew the Star gathering is like a party, I would have thought it was just a meeting if a few men". She laughed, but was careful to cover her mouth, as if she would be scolded, if see laughing.Jayden didn't like it, when his woman is too submissive, but maybe that is a leader's thing, so he has to get used to seeing her so submissive. That was one of the reasons, he doesn't joke with Blair, she is like his best friend, she doesn't follow rules, when it comes to him, but then again, he wouldn't blame her. She doesn't know him, she isn't his friend, Blair is h
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