All Chapters of Insatiable Desires Of My Husband : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Chapter 91
ARIANNA It seems the place I find my solace and peace when I want to leave the chaotic life of that mansion is in the garden. I come here frequently especially when I want to just think and be by myself. Bailey came over and took Simon out on a playdate.I think they went to Disney land or a fun fair, I honestly can not remember. I doubt I would call that a playdate. That is an excursion to me. But it was good Simon was not here to run around and distract me from the issues I had.He normally kept his grand mother, Mrs Vivian, company though. I know mother would be missing him. She is beginning to respond more these days with the movement of her fingers and nodding of her head slowly.I informed Lucas and father about the news and they were all elated. Atleast as my stay here is drawing closer to its end, I feel fulfilled and rest assured that mother's condition will improve and that she will definitely get better some day.That aside, as I sat by myself, my thoughts ran wild on ho
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Chapter 92
ARIANNA"Ian I am serious. Lucas seems so genuinely sorry for everything. I could really feel his sincerity even from the way he spoke to me and from the look in his eyes. There was no hiding it" I spoke to Ian over the phone. My eyes would momentarily gaze down to stare at a sleeping Simon and to make sure he was not awake. I needed him fully asleep so that I could concentrate on the more serious issues at hand in order to pull off this plan I had. Today was the perfect day to launch it.Rose won't be coming back home tonight and Father was on one of his usual business trips.It felt like Lucas had left the running of the family's company to his sister and father.It is just going to be I, Lucas and Anne home.I just have to do this today because who knows when I will have this sort of opportunity!?"Arianna honestly I do not even know why we are spending our time trying to help him. If it were not for you, I would not even be the least interested because he deserves everything that
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Chapter 93
ARIANNA"Is she still asleep?" Ian asked me as we drove to the hospital.I nodded, catching a sneak peak of Anne who laid fast asleep next to me in the car.I honestly can not believe I am so close to exposing her for the liar that she is. "Yes she is Ian. But you have to drive faster. We really need to get to the hospital before she wakes up" I responded back.Ian honked at the cars he felt that were blocking his path and drove further ahead, whilst I kept on keeping a careful eye on Anne to make sure she was not awake."What will you tell her if she ends up waking up at the hospital?" He asked me.I shrugged my shoulders at his question and a grin stole my lips, "That is not hard. I can just tell her she passed out and we drove her here for a checkup" "And what if she asks about her prodigal husband? What will you say?" Ian smirked."Really? Prodigal husband?" I laughed out."I am just saying what I feel he should be called" "Well I will just say that Lucas left for home to get h
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Chapter 94
"Mummy mummy" Simon eagerly shook Arianna, drawing her attention away from the double doors of the living room to her over energetic six year old son."What? What is it Simon?" Arianna replied absent mindedly. Her eyes trailed back towards the doors, restless as ever.Simon diverted his gaze to the doors, tilting his head to the side whilst wondering what captured his mother's attention at the door."Mummy what are you looking at?" Simon asked, his curiosity piqued.Arianna sighed heavily and stood up from the couch, her restless feet beginning to pace all around the living room. "Simon can you tell me what you want please darling?" Today was the day Anne's paternity test result was going to be delivered to the mansion.Sarah had texted her multiple times to be on the lookout for the test result so as not to get it delivered into the wrongs hands and today Anne had not left the mansion since morning.It all created huge waves of anxiety and restlessness in Arianna.Her feet eagerly da
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Chapter 95
ARIANNASleep eroded me, I could barely even concentrate on anything or anyone around me.I stayed awake the entire night, restless as ever and worried as hell.I have fucking screwed up. God! How did that I let this happen to me?How did I make such a terrible mistake? Oh man. My lack of sleep had caused eyebags to appear underneath my orbs, giving me a dull rimmed appearance.My hair was messy and disheveled, a testament to the anxiety I was currently facing.How could I let this happen? How did Anne get the test result before me?God dammit! I made sure to be very careful and diligent. I left no turn unturned in getting her to do that paternity test and now when I almost had it all in my grasps, it just slip out of my reach. Fuck I am going insane.I could barely sleep at all and the comfortable sheets of my bed felt like hot coals on my skin.Pushing the sheets of my leg, I stood up with rickety feet and slipped my legs in my footwear.I have not even informed Ian yet. How coul
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Chapter 96
LUCAS I felt pissed and annoyed. Ever since I had that call with Ian, I was just not myself anymore.He was so possessive about her.I know they have a child together but I just can not come to terms with that fact. I care about Arianna too and not just him. But she will never notice that and I do not blame her either.I did so many awful things to her in the past which I am not proud of. Some times I just wish I could write back the hands of time and go back to the past to fix my mistakes. I would make sure I treat Arianna like a queen, adore and care for her like how any sane husband would do for his wife.Just the constant reminder of how happy she is now with Ian vexes me.And I am stuck with a wife as over bearing as Anne.Even now hours later, one would expect that my annoyance had cooled off but as I stepped foot inside the house, I seemed to get more tensed.With a dejected sigh, I climbed the flights of stairs, heading for my mother's room.Arianna must probably be feedi
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Chapter 97
ANNEA Week LaterI listened and watched in disgust as Lucas ranted all over the place, yelling at the cops over the phone for their inability to find Arianna and Simon.It has been a week since she got missing and Lucas will not let anyone hear the end of it. He is always on his toes, calling the cops every now and then to get the latest info concerning Arianna's and her son disappearance. The police station is more or less his second home now and it pissess me off every fucking time. Why will Arianna not let me breathe properly in this house?!Even now that she ain't here, she still has my good for nothing husband in her captive, twirling him like a puppet.If not for the wealth, fame and recognition I get as being the daughter inlaw and wife of this family, I swear on everything I believe in, I would have left Lucas a long time ago.He is such a sorry ass of a man. All these gives me more resolve to end that lousy bitch and her fucking son. Hiring goons to kidnap them was literall
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Chapter 98
Rose sat in her room patiently in expectant of a call.She just knew her guts were right and Anne had proved her true. Yes, she still did not love Arianna that much to call her a friend but after all her tireless efforts to get her mother recovering again, this was the least she could do. Once in a while, she would glance down at her phone screen expecting to see Ian's caller Id pop up.She had tried calling him throughout yesterday but he was not reachable. She had to resort to texting him about the shocking information she had gotten from Anne. Ian did reply her text late at night. He apologised for not answering her calls as he had a very busy day and he promised to call her back the next morning which was what she was waiting for.Anne was clearly now more dangerous and cunny than Rose could ever imagine.Kidnapping Arianna was one thing but also kidnapping her little son? That was totally extreme.And time was running out fast. Anne was murderous at this point and Rose knew it
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Chapter 99
ARIANNAI never for once imagined I'd be delighted to see the home of the Hiltons ever again.I watched with relief as the broad gates of the mansion parted for Ian to drive in with I and Simon. Lucas and Rose followed us behind which gave me a sense of security and peace. Honestly I still felt alot traumatized and frightened. Even when Ian was still driving on the high way, I was always on the edge. My eyes would glance at everyone we passed in fear. I can't imagine the traumatic effects this would have on Simon. When I came back to America after six years, I never expected that this was what laid in store for me.From running into Lucas and Anne, to coming to work for them again, dealing with Anne's overbearing attitude and her schemes, finding out about the truth of her unborn baby and almost getting killed for it. Truly fate had outdone itself in this one.Ian drove his car into the parking area and came down to open up for I and Simon. It was already dusk by the time we ar
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Chapter 100 (Epilogue)
ARIANNASIX MONTHS LATER "I'd be donating a sum of five million dollars to this foundation as my own way of empowering women to become stronger, more independent, more resilient in the face of challenges because....."I had barely even completed my speech on the stage when a wave of ovation took the air.Every one was cheering for me, calling my name and the cameras were flashing at I and Simon's direction.I stared down at Simon who seemed enthralled by the various lights flashing at him. I waited for the applaud to die down before I began speaking again."I had never things easy for me when growing up. And I know it's not easy for you all out there too, struggling in the face of economic challenges, marital issues, personal challenges and the likes but I do not want you to ever give up. Yes this is for all of you..." the ovation swept the air once more but I still kept on speaking."Don't ever give up. Because when life throws you lemons, you know what you do with it? You make fuc
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