All Chapters of Insatiable Desires Of My Husband : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71
ANNE Anger and Pain were two emotions causing wreckage within me at the moment. My feet marched angrily towards Rose's room. If I can not call him to order then probably Rose might do the trick. What exactly is Lucas' problem? I mean why is he so hell bent on bringing that lying bitch into our home!My mind could not stop conjuring the different drama that Arianna's arrival would have in this family. My chest heaved with so much rage and my fists balled as I matched further. I barged into Rose's unannounced, causing her to let out a shriek and jerk at my sudden intrusion."Geez Anne. Can you not knock?" Rose stood up from the chair she sat on and folded her arms.I ran my hands through my hair and took in a deep breath before speaking, "There is a very big problem Rose" I almost cried."Let me guess..." Rose said with a tired sigh as she pivoted to sit back on the chair facing the vanity table in her bedroom. "It is another boring, meaningless and should I say stupid fight between
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chapter 72
ARIANNA"Arianna... This was not what we agreed on, are you really sure that you want to do this? All I said was for you to cook in Anne's baby shower and that was all. Being a permanent cook to this same Hiltons is a different thing entirely" Ian's eyes bore into mine through the driver's rear view mirror.He was so uncomfortable about my decision and I understand how he feels but I have to do this. I am not doing this for any other person in that mansion, I am doing this only for the benefit of Mrs Hilton.If she was never so kind to me in the past, I would have never considered doing this. "Ian... I understand how you feel about this but I have to do this for Mrs Hilton, she really does not deserve what she is suffering and if this is what I can do to help her recover then I have to do it" I divulged to Ian who still was not satisfied with my response or decision.And also, mother's suggestion to help is a factor behind my decision, she feels I should repay Mrs Vivian for every si
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Chapter 73
ARIANNAMeticulously, I offloaded my outfits, body lotions, jewelries and other necessary accessories for Simon and I out of the bags.It all felt like deja vu, like I was reliving my past life in Lucas' mansion.As I scanned the room, every single thing brought back memories of my past, moments of how I was beaten, lashed out and ignored like a little worthless rag.Back then, I was valueless to Lucas and his family, they used everything and anything to belittle me.Memories flooded my thoughts causing a lone tear to trickle down my cheeks. I suffered years ago but now, the same people who dejected me and treated me like I was useless are now begging for my help.Fate really has its own hands, I always encouraged myself to be a strong woman, to endure whatsoever trauma came my way. Every single day I wished for death to sweep me off my feet so I could be free from Lucas' bondage.If I had never signed those divorce papers maybe I would not have been who I am today, my life would stil
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Chapter 74
LUCAS I was restless. I twisted and turned in my bed but it just felt like I could not fall asleep.Damn. The sleep would not even come. I had been this way ever since the moment Anne told me Arianna and Ian are happily married, with a son to even crown it all.She had a baby boy. A very handsome young boy, healthy at that too. And here I was, unable to even have a child after more than three years of marriage to Anne.A bitter gal was in my throat, almost making me nauseous. I sat up and took a quick glance at Anne's sleeping form. She was in such a deep sleep.Not wanting to wake her up, I carefully and gently removed the duvet before I put my legs on the cold ground, standing to my feet. I felt so dizzy and weak. I did not just know why I was feeling this way.I walked to the door and slowly pulled it open before stepping out. As I walked downstairs, I kept on pondering on all Anne told me and it just filled my heart with this immense pang of guilt and regret. I should be hap
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Chapter 75
ARIANNAI sighed deeply as I glared at mother's pale form, her chest rose and dropped with every breath that circulated in and out of her lungs.Thinking about her in this condition was way better than actually watching her physically paralyzed.It was more saddening and heartbreaking seeing her like this. Although she has not responded to my actions or my voice, I believe that she would be well again.Memories of the times she fought, cared and supported me all flooded my memory. With every second that passed by in her presence, I felt emotionally broken.She did not deserve this and I eagerly want to see her free from it.I scooped out a portion of her meal and fed her gently."I know you will get better mother, it is only a matter of time. I really hate to see you in this condition, please be well" I said to mother who was unresponsive. My eyes, battling to hold back the tears that formed in them. "I have really missed you, I still think about all you did for me while I was here
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Chapter 76
ANNEI sat on the sofa in Rose's room, my heart heaved and burdened by an ache that refused to wash off. I could feel it, I could feel Lucas slipping from my Life.I never thought this would happen but now it is happening. Arianna has really come back to take Lucas away from me like I did to her in the past.She wants to exert her revenge on me. I am about to have a child for Lucas, I can not give him up to Arianna.Years ago, I was always the bigger threat, I had all Lucas wanted in a woman, Lucas worshipped me like I was a god and now he yells at me and ignores my suggestions because of Arianna.He never listens to me, he prefers to listen and talk to Arianna.If I do not fight back she will take Lucas from me, she said so herself. Like a dagger to my throat, I felt like a failure who was about to loose everything.Is this karma? Does Lucas still love Arianna? "Rose! What do I do? This woman is not the same woman we knew years ago. Godamnit, she acts so powerful and confident. She
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Chapter 77
ANNEOne week had passed by and Arianna still lived trouble free in the mansion, the sight of seeing her everyday been treated so respectfully by Lucas always made me feel somewhat irrelevant.Lucas now has his full attention on her and his mother, he barely gives me his time or attention and that is just why I must kick Arianna out of my house before she replaces me."Ma'am I am not sure about this....." one of the kitchen's staff said, her voice barely above a whisper."Why are you so tensed? Relax...." I patted her shoulders and whispered."Ma.... I am scared, what will Chef Arianna do to me if she finds out?" she uttered, her demeanor became unstable. She was dreaded in fear and anxiety.How hard can it be to do this simple task without getting caught? "Remember, I will pay you a huge amount to do this and you will only do it once" I cajoled her further and tried to calm her down.Can I not find a more braver staff? They all seem very timid and frightened especially when I am aro
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Chapter 78
ARIANNA I stared at Lucas in absolute bewilderment. What does he mean by that reckless statement. And how did that mushroom get into the food?Why did I not see it on time?Mother was allergic to mushrooms and I made sure to not give her anything containing it. So how did this happen?I would never want to kill mother.Why would I want to kill her? I came here to help her and see her recover."What do you mean by that statement? Lucas I would never intentionally hurt someone talk more of mother" I shot back, still awfully confused at the mushroom found in mother's food.I prepared the food and I know for one that I did not put that there."When you came into this house again, I painstakingly took the liberty to send you a list of dishes that mother eats and what she does not eat. I did it myself so that there would not be any complications. I even listed out her allergies and mushroom is one of them. Why would you add it while cooking for mother? Do you want to worsen her health?"
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Chapter 79
ANNEArianna's angered form stormed out of the room. I scowled at her before walking up to Lucas who was dumbfounded.He stared at the entrance in which Arianna had walked out through like in a daze.She really deserves what she is getting, I am really glad Lucas lashed out at her. If this matter escalates, she will be out of this house and that is for sure.How dare she threaten to ruin us? The audacity to say such. She really has become so bold and outspoken but I will bring down her ego."My love, please forget about Arianna. Do not bother yourself about what she did. I always knew she was up to no good. She knew damn well that mother is allergic to mushroom but still added it to get back at us for everything that happened in the past.I warned you but you did not listen to me, now she is trying to kill mother" I said to a mute Lucas, his eyes still plastered on the door as thoughts flooded his head.He is just in disbelief, overtime he has come to put so much trust in Arianna and
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Chapter 80
ARIANNAThe pleasant aroma of mother's meal filled my nostrils as steam left the boiling pot. Mother's food was half ready.I continuosly stirred the meal. The pain of false accusation still lingered like a sting that would not let go.The temptation to drop everything and go home with my son was there but my service to mother still remained paramount. If I leave I would appear weak and easily frightened by the Hiltons, most especially Anne.And I would not be able to help mother recover, she would not deserve it if I abandoned her to free myself from her family's troubles.I have passed the stage of been oppressed by people like the Hiltons. If not for my good heart and my help to mother I would have treated this matter in a more stern and advanced way.I would have probably called the cops to investigate the case further because I know that I never added mushroom to mother's food and someone did.This person did this to frame me. "So everyone, I will like to make a brief announceme
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