All Chapters of Surrogate Luna For The Devilish Lycan King : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
139 Chapters
chapter 51
Leon was in his study when he heard a knock on his door. The door opened to reveal Delilah standing right there with Lucian by her side. "To what do I owe this visit? I thought I asked that no one disturbed me?" Delilah pulled out a seat and sat right before him. Lucian came to stand behind her. "Yes. We know that you asked no one to disturb you but we have come up with a plan," He sat up and raised a brow in askance. "Adj what could that be?" "Kill off the men," "So what happens after I do that?" "Don't you get what we're trying to say?" Delilah asked, already feeling frustrated. "The elders made the lay. It was all them and the reason that did that was because they saw the future. They are trying to make things hard for you. It's glaring," "I don't think we have to kill them," "Then what do we do?" Leon shrugged. "We tell them that she was found dead along the river. I would be able to marry another woman and things would run smoothly," "Y
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chapter 52
Things were starting to get better for her. Later that evening, a few maids arrived and they were really nice. They started by cleaning out the dust in the house. She remained in her room before she heard a knock on the door. It opened and one of the maids stepped in. She held a bucket and a brush in her hand and dropped it to the floor, she straightened and gave Lillith a quick smile. "I want to clean this place. It hasn't been cleaned for a long time. It's not healthy for you and the baby," "You know I am pregnant?" Lillith asked as she climbed into bed. "It's obvious. Your belly and your breasts too. The last time I saw you, you were slimmer than this. Your skin is also sallow," "What's your name?" Lillith asked. It was merely out of curiosity rather than formality. "Regan, ma'am," "Call me Lillith," She said with a smile and studied the lady. She was a chubby woman with carroty hair and freckles scattered over her nose bridge. Her eyes were the
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chapter 53
A FEW MONTHS LATER… For the past seven months, Lillith had never felt so pampered and loved. Slowly, she was starting to grow a fond relationship with her servants. From Regan who was always keeping her company and taking walks with her to Geneva and Gina who always made sure they made the best meals for her. There was a certain time she came down with a fever, Gina and Geneva made sure she ate well. They even prepared some herbs for her to take to feel less sick and while she recovered, they all made sure to keep her company. Lucien made sure to visit regularly. At least, three times a week and whenever he visited, he would always come with a gift for her. She always remembered to ask about Leon and if he had come to search for her. His reply was negative and it brought her some sort of relief. But she couldn't ignore the fact that she would have loved him to find her. What exactly did she want? Her safety and peace of mind or a man who hated her to t
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chapter 54
After laughing and eating with everyone, Lillith felt full. She had never had so much fun in one night. From tasting the cake to eating special dishes made by Gina and Geneva to the laughs. Seeing Lucien relate with people he called his servants warmed her heart so much. It was so wholesome to see everyone happy. She had never felt this way in her whole life and she made sure she reveled in it. After dinner, Everyone went to take a seat outside. Lillith was too tired to join them and she was also nursing a lower back pain which meant her birth was due. The doctor had predicted till a few weeks later but she believed it would be sooner than that. "Let's go sit outside, by your balcony," Lucien said as he helped her out of the chair. "You look really tired and I can feel the heat coming off you," "Too much food, I guess," She said and laughed. "It's harder with this big baby inside of me. He always makes me like a cow," "For him to be healthy, you have to eat
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chapter 55
The doctor was immediately called for and Lillith went into full labor. Her screams filled the whole house as she tried to push the baby out. Moments later, a midwife joined in. She helped Lillith by assuring her with words and motivating her to push the baby out. But Lillith was already tired as this had been going on for over two hours. She was in so much pain. So much pain she couldn't comprehend. Lucien joined afterwards and held her by the hand as she pushed hard. She squeezed his hand to the point of nearly breaking his fingers but he stood strong. He knew she needed his support and he was going to give her that. While she labored, the maids waited in anticipation. It was filled with slight fear and panic as they had no idea what was going to happen from here on. As for Gina and Geneva, they had to boil lots of hot water to be used later and Regan went ahead to finally finish the nursery room they had been taking so much time to furnish. Lillith gave her f
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chapter 56
Today made it the seventh month since Lillith's second disappearance. Not that Leon was taking notes or anything. But he sensed it from his insides. He wasn't really interested in having anything to eat at the breakfast table. All he did was push his food around with his spoon and watch Melissa speak with Delilah. He was sure that none of them remembered. Heck, why would they? They weren't the one that treated her like a piece of trash and made her leave. It was all his fault so he was ridden with the guilt of it. Lucien hadn't spoken to him or reached out to him for several months so he decided to pay him a visit yesterday. Things are different now. Lucien already forgave him but he knew there was nothing he could do to change how things were between them. It was sad that he had to lose his best friend to a situation he could have easily controlled. Pushing his seat back, he excused himself, much to everyone's surprise. He hadn't touched a thing in his food and Mel
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chapter 57
Leon was confused as to why she told him to leave in that manner. Had he done something to upset her? As he stepped down the temple's porch, he kept looking back to see if she had changed her mind and came to stand behind him. Or had she seen something terrible? He would have to ask her later because he couldn't quite understand why she had been that way to him. Delilah remained in the temple. She was eerily still and the shaman who had come to check on her stood by the side, afraid that she might do something to her. Delilah had seen a little baby in Lillith's arm. It had been a long time since she saw the woman in her trances. Seeing a baby meant she already delivered but there was something really strange about it. She could pinpoint what it was. She didn't want Leon around her because there was a likelihood of her telling him that she had been pregnant through out the time she was here. He would hate her for it. Definitely. Once she was done, she stood t
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chapter 58
Lilith was still recovering but that didn't stop Lucien from throwing a party. As usual, it was held at her new home with just them both and the servants. They didn't care for other people. They already understood that she was hiding from someone who hated her and only wanted bad for her. They had no idea who it was and it was safer that way. Lillith had just finished breastfeeding her baby. She took him to his nursery and laid him in his cot before shutting the door gently behind her and leaving with a smile on her face. Ever since Henry came into her life, she was filled with so much joy. One she couldn't contain. He brought peace and hope to her and being with him was all she had ever asked for and everyday before going to bed and after waking up in the mornings, she swore to protect him at all cost. She met Lucien in the hallway. He had two glasses of wine in his hand. Stretching out his hand, be handed it over to her. "Have you forgotten that I a
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chapter 58
Lilith was still recovering but that didn't stop Lucien from throwing a party. As usual, it was held at her new home with just them both and the servants. They didn't care for other people. They already understood that she was hiding from someone who hated her and only wanted bad for her. They had no idea who it was and it was safer that way. Lillith had just finished breastfeeding her baby. She took him to his nursery and laid him in his cot before shutting the door gently behind her and leaving with a smile on her face. Ever since Henry came into her life, she was filled with so much joy. One she couldn't contain. He brought peace and hope to her and being with him was all she had ever asked for and everyday before going to bed and after waking up in the mornings, she swore to protect him at all cost. She met Lucien in the hallway. He had two glasses of wine in his hand. Stretching out his hand, be handed it over to her. "Have you forgotten that I a
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chapter 59
Something told Leon to go back to White Plateau Pack. Actually, he had sent a few of his spies. They had snuck in on the day he had visited Lucien to beg for his forgiveness. Though he wanted their friendship to be restored, he still felt something fishy about this whole thing. He believed Leon was hiding something from him but he dared not question him as that would tear them apart the more. So he asked two of his most trusted guards to sneak carefully into the pack and look around. He was to return a few days later back to the boundary of the pack to know if they had seen anything. Well, he was going today. Earlier than usual. That didn't matter. Since Delilah had given him a go ahead, who was he not to go? He knew she had seen something. Though she refused to tell him what, she knew it had to do with Lillith. He had gone with about fifty of his strongest warriors; Calvary and infantry and they were all ready to attack. He had asked them to sneak in withou
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