All Chapters of Quintuplets For The Beasty CEO: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
127 Chapters
Rejected; Xander Has To Pay!
Third Person's povOkay, got it! So, back to the story. Xander hangs up the phone, feeling worried and anxious. He paces around the house, wringing his hands and biting his lip. He's not sure what to do. Should he go out and look for Jessie? Should he stay home in case she comes back? He's torn, and he feels like he's going crazy.And that isn't helping the matter. Jessie was met with blatant refusal from the guards, they didn't give her the car keys as her face is raging and it's obvious it's against their boss's command.Without wasting time, Jessie trekked it off. And thankfully, she didn't stop her like she'd thought they would. Twenty minutes into the walk, she stretched out her arms tiredly and stretched; tired. As her head turns up, a small canteen came in sight and what her eyes was met with left her in shock. There is Melanie. With her kids! Wow, she's the one who came in and kidnapped the kids? Melanie is not only obsessed over Xander- a person she can't get- but also has
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Melanie's Deeds
Third Person's povGetting off the floor, she yanked her fancy handbag off the table and dumping the bills over, she left with a hiss just as the attendant came over to pack up the dishes. Meanwhile Xander could be seen behind the wheels, conveying Jessie and his kids back home. Throughout out the drive, stilled silence reigned; with no one ready to break it.The tension in the car is palpable, and Jessie feels like she could cut it with a knife. She knows that Xander is angry with her, but she doesn't know what to say to make things better. She feels like she's been caught in the middle of something, and she's not sure how to make things right. The kids are also silent, their eyes wide and fearful. Jessie can tell that they're afraid of what their father might do."She's got such a nerves, you know." Jessie spoke up out of the blue, her eyes flickering towards the saddened girls. They are also not impressed with the scene that had occured back in there at the restaurant. Jessie cont
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The Night Date
Third person's PovXander had barely took a step closer to her when she shifts back on her heels, intimidated by both the height difference his stoic expression. Even though she's on her heels, he still towers over her. "Do you fucking have the idea of whom you're talking to, huh?" He wags a brow and knowing she's pressed the wrong button, she nods her head."I..." She tries to explain. "Get out." He cuts her off, his index finger pointed at the exit which she gladly took. Just as she was about stepped out finally, he made an outburst. "My regards to Scott. My ex friend who's a co- cheater; your colleague actually."Melanie gulped at that. Yes, she could still remember how Xander had caught her in bed with Scott, his best friend.It had been a devastating moment for Xander, and one that had broken his heart and destroyed his friendship with Scott. He had thought that he could trust them both, but he had been wrong. And now, here they were, with Melanie trying to cause trouble for hi
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I'm Pregnant
Third Person's povAfter all, they had shared such an intimate moment together, and there's a lot of unspoken feelings between them. They both know that things can never be the same between them after what happened.They head inside and make their way to the bedroom they're sharing. They're both feeling nervous and unsure of what to say or do. They stand there awkwardly for a moment, then Jessie breaks the silence. "I guess we should talk about... things," she says, her voice hesitant."Yeah, I guess we should," Xander says, taking a deep breath. "I just want you to know that I don't regret what happened," he says, looking into her eyes. "But I understand if you do.""I don't know how I feel about it yet," Jessie says, biting her lip. "I just... need time to think about it." "Of course," Xander says, his heart sinking a little. "Take all the time you need." "I just... want to be honest with you," Jessie says, her voice trembling a bit. "I know that we're friends, and I want us to st
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Xander Has A Brother!
Third person's povXander and Jessie are heading to Xander's mother's house, walking hand-in-hand. They're lost in conversation, talking about all sorts of things. Just then, they hear a loud voice coming from a nearby alley. "Hey, you two!" the voice says. They turn to see a man, dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, standing in the alleyway. "I know you, Xander," he says, his tone menacing. "And I know who you're with. You should watch your back."Xander's Elder Brother- named Fred- who is known for behaving like a thug. He was supposed to be the heir in stead of Xander but since he's a bad guy, the heirship was given to Xander instead. Fred left home years ago due to been zealous of Xander. And yes, Xander is far more better and richer than him.But then now, Fred is back. To take revenge on Xander; absolutely. Fred has been stewing in anger for months, ever since he was passed over as heir to the family fortune. He has been thinking about revenge, and now that he's back in town
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The Competition
Third Person's povEthan raises an eyebrow. "Flips and jumping on trampolines?" he asks, his tone skeptical. "I'm not exactly the most athletic person in the world, and I don't think I've ever even been on a trampoline before." Jayden laughs."Don't worry, Dad. It'll be fun. And if you win, you'll get to be the face of our school for the next year!" Ethan considers this for a moment. "I'm in," he says, his voice full of determination. "Let's do this!"Jaxon raises an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and skepticism on his face. "And you think I'll do all that?" he asks, his tone teasing. Jayden's smile widens, and he nods."I have faith in you, Dad. I know you can do it," he says, his eyes shining with confidence. Jaxon considers this for a moment, then shrugs and says, "Alright, let's do this thing." He stands up and stretches, preparing himself for the challenge ahead.As Jessie and Xander continue to discuss the rules of the upcoming competition, they become more and more excited. The q
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The Quintuplets' School Bully
Third Person's povAs the man gets to work fixing the car, Jessie and the quintuplets get to know him. His name is Harold, and he's a mechanic from the next town over. He tells them that he was on his way to a job when he saw their car broken down on the side of the road. He couldn't just drive by and leave them there, so he pulled over to help. The quintuplets are fascinated by Harold's stories about fixing cars, and they ask him a million questions.Eventually, Harold finishes fixing the car, and they all pile back inside. "You folks be safe now," he says, waving as they drive off. "And if you ever need any help, you know where to find me." The quintuplets wave and thank him, and Jessie feels a surge of gratitude. Without Harold's help, they would have been stranded for hours. As they drive home, they all feel a sense of relief and joy.They pull into the parking lot of the best restaurant in town, and everyone piles out of the car. They're all starving, and they can't wait to eat.
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Jessie Slumps!
Third person's povAs Melanie sits at her desk the next day, her phone rings. She answers it, and her father's voice comes through the line. "Hello, Melanie," he says, his tone curt. She doesn't want to pick the call but then, she thought twice towards it. Even though she knew her Father call is always close to ruining her mood. She did, and did regretted it seconds later. "I have some news for you." Melanie's heart sinks. She knows what's coming. "What is it, father?" she asks, her voice resigned. "I've arranged a marriage for you," he says, his tone smug. "You'll be marrying the son of one of our business partners. I expect you to be on your best behavior."Melanie's mind is racing. She doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't know, someone her father has chosen for her. She's not sure what to do. She looks around her office, feeling trapped. Then, she sees a picture of her and Scott, laughing together at a party. A memory comes rushing back to her, of Scott telling her he loved
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At The Hospital
Third Person's povAs Xander waits for the ambulance to arrive, he tries to keep Jessie as calm as possible. He talks to her softly, telling her everything will be alright. "Just focus on your breathing," he says, his voice soothing. "I'm here with you, and we'll get through this together." In the midst of the chaos, he can't help but feel a sense of love and gratitude for his wife. They've been through so much together, and he knows that they're stronger because of it.He almost couldn't keep his cool. He's vehemently trying to keep it under check and he hopes it keeps working. Finally, the paramedics arrive and whisk Jessie away to the hospital. Xander follows closely behind, his mind racing with worry. He calls his mother-in-law to tell her what's happened, and she promises to come as soon as she can. As Xander sits in the waiting room, he tries to focus on anything but the worst-case scenario. He knows that Jessie is strong and resilient, and he has faith that she'll pull throug
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Fred- The Unexpected Visitor
Third Person's povXander slowly opened his eyes and turned his palm over. The coin had landed on heads. "Looks like I'm going to the hospital," he said, a sense of relief washing over him. He grabbed his coat and headed out the door. On the way to the hospital, he tried to prepare himself for the worst. But deep down, he was hoping for the best.When he arrived at the hospital, he made his way to the ICU, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath and entered the room, where he saw Jessie lying in the bed, hooked up to a variety of machines. He took a few steps closer and saw that she was awake, her eyes open and looking at him. He exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Hey there," he said, trying to sound upbeat. "How are you feeling?"And just then, the doctor walked in and smiled." She's getting better."At that, Xander nodded positively. "Great."Knowing the doctor has come to attend to Jessie, he walked out of the room, to see one of his guard awaiting
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