All Chapters of Quintuplets For The Beasty CEO: Chapter 121 - Chapter 127
127 Chapters
Brutal Betrayal
Third person's povAs Jessie was getting ready, Xander knocked on the bedroom door. "I've got your car ready," he said, his tone upbeat. "My driver will take you to the party, since you said Melanie didn't want me there." Jessie felt grateful for Xander's understanding. "Thank you," she said, giving him a quick hug. "I know this is a little outside your comfort zone, so I appreciate you being so supportive." Xander gave her a smile. "It's no problem," he said, his voice full of reassurance. "Have fun tonight!"Jessie stepped out of the car and made her way to the front door of the mansion where the party was being held. As she rang the doorbell, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. The door opened, and there stood Melanie and Sarah, both of them smiling brightly. "Jessie!" Melanie exclaimed, her voice dripping with insincerity. "We're so glad you could make it!" Sarah gave Jessie a hug, and then they both ushered her inside. But as they did, Jessie couldn't help but feel a
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Locked Behind Bars
Third person's povIt was a dark and stormy night when the gang met at their usual hideout. They gathered around the table, each of them eager to make their mark on the world. "We need to pull off the perfect heist," Fred said, his voice full of determination. "We need to rob someone who's rich and powerful. Someone who won't be able to fight back." The others nodded, their eyes glittering with excitement. But little did they know, their plan was about to go horribly wrong.The gang had their sights set on the fourth richest billionaire in New York, a man who had made his fortune in real estate. They studied his security, looking for any weaknesses. But as they were plotting their heist, they didn't realize that their plan was about to fall apart. Unknown to them, their scheme had been uncovered, and the FBI was on their trail. The net was closing in, and it was only a matter of time before they were caught.Fred sprinted down the street, his heart pounding in his chest. He turned d
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The Birthday Party
Third person's pov When Xander got home, he found Jessie waiting for him, her eyes wide with worry. "What happened?" she asked, her voice full of concern. Xander took a deep breath, and then he told her everything. He told her about his conversation with Fred, and about the changes he had seen in his brother. When he finished, Jessie's eyes were shining with tears. "I'm so proud of you," she said, reaching out to take his hand. "You've done something truly amazing."In the weeks that followed, Fred and Xander began to rebuild their relationship. It wasn't easy, and there were times when the old anger and resentment would bubble to the surface. But they worked through it, and slowly but surely, they found a new understanding. For the first time, they saw each other as brothers, not as rivals. And as time went on, they began to rebuild their lives. It was a long and difficult process, but they never gave up. They knew that they were stronger together than they ever could be apart.T
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Poisoned To Avenge
Third person's pov"But I'm glad you did it." She paused, looking at him carefully. "And I agree, I'd love to be your girlfriend." Fred couldn't believe it. He had only just met this woman, and yet he already felt a connection like no other. He felt as if he had known her forever, and he knew that this was the start of something special.Melanie stared at Sarah in disbelief. "Are you serious?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. That's...that's crazy!" Sarah's face hardened, and her voice was icy. "Oh, so it's crazy to want to get rid of that gold digger who's stealing your boyfriend away from you?" Melanie felt like she had been punched in the gut. She had never imagined that Sarah would feel this way about her. She shook her head, her mind reeling. "You're wrong, Sarah," she said, her voice breaking."I know you're upset," Sarah said, her voice softening. "But I just want what's best for you. You deserve better than this. You des
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Be My Bride. Will You Marry Me?
Third Person's povThe hospital room was filled with police officers, all asking questions and taking notes. Scott stood in the corner, his heart racing. He had called them as soon as they had gotten to the hospital, hoping they would be able to help. But now, he wasn't sure if he had made the right decision. What if they couldn't find the person responsible? What if they couldn't make Jessie better? He felt like the world was crashing down around him, and he didn't know how to make it stop.As the police filed out of the room, one of the officers turned to Scott. "We'll be in touch," he said, his voice solemn. "We'll do everything we can to find out what happened and who's responsible." Scott nodded, trying to quell the panic that was rising within him. He knew he had to stay strong for the kids, but it was so hard. He felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, and he didn't know if he could carry it any longer.As the police questioned Melanie and Sarah, the girls were
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Third Person's povTwo weeks later, the day of the wedding had finally arrived. Jessie stood in front of the mirror, dressed in a stunning white gown, her hair and makeup done to perfection. She looked radiant, like a princess out of a fairy tale. Outside, the guests were already gathered, and Xander was waiting at the altar, his eyes shining with happiness. As the music began, Jessie took a deep breath and started down the aisle. It was the moment she had been waiting for her entire life.As Jessie and Xander exchanged their vows, the words felt like a promise of a lifetime of happiness. They pledged their love and devotion to each other, their voices filled with emotion. When it came time for the kiss, they gazed into each other's eyes, and then their lips met. It was a kiss that would last a lifetime, a kiss that would seal their bond forever. As the guests cheered and clapped, Jessie and Xander just held each other, lost in the moment. They had found their happily ever after.As t
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Author's Note
Thank you all who followed along on Xander's and Jessie's journey. I really hope you enjoyed the journey and then, keep showing the story some love. It was such an emotional rollercoaster, filled with awakening blissful ride, and the bonding of our two lovely couples- Xander and Jessie - as they surged through the circumstances that surrounds life together with their kids. This happened to be my third book on Goodnovel and I honestly can't believe it's me getting this much support. To everyone who sticked to this novel from the beginning to the end, I so much appreciate. I'm so glad to have each and every one of you and as good as this sounds, am happy I still have so much support even as I end this story. The journey from the beginning down towards the end is fascinating and I will say this- I don't regret bringing this novel out to the world. You readers are so amazing and will always have a spot in my heart. Keep supporting and let's keep growing. I will see you all in my other
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