Semua Bab Revenge Of The Billionaire's Wife: Bab 21 - Bab 30
127 Bab
It Would Be Better To Give Me Your Body
"How could he do this to me? I loved him more than my life! I did everything for him. I sacrificed all I had for him!""You bastard! Rex, I will never forgive you! You are an asshole! I hate you!""Please, this should just be a dream!" Ariana kept mumbling as she walked ahead without looking anywhere else. She couldn't hear the honking of the cars as she walked blindly towards the busy road. The only thing echoing through her head was the memories of the past two months with that jerk and the voices of the traitors! She wondered if all those five years meant absolutely nothing to him. How could he change so fast? How could he plan an accident for her just because he wanted to get married to Vera? She was pregnant with his child!Ariana broke out in loud sobs as she kept walking towards the busy road. "Why the fuck am I still alive?" It would be better if she just died that instant. It would be better if she had died alongside her child. At least, she would die with the feelings th
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I Want To Go Home
It's been a few hours since Ariana and her boss, Vincenzo left the hospital. Sheila didn't know exactly where they were going but she knew they were going to meet that bastard, Rex.But it's been too long and Sheila was beginning to feel anxious. She was worried about Ariana and prays everything works out for good. Sheila kept pacing around the hospital waiting for her. She wondered what state Ariana must be in at the moment. She wondered if she should call her.After another ten minutes, she decided to call Ariana but the phone kept ringing without an answer. Maybe she wasn't with her phone. Taking a deep breath, she decided to call Vincenzo.After just one ring, he picked it up but there was no words from him."Mr. Vincenzo, can I please speak with my friend?" Sheila asked, sounding anxious."She just left in a cab without her bag," he simply said."What! How could you… sorry, Mr. Vincenzo but do you perhaps know where she would be headed to?" Sheila asked, holding back her anger.
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It Wasn't Real
Ariana took a cab to her office and arrived earlier than everyone else. She went straight to her desk so she could start working on the files on her desk.One hour later, her co-workers came to the office too and were surprised to see her working very hard. They all heard that she was hospitalized but no one knows why."Ariana, I heard you are not too fine. I hope you are better now?" One of them asked.Without raising her head, she simply answered," Yes. I am much better""Are you supposed to be working so hard after being discharged?""I think Ria is right, Ariana. You are supposed to be resting and doing minor jobs" another chipped in." And you guys are supposed to be working instead of lazing around with talks that don't concern you," She retorted, still typing away in her computer." You don't have to be rude!" The first girl said, getting angry at the way Ariana was talking to them." You don't have to care about me either! If you are pained, leave me alone!" Ariana retorted ag
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He Was Killed By His Own Father
Ariana knew deep down she was trying to lie to herself but she kept on typing away in the computer. She brought out her phone and sent a message. It was wrong for her to make a scene in the office but she was just pissed of by Janet. She wanted to dwell in her world of fantasy where she always had Ray and their unborn child. She would never accept that her child was gone.Killed by his own father.Why would everyone not agree to her reasoning? But still deep down, her heart was filled with pain unbearable. And the only thing she could do was transfer her anger to the poor keyboard. She invested her anger and time on working even when everyone had left the office. It might be that she was afraid to come in terms with her fears.The fear that all of these was, after all, real. The clinking and clanking of the keyboard was disrupted by the sound of her ringing phone. She took a glance at it and saw it was Sheila calling her. She braced up herself to answer the call as she took a deep b
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Was He In Love With Her?
As soon as Ariana stepped out of the office, she battled with her tears but it all came rushing down amidst her resistance. She wiped them off, walking towards her desk. After shutting down her computer, she left the office.She knew that if she went back to her house, the memories would drive her insane. Instead, she walked towards a nearby park and sat down in a seclusive spot.There, she let her tears fall as she sobbed quietly. The memories of her five years with Rex and his betrayal was becoming too tough to handle."Why Rex? What do you want from me? Was it just the money?" She questioned herself several times.As if playing with her heart wasn't enough, he had to kill their unborn child. What had the innocent baby done to him? She brought out her phone to make a call to him. Maybe it was just a prank like she wanted to believe. Her hands were shaking as she dialed his number the upteemth time. There was no answer and that's when reality starts to set in.He truly dumped her, us
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She Was Still In Love With Him
Vincenzo walked up to her and was just staring at her. By now he had been surrounded by bodyguards who scared away every female within a certain proximity. Let alone the bodyguards, this man's aura could even scare off a fierce pack of wolves.But his attention was fixed on a particular she-wolf, Ariana. She was his target for the night and he won't allow anyone an inch close to her. Unknown to the drunk Ariana who was still admiring the man's beauty, all he wanted to do was take her out of the place and lock her away from all these men. Why would she let that dirty thing touch her body?She was his alone! "Boss?" She asked, looking at Vincenzo.He was surprised at himself after her voice brought him out of his thoughts. Why would he be thinking of her as his own? What was this strange feeling coming from him? But her next words came as a surprise to him too. His personal whore? Why would she think he wanted to make her a whore? She wasn't going to be his whore, it was more like a
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She Was A Freaking Tigress!
When Vincenzo got to the car, he saw Ariana curled up at the back of the car. That was a surprise. He thought he was going to see a fierce kitten who might have scratched the hell out of his bodyguard.That was because she looked fierce back at the bar. Was she like this everytime she was drunk or was it because of the pains of betrayal? "Boss…"Vincenzo looked from the sleeping beauty up to the voice that called him. He would have continued calling her that until he saw something. Scratch that thought. She was indeed a fierce kitten. What the fuck was that on his bodyguard's face? Who the hell would do that? But the answer was damn too obvious. "She did this?" He asked, referring to the red marks on the bodyguard's face. He made a mental note never to let her drink ever again! "Yes, boss. She was calling me Rex while scratching the hell out of my face" the guard replied." Rex?" Vincenzo asked, sighing. She was still hurting from that useless son of a bitch! He so much wish to g
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Wrapped Up In Her World
Her eyes fluttered slowly as she tried to stand up from the bed she was lying on. She could hear the birds chirping already. Her room window was open and she could feel the morning breeze blowing coolly on her skin. She tried to open her eyes wider but something hit her painfully. "Ouch! Arrrrrrggg" She winced as her head felt like it was suddenly banged against something solid. Not just her head but her ears were buzzing nonstop. What happened to her? Why was she having a freaking migraine this early?"You are up already? Stand up so you could take the hangover soup I made. You sure had a lot last night. Lucky you weren't banged" Shirley said, walking into her room.Did Shirley just said banged? Was she in the alternative universe?"Had a lot? Hangover soup? What the hell happened to me?" She asked, clearly confused. " You don't remember? You mean you don't remember being carried up to your room by your sexy muscled boss who could beat the Greek god with his beauty?" Shirley said,
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I Will Miss Those Lips
It was still a bit early when Ariana got to the office. She heaved a sigh of relief as she sat down, ready to work on some files she left undone the day before. Since she missed so many days due to her miscarriage, she had to work extra hard. She was buried deep in her work that she didn't realize the arrival of the other workers. The thing that caught her attention was the news that the president won't be coming to the office till on Monday. It was a Friday already and weekend."I am going to miss those gorgeous eyes and luscious lips" "Me too. I came earlier than I used to just to eat his gorgeousness with my stare""And I just want one look at me from the god of beauty himself!"Ariana almost wanted to puke at their cringy words. How could they be so shameless? Eat his gorgeousness? When had beauty become edible?But she was happy he wasn't coming to the office. How was she going to face him after the stunt she pulled yesterday? Only God knows what else she had done in her state
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I Will Marry You
Ariana got up from her chair and went out of the office. The place he mentioned was about fifteen minutes walk down there. Couldn't he just wait till after she closed from work?Sighing, she came out of the building and saw one of the bodyguards walking up to her.She frowned on seeing his red face as if he was scratched by several cats at the same time. Why would a fit man like him let a cat scratch him? And shouldn't Vincenzo give him a day off to treat himself?"Miss. Scott, the president has asked me to take you to the restaurant. He is waiting there," the bodyguard said, a little distance away from her.Ariana could not understand why she was having the feeling that the man was trying to stay far from her. Was this also an instruction from Vincenzo?"Are you okay? Your face looks scratched," she asked, looking concerned. She blamed Vincenzo for being a bad boss.Couldn't he have at least gotten the poor guy treated? He really looks terrible.Meanwhile the bodyguard was stunned at
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