All Chapters of Revenge Of The Billionaire's Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
127 Chapters
Who Is That Bastard With Her?
Vincenzo stared at her while she had her hands folded and her eyes fixed like she could kill him with a stare. He wasn’t wrong, he could feel how she had her head spinning in circles from what she had just said. But there was something he still couldn't understand, why was she reluctant at first? The silence was just what he needed, he already had her around his fingers and he found out how affected she was already. He just hopes she doesn't change her mind. He hates to admit it but he truly wants to cure himself. He stared at her dazzling eyes that stared back at him and he could see her soul and what she was thinking. He crossed his legs and relaxed his back while he tapped the table with his pen."This is worth watching"The sight of her having thoughts run through her mind.He wanted to know what her next action would be, he guessed a few things that she might say but all in all, the wait was thrilling. He stared at her and watched her body language. He was an expert at that
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Get Away From My Woman!
‘What am I thinking? Is this right?’ She closed her eyes and exhaled, she accepted that it was done and she had to do what she had to do. ‘At least, I got to have my revenge.’ she muttered angrily. Ariana was ready to leave the hotel, she had no worries, she just didn’t want to see him or bump into him. Just the thought of him alone gave her goosebumps. She shook herself off and smiled. ‘Maybe if I pretend to be happy, I might be’ She closed her eyes, inhaling the fresh breeze blowing all over. Just then she caught a man walking towards her. He wasn't a stalker because he was dressed like a businessman."Hi, beautiful. Can I have a minute with you?" He asked, smiling."Fuck off!" She replied in disgust, turning away from the man. She was getting frustrated."Lady, that's not the way…""Get away from my woman!" A voice said from behind her. She didn't need to turn before she knew it was Vincenzo. Why the hell was he calling her his woman? The man who wanted to show off to the lady
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Sleeping Awkwardly Together
Ariana didn’t want to listen to the presenter or the topic, she was sure he might justify the fact that cheating is now a normal thing when it shouldn’t be. She stretched her hands to turn it off but he didn’t allow her, he blocked the buttons and she looked at him. She adjusted and folded her arms, it wasn’t her car anyway. She rolled her eyes and muttered, they had left the red light anyway, she wished the car could just move faster and then she gets to her destination as due. Ariana tried not to pay attention to the radio presenter but that was hard and it was also impossible.“So, we are back and here we are, we will take some calls. This is the question for the day; “What would you do if your partner cheated on you?” What would you do? Personally I would rain hell and I will ask questions but in the end I would accept it anyway. But that can’t happen to me.” The presenter laughed as he spoke. Ariana was irritated with the thought of what she had just heard, she rolled her ears
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You Are The One That Needs Me
Ariana opened her eyes, feeling dazed. But she felt a sharp pain piercing through her head. "Ouch! My head hurts like hell! And my body too" She cursed. She felt like someone was locked up around her body so she looked down.Her face creased in a frown at the sight before her. She was intertwined with her friend, Shirley. Obviously, they had slept off last night watching a movie. The awkward position that they had slept in made her body sore and her back arched too. She managed to stand up without waking her friend up. She woke up to a buzzing sound from her phone. She stood up with her hair all messed and scattered. She grabbed the phone and yawned. There was a frown on her beautiful face as memories of her discussion with Vincenzo cropped up. She took a deep breath before dropping the phone again. She didn’t care who the caller was. She wasn’t the morning type and neither did she like being disturbed. Especially on weekends when she doesn't need to go to work. The phone started
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Her Heart Turn Cold
With a heavy heart and probably a deep frown on her face, Ariana's beautiful face scrunched up as soon as she got out of the cab. It wasn't because she was unhappy or afraid but she was rather amazed by the artifact before her. She walked out of the cab and was amazed with how huge his house was. It was a magnificent Mansion with nature all around it.That wasn't too much of a surprise but what really got her baffled was the vividness of the Mansion. She least expected someone with his personality to be… bright? She just doesn't know the right words to describe what she felt. She passed through the gate and there was a garden before she eventually found the main house. It took her about ten minutes after entering the gate. She saw the huge section that had flowers in it. “Wow.” She said, getting to the entrance of the mansion. She pressed the bell and a servant opened it.He bowed to her before escorting her inside.When Ariana got inside, she was stupefied by the extravagance and
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Was This How She Was Going To Drown?
"Backing out from what?" Vincenzo's deep voice cut through her thoughts and his face stirred confusing emotions deep Ariana's face turned cold all of a sudden. One thing she had tried hard to erase was the damn face of the cheater. Why can't she get his face off her conscious mind?"Nevermind," she responded, dryly.Ariana's mind was filled with the contract and how fast she could start executing her revenge plans. In order to distract herself from those thoughts and of course the ticking time bomb in front of her, she decided to look around the house. “Jeff!” Vincenzo called out twice when he realized that Ariana had her entire face glued to the house. Somehow he felt he had to act responsible to her too. She must not have eaten before coming. Before signing the contract, they should at least have breakfast.“Prepare a batch of breakfast for her and ask her what she needs, make sure that she is good.” He ordered his chef who bowed to show that he had heard, then left the place quic
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I Could Have You For Dinner
He knew he shouldn't have gotten angry over what just happened but he just lost it. Maybe it was due to the earlier emotions she was having seeing her sad over her ex-fiancee. Vincenzo had just finished calming himself down. He didn’t want to believe that she could aggravate him that easily. He raked his hair and went back outside to check up on her, he wasn’t going to apologize.Heck! he didn’t plan to. All he wanted to do was check up on her arrogant self."Ariana? What did-""Help… me… " Voice cut off by gulps managed to say as Ariana managed to keep herself afloat for but a second or so. His heart skipped a thousand times before his brain accessed what was going on before him. Without waiting another second, he rushed toward the pool in a flash. As soon as he got close to the pool, he jumped inside without a thought to how soaked his clothes would be.His attention was on the drowning Ariana. He grabbed her waist and lifted her out of the water. It was obvious she had gulped a
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She Is Someone's Breakfast
"I could have you for breakfast…"The words left his mouth before he could stop it. How on earth does a full-grown woman putting on a thigh-length t-shirt which had two buttons loosened, thereby exposing a perfect pale skin of cleavage and perfectly luscious lips… could ever be someone's breakfast? Or could she? He wasn't a pervert, that's what he kept telling himself as his eyes scanned the temptation before him. She was a fucking ticking bomb as his eyes never left her body. He saw her.He saw how the water dripped from her hair to her shoulders. She had the towel on her head, she looked away and kept on rubbing it to make it dry while her lips were being caressed by her tongue.Vincenzo had his eyes on her. He had no idea that his shirt could look so sexy and hot. He never imagined that’s how she would look when she had it on. He couldn’t help but notice how pretty she looked, the water enhanced her look and made her more beautiful than she naturally was. He saw how pretty and
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Let's Get Married Tomorrow
Ariana was dumbstruck at his behavior. She believed they were not that close for him to be so benevolent toward her. Besides, she doesn't want any strings attached to their contract.Her gaze swept through the packages around the room. Why would her boss buy her clothes just because hers was wet?She had made up her mind not to be emotionally or financially linked to Vincenzo more than she was already indebted. All she needed from him was his connection to deal with Rex. Ariana still had the seven million dollar debt she had to pay him and now he was buying her expensive clothes to put on. No, she wasn't going to accept it and she was going to do what she came to do here.The contract signing, so her revenge could begin.But then she thought that refusing him could make him angry. Not that she cared for him, she just doesn't want anything ruining the contract. So, Ariana went toward one of the bags.She was going to chose just one to put on. The rest could be sent back to the shop. S
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I Have One Condition
Staring at the man almost choking on his wine, Ariana knew her words were a little too straightforward. She was desperate, that was the exact feeling eating her up. Rex was molding her into what she never believed she could be."Will you marry me tomorrow, Vincenzo Alberto?" Ariana repeated, clenching her teeth. She was being shameless but it was the key to her revenge.She wasn't marrying him because of love. She was going to marry him because of her eagerness to make things rough! She was also surprised at herself for suggesting they get married the next day but she didn't regret it. Ariana wanted the revenge done as soon as possible. Those people were like leeches to her, sucking every inch of her blood leaving her piping with indescribable anger."Why the sudden change?" Vincenzo brought her back to reality.If there was one certain thing about this lady before him, that would be the fact that she was in a traumatic state according to Martins. If she was, could her eagerness to g
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