All Chapters of Mated to Triplet Alphas: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
80 Chapters
#Chapter 21 Beautiful Changes
 The next day was Saturday, and I had planned to read and have a relaxing day at the mansion. I assumed I would be alone most of the day, and was fine with that idea. I was sitting in the garden reading, when I heard the patio door open behind me. I turned to look and saw Armand coming towards me. I smiled and sat my book down. “Hi.” I greeted him brightly, actually glad to see him. He had been gone a lot recently, and had seemed more stressed than normal. “Beryl dear, how are you?” He sat down in the chair across from me and smiled warmly at me. I was happy to have at least one person in the house who treated me kindly. “I’m good. How are you doing? I haven’t seen you home much. I work keeping you busy?” I was intrigued to find out more about what he did everyday. I wanted to learn more about the werewolf world that I had fallen into.  He sighed and looked down at his hands, which were folded elegantly i
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#Chapter 22 The Dance of Broken Hearts
 In the days after my first change, I felt like a new person. My skin felt foreign, but somehow more comfortable. I loved being in wolf form, but changing was still hard for me.  Even though the run through the woods felt amazing I decided I would only practice in my room for awhile, afraid of what the triplets might say. My weight and curves apparently transitioned into wolf form as well.   The brother’s seemed overly preoccupied though, and aside from showing up randomly to sit wherever I was, they were staying out of my way. They were planning the homecoming dance, and it seemed to be a big deal. I was enjoying the reprieve from their abuses and tried to ignore them as much as I could. I was spending a good bit of my time reading, singing in the woods, far away from the brothers, and with Lily.  She, apparently, was beyond excited about the dance. “I absolutely can’t wait. I have no idea what I’m going to
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#Chapter 23 A Wolf Shattered
 I slumped down on the steps outside, trying to piece my thoughts together before I headed home. How could they do this to me? Did they really hate me that much. The door opened behind me and I heard 3 sets of footsteps. I didn’t look back, not caring who it was or what they were going to say. Warm bodies sat down around me. I finally looked up to see the triplets. I scowled, anger welling up inside of me. “Go away.” All I could do was whisper. Cheney was in front of me, and I saw him lower his head. “We’re sorry. We thought it would be funny, but we were wrong.”  I could feel Nicholas nod beside me. I looked at Brian who was standing a little away from us. He was just starting at his feet. “I don’t believe you.” I looked back down, wishing they would just disappear. “Let us make it up to you. We’ll drive you home.” Cheney actually looked a little concerned, but I wasn’t sure I believed it.  
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#Chapter 24 Finding a New Friend
 I watch as Cleo leaves the clearing, and wonder what I should do. I don’t know if I should speak to him, or try to sneak away.  Brian decides for me, turning slightly in my direction and saying, “You don’t have to hide now.” A little embarrassed at witnessing such a private moment, I take a few tentative steps forward.  “I’m sorry.” I say quietly. And then feel stupid because he shouldn’t  be able to hear me. But he answers before I can do anything else. “I hear you… and don’t be sorry. I should have done that a long time ago.” He gathers the rest of his things and then goes to sit on a small bench beside the water. I follow and sit beside him. “You can hear me? Why?” I’m only slightly surprised, but want answers anyway. He doesn’t have any for me. “I don’t know. I don’t really care, but I appreciate it. Your voice is lovely.” I blush a little, and he looks at me and laughs. “Don’t get too exci
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#Chapter 25 Sweet Lullaby
 I watch Cheney, wearily, as he wipes the coffee from his skin. He pulls his shirt over his head, using it to help dry himself off. He pauses and looks up, catching me watching him. I blush a bit and duck my head, not knowing what to say. This isn’t something I was prepared for, I don’t know how to act around this version of Cheney. “You ok?” He asks softly, using a tone I’ve never heard from him before. “Yeah, no harm done.” My voice is a whisper, so I clear my throat. “I’m just a bit confused. What exactly happened out there?” I look back up at him, hoping that this question doesn’t bring back the cold, cruel Cheney I’m used to. He laughs softly, leaning up against the back wall and crossing his arms across his broad, tan chest. “Mags was trying to convince me to get back together with her. You came up at the right time, so I tried to show her I was over her.”  He trails off a bit, not meeting my eyes. “I guess she
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#Chapter 26 Hard Truths Revealed
 Back in the woods, Nicholas watches Beryl leave, his head flooding with thoughts and emotions. When she’s out of sight and earshot, he turns his heated glare on Brian, who looks mildly back at him, prepared to read his brother’s lips, knowing neither of them care enough to learn to sign. “What the hell, Brian? What’s going on out here?” He’s vague but almost frantic, and doesn’t really know why he’s so upset. But the moment he had seen Brian and Beryl sitting together, laughing in that clearing, he had become uncontrollably furious.  He storms over to the bench where Brian is sitting, and uses his height to loom over him. Brian, used to Nicholas’ domineering behavior, reclines, propping his feet on the bench where Beryl was sitting moments before.  Brian sighs, knowing what is coming next. He’s seen his brother struggle with his feelings for Beryl for weeks now, and hadn’t said anything to him, yet. Maybe he should now, he t
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#Chapter 27 Much Needed Fun
I felt as though I should be more concerned about the confrontation between Brian, the brothers, and I, but I couldn’t find it within myself to care much. Something within me had changed, and I was growing more confident, more willful. I was growing into my wolf. Today I was spending the day with Lily, and I was looking forward to a day without the overwhelming testosterone of the brothers. I arrived at Lily’s house in high spirits.“Hi!” She greeted me with a huge smile on her face. I knew from the look that she had something in mind, but didn’t mind. “Hey! How are you today? Are we still on for movies and popcorn?”“Well… I had another idea I wanted to run by you.” She looked a little sheepish now, hesitant to tell me what her idea was.“What is it?” I rolled my eyes and laughed at her, thinking it probably had something to do with the triplets. Most of her crazy ideas had something to do with them, she was near obsessed with them.“I was thinking, maybe, if you didn’t mind, that w
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#Chapter 28 Sinking into the Dark
 The joy that the hockey game brought me held over for the next few days. I was in higher spirits than I’d been in a long time. Bouncing down to breakfast one morning, I was singing to myself, and was caught off guard by Armand’s sudden presence in front of me. “Oh! Hi! I didn’t see yo there. How are you?” Armand hadn’t been around the mansion much lately. I had heard rumors that he had been seeing someone new, and that the tension with the vampires had increased some, causing him to be gone more. “Good morning Beryl. I’m well, thank you. And you?” He seemed distracted, not really looking at me, but off into the distance, contemplative. “I’m great. Ready for a good day!” I couldn’t keep the joy from leaking out. He chuckled a bit at my exuberance. He looked at me fully now. “I’m glad to hear it. Just be careful when you’re off the grounds for awhile. Things are unsettling lately, and I’d like to know you’re sa
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#Chapter 29 Have Trust
 NicholasI could tell that all three of us felt it when her collar bone broke, and then again when they knocked her out. The rage roaring through my mind was almost as loud as the roar that erupted from me as I felt her pass out. I was in the middle of a death match with two heavily built vampires, and could see that Cheney and Brian where in the same shape. My rage took over and in a moment of blind fury, I reached out and crushed the windpipe of one of my assailants. I could see to my right that Cheney was dispatching with his combatants as well, “Cheney, can you get to her?” I shouted over the chaos whirling around me.  “I’m trying! Damn it, they just keep coming!” He roared back at me, throwing panicked glances over his shoulder in Beryl’s direction.  “Brian??” I couldn’t see him, but could sense him behind me somewhere. “I’m covered up! They’re fucking everywhere! Where is the rest of the guard?” He yelled b
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#Chapter 30 Out of the Darkness
 Nicholas:We watched impatiently as our father broke one vampire after another, getting bits and pieces of information from each of them. We knew they’d taken her to a farmhouse on the edge of the city, we just weren’t sure how many were holding her and which direction they’d gone.  We also didn’t know who had called the rear guard away from their posts. They’d been called away with the correct code words, which could have only come from someone close to us. But right now, rescuing Beryl was the main priority. Finally, after what seemed like forever, our father turned to us. “She’s to the east in an old abandoned farmhouse. There are animals still on the property, so look for livestock. There should be about five of the holding her for now, but they will be moving her soon, so you must hurry.” “Take ten men, just to be sure, but bring her back unharmed.” He had apparently not heard that she had already be hurt.
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