All Chapters of Mated to Triplet Alphas: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
80 Chapters
#Chapter 41 Unraveling the Web
Beryl:One afternoon, I was taking a stroll through the woods. I heard talking in the distance and went towards the sound. I stood hidden behind the tall oak trees, peering through the dense foliage at the distant figure of Amy.The autumn leaves rustled under my feet as I moved closer to the open clearing where Amy stood, engaged in an animated conversation with someone I couldn't see. Suspicion gnawed at my heart, causing me to grip the rough bark of the tree trunk tightly. Who is she talking to, way out here? Thinking to myself, I played out different scenarios in my mind. Listening intently, I strained to catch the words carried by the breeze.
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#chapter 42 The Web of Deception
Nicholas: The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the clearing where Amy stood. Cheney and I had followed her here, moments ago. There were benefits to werewolves following a human, she’d had no idea we were there.Cheney and I watched from a distance, hidden in the shadows. She was on the phone, talking low, almost a whisper. We couldn't hear the conversation, but our heightened senses allowed us to pick up on the tension in the air. Suddenly, Amy spun around, looking in our direction frantically. She didn’t see us, but we hunkered lower in our hiding spot anyway. There was no way she could have heard us.She seemed to calm
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#chapter 43 Unveiling Shadows
I sat on in my comfy chair in the corner of the library, when I heard her come in. I was sure she’d been seeking me out, just to torment me. I watched as Amy approached me with a malevolent grin."Oh, Beryl, dear, looks like your precious papa bear is away again. How convenient for me," she sneered, her eyes locking onto mine with malicious intent. “What’s the worthless piece of trash doing hiding in here today?” "Leave me alone, Amy. I've done nothing to you," I pleaded, my voice trembling with exhaustion and frustration. This had been going on all week, or maybe longer, the days were running together.“No, you horrible thing, you haven’t done anything to me because you’re stupid and useless, and have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” She was talking about mine and the triplets attempts to tell Armand that she was working with his brother to over throw Armand.Each day Armand would leave and Amy would find me, no matter where I hid. Amy seemed to feed off my anguish, taking
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#chapter 44 A Revelation Unveiled
As the sun bathed my old family home in warm rays of light, the triplets and I busily unpacked boxes, making the place feel more like home with each passing day. Each of our personalities shone with the decorations and knick knacks we placed throughout our home.As much fun as I was having making this space our own, I was having trouble keeping my eyes open, and staying focused on the tasks in front of me. I’d never been so worn out and it was making me cranky. Nicholas noticed my fatigue growing, and with concern etched on his face he gently touched my arm. "Beryl, you should take a break. Moving is hard work, and you need to rest," he urged me.“Hmm, I think you’re right. I’ll go lie down for a bit.” I walked away from them, but I could feel their concerned looks following me out of the room.I could tell the triplets were confused by my lack of energy, but after everything I’d been through recently, it seemed as though they wanted to give me all the time I needed to get through thi
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#chapter 45 Embracing the Future
In our lovely new home, Nicholas, Cheney, and Brian, were constantly hovering around me, their protective instincts in overdrive. While their intentions were pure and filled with love, it made it increasingly difficult for me to keep my pregnancy a secret from them. One evening, as the sun set and painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, I found myself surrounded by the triplets once again. They sat on a plush sofa in the living room, their watchful eyes never leaving me. It was like they were waiting on me to do something. Or maybe it was that their instincts knew there was something going on with me that I hadn’t, or didn’t, know. I understoo
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#chapter 46 A Marked Union
 Beryl: My heart swelled with joy as my mates, these powerful werewolves, expressed their desire to mark me as their mate. The bond we shared was strong, and I felt an overwhelming sense of belonging with them. Without a thought, I wholeheartedly accepted the mark, knowing that this union would be forever cherished.&n
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#chapter 47 Shadows of Deceit
 It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep my secret from Amy. She had been acting strangely, undoubtedly feeling the pressure of Armand’s distance, and I couldn't shake the feeling that she was plotting something against me, specifically. As I caressed my slightly rounded belly, I knew I had to protect my unborn child at all costs. One evening, as I walked through the vast garden that connected our house with Armand’s mansion, I overheard whispers carried by the wind. It was Amy, talking with Bob. My heart pounded in my chest as I hid behind a tree, li
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#chapter 48 Unveiling Shadows
 Within a week, they set up a meeting with Armand and requested Amy and Bob attend as well. On the day of the meeting, we all gathered in Armand’s office, and the brothers presented their evidence. Everyone was there except for Armand, who was running unusually late. Not able to wait, the triplets confronted the traitors. As the accusations and information was displayed, I watched as Amy grew p
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#chapter 49 Tangled Threads
 Armand: To unify the pack, I knew I had to explain everything to them. They needed to understand the situation, and see that we were handling things properly. That meant bringing those that betrayed us all before the pack. I ordered a tribunal and demanded that everyone be present. The entire pack was to be in attendance. We needed there to be no misunderstanding. We needed to show no weakness.
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#chapter 50 Shattered Illusions
 While Amy had frozen time around her, Bob had taken the chance to call his army forward. As the time spell shattered, he leapt at the chance to attack. Armand’s army was more than ready to defend him and our pack. My personal guard surrounded me as my mates each kissed my cheek, ready to fight at their father’s side. Amy in her madness, lay chained at my feet, crazed, teeth clenching. &l
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