All Chapters of Diaries of a Hybrid and Her Mate: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
231 Chapters
141. Unconventional Date
Shawn and Kirrah "Baby, you good?" Shawn asked. "Yes, babe, I am good," Kirrah blushed. Kirrah stood with a gun cocked beside him as they prepared to break into a motel room. On this Friday night, Shawn decided to take Kirrah with him while he checked out a lead. The lead they got together today led them to Motel California off-highway Ninety-Two for their date. Shawn already felt he knew Kirrah and figured she would love something like this as a date. Kirrah was petit but tough. She was not the girly girl. But she kept herself well. Her nails were short and chipped. Giving Shawn the impression that she likes to get her hands dirty from time to time, and though petit, she had some muscles on her in a sexy way. Nevertheless, Shawn knew this was unconventional, but he sensed that though she would appreciate a lovely intimate dinner, she would not enjoy herself as much as she was enjoying herself now. The two of them working side by side and are about to bust in on Ron's hideout.
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142. Satisfy my needs
Shawn and Kirrah On closer inspection of these photos, a low growl escaped Shawn's throat. Stuck on the wall were tons of pictures of Aubrianne. "Photos of her at an amusement park, a library, do you see this?" Shawn questioned. Kirrah reached out and caressed his shoulders, soothing him, sensing his rising agitation for this punk Ron. After she inspected them closely, "Yes, babe," her eyes slid to another and then another, "a cafe." Kirrah continued. "Her car, look, is this Daniel's car? Shawn asked for confirmation; he leaned in and showed her. "Yes, that's Daniel's car," Kirrah confirmed and looked into the section Shawn was looking at. "Oh, there are some shots of Daniel and Daniela in these photos," Kirrah pointed. "These are from the day she arrived." Her eyes slid to another photo, "Look, this one is at the airport," Kirrah's eyes widened at the realization. The pair even came across sheets of paper thrown about the room floor with scribbled information about Aubrianne's w
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143. Mushroom Head
***WARNING*** Sexy Times Shawn and Kirrah "You know," She touched her chin and looked up at the ceiling, "Yes, is tonight not Thursday night?" Kirrah asked. "Ahh," The old man saw the error. She simply had her nights mixed up. But that only concerned the old man for this young lady; it was not Thursday night. It was Friday. "Dear, are you alright?" When Kirrah watched him confused, the old man added, "Dear, tonight is Friday night, and Mr. Santiago checked out last night." Kirrah's eyes widened, and he eyed her, "Are you sure he said Friday night or Thursday?" The old man asked at Kirrah's shocked expression. He was sure the tenant stood her up; he'd seen this a million times before. Men ditch their fun pieces when they skip town. Always making plans for the day or days after they check out. He'd seen it with both men and women too. Kirrah put both her hands on her head, eyes wide, she said, "Oh, no, no, no, no." Her features morphed to one of anger as she said, "How could he
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144. Contented
***WARNING*** Sexy Times Aubrianne Ivanov She rode him energetically, chasing after that feeling of bliss yet again; she bounced and bounced, leaned forward, and kissed him. Then she rose again, flung her head back, and continued to bounce up and down relentlessly, then rolled her hips, and up and down again she went. Her body was ignited in flames of passion, and her skin glistened with the sweat that formed. Her eyes sparkled with lust and desire. And soon again, she came undone on Daniel's stiff shaft, sadly milking him in the process. This feeling was so good. Aubrianne pvssy emptied him and took his seed with it this time. She leaned in and kissed him. Then she stared at him wide-eyed, then giggled. That movement caused his mushroom head to graze her walls. She moaned and immediately moved on his length. That sweet feeling warmed her lower stomach again. Aubrianne bounced on him again when Daniel flipped her over and shifted her to get a view of her from behind. Aubriann
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145. Benefit her needs!
***WARNING*** Slight Sexy Times Aubrianne Ivanov Nevertheless, Aubrianne burst out in laughter, a tear dropped from her eyes, then coming down from her fit, she croaked, "It's nothing." Shrugging, she said, "What you got there, handsome?" Daniel was easily thrown off by the endearment but quickly recovered. He wagged a finger at her, eyes narrowed, "Uh Uh, now, you have to tell me." Aubrianne smiled sheepishly, "Uh uh," shaking her head negatively. Yet, at Daniel's persistence, she sighed and explained the entire situation about him asking her that back then, and she even ventured to share part of what she was really thinking at the time. Aubrianne still held on to her experience with Ron and refused to share about him. Daniel had commended her on her ability to fool him as she has that way she tells half-truths and gets away with it. "Why thank you," Aubrianne blushed as she sat there, munching on some toast, eggs, and bacon. Aubrianne did not hesitate, Daniel had set down the
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146. Silent Prayer
Timothy Thornton Last night, Timothy had explained and shown his mother everything he'd gathered thus far, and Christen was impressed. Simply because this plan was not some get-rich-quick scam, it was an actual business plan. A plan that outlined his overview and objectives, detailed company description, and services. Listing of all the employment opportunities and a few proposed marketing strategies. Detailed info on his competitors, putting together a competitive analysis, his budget and funding needs, straightforward operational guidelines, structure, and appendices. With this plan, Christen was confident he could use it as guidance and enable him to apply for loans or approach investors. She believed he could show it to his father once he gathered and completed all the missing information. Christen had left her son's room that night with renewed strength to hold on to this, whatever this was, for her son. She would keep the flow of things going as smoothly as possible for Ti
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147. Father is hurting!
The Thornton's Household Alpha Theodore Claude Thornton "This is the report you requested, the details of the hospital visit, and the exact date and time of birth. I hope it helps." Mike handed over the thin file to his boss. Theo took the file, looked over the contents, and thought, 'Oh, this helps a lot.' He looked at Mike. "Thank you, Mike, for getting back to me." And just as he suspected, his Athalia was already pregnant at the time of the conference, and he chose to attend the conference instead of going to Athalia. Theo waited for Mike to leave and rose abruptly from his chair behind the desk as soon as he did, causing it to fall backward. Theo's hands formed a fist, his muscles bulged beneath his short-sleeved shirt, and he made a guttural sound, clearing all the contents on his desk. The loud noise of everything falling to the ground reverberated through the office space. *Clatter, Clang. When that was not enough, he snarled, turned, and repeatedly punched the wall be
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148. Mastered the art!
Aubrianne Ivanov After two rounds of playing, she'd asked a few casual questions to get things going. 'Girls' guys love to talk about girls, is it not so? She was not sure. Nevertheless, she had asked him who the lucky lady was, and she almost had to force the word 'lucky' out, as she knew that lady would not be lucky with a man who had no purpose. When she got no response, no one special? She pressed, and she got a shrug and a 'not really interested in anyone right now.' So Aubrianne offered a little information about herself. She had told him she, too, was not interested in anyone right now. As a matter of fact, she went further and informed him that she had never had a real relationship before. This was the truth; in terms of having a boyfriend, Aubrianne never had one, and the closest 'relationship' she had to one was with Ron. And we all know how that turned out. When that did not work, she asked what a typical weekend was like for him, just trying anything to get him talki
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149. Another Woman
Aubrianne Ivanov "What's this?" Dropping her bag on a nearby chair, she took the file from Timothy and started to browse. She believed the conversation about his goals and ambition would be easier than she thought. Aubrianne was gobsmacked about how easy it would be to bring up that conversation. She was a little on edge, wondering how he might react to the situation and how do you approach someone about ambitions they don't have. Thank goodness, she thought as she stared at what looked like a business plan, "Ok, ok, so tell me about your goals and ambition before I get into this, so I can get a view of the entire picture." Aubrianne could pinch herself. She was giddy with how smoothly she got to do this without it being out of place or awkward. Timothy smirked, he was prepared for this, and it was good practice for Father; he pulled up a chair and made himself comfortable as he began, "To be quite honest, I had no set plans or any goals for a long time," Timothy kept his eyes o
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150. Bared her soul
Christen Thornton Christen then took some quick breaths in and out as she calmed herself; honestly, she wanted to be left alone in her sorrows and self-pity; she did not want to talk about it. Especially with Aubrianne because what was she going to say, 'Hey Aubrianne, it's just that I thought I would be free of this and never have to bring this up again.' 'That I never expected this turn of events that a long lost daughter would appear in our lives. Not only was she my husband's daughter, but her mother was his love.' 'And I knew I did not have to worry about his mate because she was dead. Theo's father took care of that when he found out Theo's mate was weak, nothing but a lowly omega wolf who had come to their home one day to interview for the house manager's assistant position.' 'And James had quickly dealt with her after he realized her reaction towards his son's scent as Theo had just left the office and headed out for the day, making it look like an accident so that, now,
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