All Chapters of Diaries of a Hybrid and Her Mate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
231 Chapters
151. Unique Specimen
Unknown POV Under the moonlight sky, parked in the middle of nowhere... "Boss, great news, we found her. You were right. The hunter led us straight to her." Roger nervously relayed the news. He was nervous about what he was about to say next. Suddenly his skin pricked with nerves, and a feeling of dread washed over him, knowing what he was about to say would surely piss off his boss. They had been monitoring the situation for some days, watching her movements, but they had to wait for the right moment, which seemed elusive. She was always with an entourage of wolves and that witch. They were always around her, protecting her. The person on the other end grunted, pleased that they had found her, and motioned a silent 'YES' with his free hand. Finally, the Caller thought this was good. They were getting closer; he felt he had lost her forever while focusing on that mutt of an Alpha Zayne. However, the Caller wondered why his guy sounded so nervous at this great news: "Spit it ou
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152. Carried Away
Unknown POV The Doctor picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Hello?" A female's sultry voice came from the other end of the call, "Hi, Sheila, get me that file on Aubrianne Ivanov." "Yes, boss." She clicked her tongue and pursed her lips. She remembered Aubrianne and was not fond of her. She simply couldn't place the reason why. Or maybe it was because of the boss she was crushing on sudden interests in Aubrianne. However, she had hoped it was for one of his experiments. She would gladly cut into her first. She smiled, but it did not reach her ear. However, her eyes sparkled with curiosity. Aubrianne Ivanov The following week went quickly for Aubrianne. She had finally started training with her father at the manor on afternoons, with Tobias included. She did not want to leave him out. Aubrianne and Daniel were easily getting carried away in their actions, well more so, Daniel falling deeper and deeper into the web of Aubrianne. While Aubrianne was simply enjoying mind-blo
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153. Jealousy
Aubrianne Ivanov "I would like to know the same thing," placing the selected dress on the counter, Jada folded her arms and snared to a dumbfounded Jenna, who was surprised she got caught. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times. Jenna thought she was being discreet, but Goddess, she could not help it, so this was the little pompek Daniel had been seeing. Having him suddenly act as if he was walking on f*cking cloud ten. Who the f*ck was this mutt? Jenna rapidly blinked, feigned a surprised look as she smiled, and decided to go with flattery. It always worked, "How can someone be so beautiful and move so gracefully?.. I am sorry; I... I did not mean to stare." 'Lies. Well, obviously, it's true, but that is not why she stares. She is jealous of us.' Leia perked up while Jada scrunched her nose up as if what Jenna just said stank, and it did. Jada did not buy it for a second; that was a glare she saw. And if she said those things, maybe she was jealous of Aubrianne, and Ja
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154. Perfect Plan
Aubrianne Ivanov On seeing Shawn, Jada ended the call and moved towards them while Jenna finally made herself seen. Daniela furrowed her eyebrows, "Where have you been?" "Oh my goodness, the pool." She beams, eyes wide in false amazement, and Daniela rolls her eyes and regards Jenna for a bit. She said nothing and returned to the house with Aubrianne and Daniel while Kirrah, Shawn, and Jada chatted. Jenna's ears tuned in and gathered all the information she could about her mate. She wanted to find him. No, she needed to find him. She was baffled by this revelation. She was beginning to think she might never meet her mate ever. But anger swam in her stomach at the thought of her own mate being this smitten with Aubrianne just as the man she had loved, Daniel, was. This b!tch was a problem. And problems must be dealt with. Shawn and Kirrah decided to do one more sweep and went around the house to the back door, closer to the back of Aubrianne's garage. Suddenly, they went running
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155. Nostalgic
Timothy Thornton Timothy spoke to his mother as if his plan could save the starving. However, at what Timothy said, Christen perked up, an eyebrow rose, and eyes blazed with curiosity about where this was going. She stopped her fussings in front of the mirror and listened. Realizing that he had gotten his mother's attention, Timothy explained that if she wanted to get a divorce, she could do so. Thinking about his parent's relationship, he felt like it should not come as a surprise to his father if his mother suddenly one day decided to get a divorce. There were no red flags to raise. So, Timothy believed his mother could smoothly get a divorce, and he was confident his father would ensure she would be cared for, for life. Then, whispered that when she was far away, maybe after a month or two, she could destroy the evidence. Timothy had pointed to the side of the manor in question. Or if she planned on visiting, she kept it around to keep up the ruse of the mate bond. The more h
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156. Day of the Ball - Good Spirits - 1
Aubrianne Ivanov Aubrianne was simply trying to get away from spending intimate time with Daniel. He had offered to keep her company till she fell asleep tonight. He would sneak out after, but she quickly refused. When Daniel's heart squeezed in his chest, she brushed him off. He knew a brush-off. He had done it so many times with Jenna alone. But it was ok; maybe the anxiety about tomorrow was getting to her. Reaching to grab her hands. "Hey, tomorrow will be fine, besides I will be with you every step of the way." He brought the back of her palms to his lips and kissed it, then squeezed her hand comfortably as he placed it back on her thigh where he held it. And Aubrianne turned to look into his eyes and smiled; yeah, let's go with that, she thought. Ever grateful that he would still be by her side, she thanked him. Aubrianne stirred, and her eyelids fluttered open. She stretched her body, sat up, paused, and listened tentatively to the buzzing. Noise from all the hustling and
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157. Day of the Ball - The Airport - 2
Aubrianne Ivanov Aubrianne stood by the door staring at her father's receding back as he disappeared through the front door of her wing and wondered what he was thinking and that he looked in real good spirits today. Of course, Aubrianne hoped for many things in her mate, and the top of her list was that he did not have a great love, but as for him, being from a weak community or a poor community was the least of her worries. She honestly did not care about those things. She wanted to be loved, wanted, and cherished. When she was snatched out of her reverie by a squealing Jada, who dashed out of her room when she observed Aubrianne's dad leave. Jada had just returned home from her night out, as Ivan had some things to take care of before the ball, so no staying in bed late for her this morning. Meanwhile, Alpha Zayne Steele On his way to the Ball in Transcendent Lotharios... Alpha Zayne and Delta Rafael boarded their flight and made it to Transcendant Lotharios in one piece. T
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158. Day of the Ball - Prestigious and Elite Guests - 3
Alpha Theodore Thornton - A few hours earlier. Suddenly Alpha Theodore Claude Thornton felt like a new man. He had finally made the right decision. Deep down inside, this was the right move. He just knew it. He was ready to face the marriage he felt trapped in. Since he finally made the judgment, he had felt so much lighter. His mind was no longer heavy. Now that he was ready for a divorce, he felt happy for the first time in years. He felt like an anchor was removed from shackling him down. And today was his baby girl's day. Theo was overjoyed and proud. His baby girl was about to make her debut in his society. So he will announce this next week. He wanted this weekend to go by smoothly. His guests leave on Sunday evening. The bottom line, he was not happy in his marriage, and it was unfair to have Christen here, stringing her along. Having her wait for something that would have happened by now if it were ever to happen. Their kids are grown now. His father, James, was no long
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159. Day of the Ball - Fort Knox - 4
Alpha Zayne Steele Back at the Airport In the room, they kept Alpha Zayne and Delta Rafael. It was a small square white box. The air conditioning unit was humming almost silently, and it was freezing. But it was clean, and the white lights above shone brightly. "You are awfully quiet. Do you have a plan to get us out of here?" Rafael's handcuffed hands behind his back, he sat on one of the three chairs in the room. There was also a table. He had been quietly observing his Alpha, who seemed distant at a time like this. And it was time they got moving. Zayne was groggy and tired. He sat with handcuffed hands behind his back and his forehead resting on the chilly surface of the table. He did not get to sleep well on the flight, and he had that dream again. However, he could have sworn to the Divine Moon Goddess this time. He heard the white wolf whisper, 'You are close, my love.' Goddess, just thinking about it now, his pores stood at attention. Nonetheless, that had both him a
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160. Night of the Ball - Aubrianne Ivanov Thornton – 1
Alpha Theodore Claude Thornton Alpha Theodore Claude Thornton got an alert, interrupting his tennis round with his elites. While some were still playing golf, others ventured to his tennis courts. Goddess, damn it, he cursed under his breath and excused himself again. He thought this would be wrapped up by now, but the scum bag Alpha escaped into TL before his men could arrive. Somebody at that airport would lose their job. Theo vented as he contacted Ivan and gave the order to shut this place down. And he dispatched more security teams to be on high alert in search of Zayne and his man. His property was on complete lockdown, and his already tightened security just got like fort knox. Aubrianne Ivanov "Wow, Aubri," Jada gushed, "Honey, you look gorgeous. Aubrianne rolled her eyes while eating, sitting on her couch, and shoving a cheese pie down her throat. She was getting a bit nervous, and Leia was prancing around. She could not understand her sudden mood change. But, Aubria
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