All Chapters of Changed Souls, Became the CEO's Mistress: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
145 Chapters
will find out
Ellen is still thinking about the woman who claims to be her biological mother. Indeed, Ellen had never seen what her mother looked like, because, as far as Ellen knew, her mother had died right after giving birth to Ellen; that's what Rendi, her father, told her."Are you still thinking about that woman?" asked Rey, who came to meet Ellen. Currently, Ellen is sitting and daydreaming."Yeah, do you think I should tell this to Papa? Ellen asked."No," Rey answered quickly."Why? "If I tell Papa, I can find out whether Papa might know that woman or not," said Ellen."Ellen, now you are my wife, and let me find out who that woman is; let Papa rest, because Papa is not very well," said Rey. For some reason, Rey also felt that Rendi was hiding something.Okay, Rey, thank you," said Ellen.Rey, you want to help me find out that woman? On the grounds that I am his wife and I am his responsibility, has Rey actually accepted me as his wife? Ellen thought. For some reason, remembering that made
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Mission to find the perpetrator
"Wow, do you want to hold a wedding reception with Aditya? Keysha asked after seeing the invitation from Aurel.Yes, Key, I hope you can come," said Aurel with a smile."Don't forget to come, OK, Key?" said Desi, reminding Keysha.Sure, Ma," answered Keysha. While waiting for their food order to arrive, Keysha, Aurel, and Desi chatted."Keysha, Mama, and family, express their condolences for the death of Lisa's grandmother. We are very sure that Lisa's grandmother is definitely in the best place now," said Desi."Amiin, thank you very much, Ma," answered Keysha with a smile."It's time to carry out the mission," thought Keysha.Keysha typed a message to Farel to contact him, and not long after, Keysha's cell phone rang."Sorry Mama, Aurel, Keysha's friend called; is it okay for Keysha to take the call first? Keysha asked for approval."Of course, Key," answered Desi and Aurel together.Okay, thank you. Keysha immediately left the VIP room and received a telephone call from FArel, whic
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Finally found out the real culprit
Keysha tried to hide in a safe place; she then took out Fahri's cell phone and looked for a telephone number that she often called."Which one of you will answer my call?" thought Keysha.Keysha also pressed the telephone number she got from Fahri's cell phone.The VIP restaurant room that Keysha booked had indeed installed CCTV secretly, and it was directly connected to Farel's cellphone so that Farel could monitor it. Keysha started calling the telephone number that Fahri often called.However, to all of Keysha's surprise, Desi and Aurel both received telephone calls. Aurel was seen stepping out of the room and walking away."Why both of them?" Keysha thought, "At least I will listen to his voice.""Fahri, finally, you contacted me. I've been looking for you these days; where have you been? And have you fled according to my orders?"Keysha, Farel, and Marvel were very surprised to see that Desi was the one who answered the call from Fahri's cell phone."So Aurel wasn't the perpetrat
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Is it true?
"I want to meet my child, my only daughter," answered Karina with a sad expression."What's the name of Ma'am's child? Maybe I know it," asked Carissa."Ellen, and her father's name is Rendi," answered Karina. Carissa was quite surprised to hear that Ellen was Karina's daughter, because, as far as Carissa knew, Ellen's biological mother had also died."Ma'am, you want to talk to me? There is also Mr. Rey, Ellen's husband, Ma'am's son," asked Carisa. At first, Karina seemed hesitant because she was worried that she would only be taken advantage of, but seeing Carissa's politeness and kind words made Karina believe and want to follow Carissa.Finally, Rey took Karina to a restaurant. Rey deliberately booked a VIP room so he could chat freely."So, can you prove that you are Ellen's biological mother?" Rey asked; however, Rey couldn't just believe Karina's words."This is a photo of my wedding with Rendi, and this is a pregnancy photo of me with Rendi; then this is a photo that I secretl
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story of the past
"I married Rendi, not because of an arranged marriage, but because we really love each other; at first I thought that," said Karin, pausing her story."When I was pregnant, Rendi loved me even more and paid attention to me; at first, that was my thought, but it turned out I was wrong.All the attention that Rendi has given so far is only for the future child that I am carrying, namely Ellen," said Karin."All this time, Rendi never really loved me; all his attention and treatment were just an inducement for me, so that I would fall in love with him, but not with Rendi. Rendi married me, just to have children, children from me," explained Karin while sobbing, remembering the events of her past."I thought I still had time to change Rendi and make Rendi truly love and accept me, but even until I gave birth, Rendi was still holding his own." Karin's sobs became increasingly loud in Rey and Carissa's ears."I secretly asked the nurse to take a photo of Ellen because I had a feeling that th
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Started to change
"Rey, bagaimana apakah wanita yang mengaku sebagai ibuku, datang lagi ke kantor kamu?" Tanya Ellen dengan tidak sabar, sedari tadi Ellen terus saja menunggu Rey pulang hanya untuk mendapatkan jawaban soal wanita itu.Rey terdiam, melihat wajah Ellen membuat Rey kenbali ingat dengan Rendi, orang yang sudah membunuh kedua orang tuanya."Rey, apakah kamu mendengar aku?" tanya Ellen sebab Rey sama sekali tidak bersuara."Oh, maaf Ellen, aku mendengar kamu. Aku sudah mendapatkan jawabannya, kita akan bahas nanti, aku harus membersihkan tubuh ku dulu," jawab Rey, dan Ellen pun mengangguk setuju dia akan menunggu dengan sabar."Selama aku menikah dengan Rey, aku belum melakukan apapun, bahkan untuk secakir teh," gumam Ellen. Dia pun berinisiatif untuk membuatkan teh hangat untuk Rey."Mrs.Ellen, apa yang anda lakukan?" Maid di rumah Ellen tentu saja terkejut melihat Ellen yang sedang sibuk di dapur."Aku ingin membuatkan teh hangat untuk Rey, bisakah kamu mengajarkan aku?" Tanya Ellen, awaln
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Ellen's wishes
Rey is cleaning his body, and now he is thinking about what Karina said about Rendi, who is secretly in love with Rey's biological mother."Seeing Ellen smile, why does my heart hurt so much? Even my feeling of destroying her is getting bigger," Rey muttered. Rey closed her eyes, trying to hold back her feelings. Rey must be able to destroy Ellen with her love.At this time, Rey had just sat down at the dining table, and then Ellen swiftly gave Rey hot tea."Drink this warm tea, Rey." Ellen gave Rey hot tea, which Rey drank straight away."How does it feel?" Ellen asked curiously."Delicious," Rey answered."Really? That means I succeeded because I made the tea," said Ellen with a proud expression.cough... cough. Rey choked because she couldn't believe Ellen would take the trouble to make her hot tea. Because Ellen was already used to being served by maids, even small things"Rey, what's wrong with you?" asked Ellen with a panicked expression."No, I'm fine; I was just surprised to h
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DNA test plan
"Ellen, don't you want to know about the investigation I got?" Rey said."Again, Rey is avoiding this topic of conversation, but I am also very curious about the results of Rey's investigation regarding the woman who claims to be my biological mother," muttered Ellen."Okay, I can discuss my relationship with Rey another time, the most important thing is that I know the woman's information first," thought Ellen."Yeah, how did it go?" asked Ellen with a very curious look on her face."Look at this." Rey shows the photo evidence he got from Karin."This is a photo from my childhood," said Ellen."Yes, the woman's name is Karin, you see there is a photo of her wedding with Papa." Rey showed one of the photos again, and Ellen nodded her head."That woman is indeed your mother Ellen, she was separated from you after giving birth to you," said Rey.Ellen looked at Rey with a confused look. "How is that possible," said Ellen, she found it hard to believe Rey's words."It's impossible for Pa
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Test DNA
"Ellen." Karina approached, intending to hug Ellen, but Ellen avoided it."I can't just believe it until the DNA test results come out," Ellen answered firmly."Okay, no problem; Mama is sure that soon Mama will be able to hug you because what Mama said was honest," answered Karin confidently.The results of Ellen's DNA test with Karin will come out the day after tomorrow, so Karin still can't be close to Ellen. However, Karin had promised that she would not come to Rey's office again like that time, because now Karin had a way to meet Ellen."Ellen, what are you thinking?" asked Rey, who had been watching Ellen's movements."Rey, I'm just worried. Is it okay if I don't tell Papa?" Ellen asked, because usually Ellen was very open about anything to Rendi."Ellen, if Papa finds out, and it's true that Ma'am Karin is your biological mother, then Papa Rendi will stop all of this, and it's possible that you won't know anything about Ma'am Karin," said Rey."There must be a reason why Papa
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end the relationship
Viren was daydreaming in his room; he was thinking about his relationship with Ellen, which felt more and more distant by the day. Viren felt unfamiliar with Ellen, as if the two of them had never known each other."Ellen, we have to talk," said Viren. Ellen was, of course, surprised by Viren's sudden appearance in front of her."Now or later?" Ellen asked very calmly."Of course now," replied Viren. He stepped into his study first, followed by Ellen."Ellen and Viren, have they both started to make up?" muttered Carissa, who saw everything on CCTV."What is it?" Ellen asked after she entered Viren's room, not forgetting to make sure that everything was safe."I want to talk about our relationship; I feel like we don't know where our relationship will go. You are very difficult to talk to," said Viren.Ellen took a deep breath and looked at Viren. "Maybe it's true that everything that started in a bad way will end in a bad way; we have separated and we shouldn't have gotten back toget
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