All Chapters of Changed Souls, Became the CEO's Mistress: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
145 Chapters
Still to be kept secret
After hearing the news that Marvel had returned, Rey immediately came to visit the Marvel family to see Marvel's condition."Hi Ray." Marvel immediately welcomed the arrival of Rey and Carissa. Seeing Marvel, who seemed to have started to remember the people around her, made Rey and Carissa relieved because the treatment Marvel was undergoing was successful.You—have you regained your memory?" she asked.Marvel smiled. "Of course, I have regained my memories because I don't want to forget my family, friends, and, of course, my love. Marvel replied while hugging Keysha's waist, who was beside Marvel at the moment."I'm very happy, because finally you are together now. I hope that in the future your relationship will be good and that what you have dreamed of for a long time can come true soon," hoped Carissa."Thank you, Bella, for your prayers. I and Marvel also hope so. I hope that my relationship with Marvel will be fine in the future," said Keysha. Marvel also invited Rey and Cariss
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Dinner invitation
Tonight, Carissa received an invitation to dinner from Regina. Carissa felt bad if she had to refuse; besides, Carissa already had a goal for why she had to approach Regina because, being close to Regina, Carissa had an opening to destroy Ellen's and Viren's feelings."Bella, are you here yet? As usual, Regina will welcome Carissa's arrival very warmly.Yes, Mom, sorry for waiting so long; I was stuck in traffic," said Carissa with excuses."No problem; dinner has just been prepared. Come on, darling, let's go inside. Regina invited Carissa to enter the house, where Viren and Yohan were already there."Wow, so tonight we have special guests," said Yohan, smiling and welcoming Carissa."Mr.Yohan, you are too much; I actually feel very honored because I have been invited to dinner at your family," said Carissa."Okay, don't keep talking to her; Bella, sit beside Viren. Regina asked Carissa to sit next to Viren so they could be closer.Sorry, Mr.Viren, if my arrival disturbed the peace of
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distort facts
After having dinner together, Regina asked Viren to take Carissa home. In fact, Carissa really wanted to refuse, but Carissa realized that this was the first step in taking Viren from Ellen."How is your relationship with Miss Ellen?" she asked."Ellen is still angry because of that photo," Viren replied."Are you also angry with me, Viren? Are you also accusing me of giving the photo to Ellen? Cariissa put on a sad face."Bella, I'm just confused; why did Ellen get that photo? Even though the meeting was held behind closed doors, and only you and I know, it is very unlikely that I would give the photo to Ellen myself," replied Viren."Then, do you think it's me? I also can't risk my own career. Viren, you know I have a contract with Mr.Rey's company, and for some time in the future I can't have a relationship with anyone, so I can't possibly give that photo to Ellen, whereas I know that Ellen is the wife of my boss," said Carissa, avoiding all the accusations that Viren made. "Then,
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Meet the perpetrator
Today, Keysha will meet the person who killed her grandmother and also her best friend, who is still lying weak in the hospital. Farel gave the code to his men to take off the blindfold of the perpetrator."How are you? Keysha asked after the perpetrator's blindfold was removed.Keysha?" said the man with a surprised look."I didn't think that you were the perpetrator, Fahri," said Keysha Fahri, who is none other than Alena's ex-boyfriend. Their relationship ended after Alena found out that Fahri had betrayed her. It turns out that Fahri still harbors a grudge against Alena."Key, please just take me to the police; I can't stand it anymore here." Fahri asked in a pleading tone, He felt tortured being held captive by Marvel and Farel because he was abused. You can see from his face and body that there were bruises and wounds with blood that had not yet dried up.Keysha smiled. "Okay, I'll treat you first," Keysha said casually.Marvel and Farel looked at each other because it was stran
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Surprised birthday
"Happy birthday!" Rey gave a birthday cake to Ellen. Today is Ellen's birthday. If Rey hadn't remembered that this was one of her revenge missions, she wouldn't have wanted to give Ellen a birthday surprise.Ellen was so amazed to get a birthday surprise right at 12 o'clock at night. She was touched."Rey, do you remember my birthday?" asked Ellen while receiving the cake given by Rey."Of course I remember, oh yeah, blow out the candle first, and don't forget to make a wish," Rey said.Ellen closed her eyes and prayed in her heart. When finished, Ellen blew out the candles on the cake. Ellen smiled and subconsciously hugged Rey."Thank you very much, Rey, said Ellen while hugging Rey."You're welcome; then you can continue sleeping; I'm sure you'll be tired," Rey said, but Ellen just shook her head."Why, don't you cut the cake first? Ellen asked.Rey was a little surprised by Ellen's invitation, because, as far as Rey knew, Ellen didn't like sweet food because it would affect her we
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This misunderstanding continues
Carissa has been lurking in Viren's work room. Carissa has deliberately set up CCTV in Viren's room to be able to see Viren's anticipation with Ellen, hoping that the plan that Carissa and Rey have done has gone well. Finally, when the long-awaited time came, Ellen was seen entering Viren's office. Ellen read out Viren's schedule of activities today, and Viren only nodded his head in response. Feeling that she was done, Ellen rushed out of Viren's room. With annoyed steps, Ellen returned to his desk. "Viren seems to have really forgotten about me; the proof is that he doesn't remember that today is my special day; he didn't even discuss the relationship issue at all yesterday. Does Viren really not love me anymore? And Viren will give up on this relationship?" thought Ellen.Meanwhile, on the other hand, Viren also thought about Ellen's seemingly normal attitude; Ellen had nothing to talk about at all."Ellen is very selfish; she really only thinks of herself and doesn't want to admit
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Live in regret
"Mr. Marvel, I have received a clue about Fahri's crime, said Farel, who was now in Marvel's office. Farel gave some of the evidence he had collected."Try to explain?" ordered Marvel."I got information from Fahri's girlfriend; she said that Fahri had indeed rented a car from someone who helped him, but Fahri had changed the car plate," explained Farel."You know what real car plates are?" asked Marvel curiously.Know, Mr. Marvel, everything is in my notes," answered Farel."Then, have you got any information? Who helped Fahri? asked Marvel, tapping his finger on the table."I'm sorry, Mr. For that information, we are all still investigating, and I will provide further information again. I have confiscated Fahri's cellphone; I hope the person who helped Fahri will contact Fahri later. Farel gave his cellphone to Marvel.-//-"Viren Isn't there anything you want to say to me? asked Ellen, it seemed like she couldn't hold back anymore. Ellen didn't seem to feel at home staying silent f
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Starting to fall in love?
"Rey?" Ellen suddenly came to Rey's office, which of course surprised Rey, even though Rey had already made an appointment with Carissa."Ellen, when are you coming?" asked Rey, who was surprised by Ellen's arrival."I just got here; I didn't bother you, right?" she asked."Oh no," Rey answered awkwardly. Ellen sat opposite Rey. Ellen praised Rey's very tidy workspace."What made you come here? Is there a problem? Finally, Rey asked about why Ellen came to her office."I just want to stop by; I haven't been here for a long time, and I don't think much has changed; it's just that it looks wider and tidier," said Ellen."What about Papa? Has he contacted you? Rey asked, and Ellen was confused about what to discuss with her."Yes, and as usual, Papa asked about the news of my pregnancy. Papa asked whether I was pregnant or not," Ellen replied."Never mind, don't mind it; I'm sure Papa will be bored to ask about it later," Rey said."Rey, don't you want to have children with me? asked Ell
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Crazy Women
"My child!" the woman shouted, and she ran over to Ellen. Nearly, the woman approached Ellen but was thwarted by the security guard on duty."Let go! I want to meet my daughter! The middle-aged woman wailed for release and struggled to hug Ellena."Honey, this is Mama, the woman who gave birth to you!" said the middle-aged woman."You crazy woman, my mother is dead, so don't admit it!" said Ellen in an annoyed tone."No, it's all lies; Papa, you lied; Mama is still alive; and this is Mama," said the middle-aged woman, convincing Ellen."Rey, we should just go home; that woman is crazy; hearing what she said makes me dizzy." Ellen invited Rey to go home and thought that the middle-aged woman's words were just lies."Rendy Smith, that's your father's name, right? The woman's words were able to make Rey and Ellen speechless."Ellen, that woman knows Papa's name," said Rey with a confused expression."Who are you?" asked Ellen with a curious look on her face. Moreover, the woman could als
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Do not blame yourself
"Keysha, how is Grandma Lisa? Alena asked. Hearing Alena's question made Keysha speechless, because it turned out that no one had explained the news about Lisa's grandmother, who had died, to Alena."Grandma Lisa is calm now, Alena. "Grandma doesn't feel the pain anymore; now Grandma Lisa has met Grandpa," answered Keysha, remembering her grandmother, who died in a tragic accident, making Keysha sob again."So, you're saying that Lisa's grandmother died in that accident? Alena asked, and Keysha could only answer with a nod of her head."Keysha, I'm sorry," Alena sobbed. She was quite shocked to hear the news of Lisa's death."Why are you sorry, Alena? Keysha was confused."At that time, I should have been able to take good care of Grandma Lisa; I should have been able to see the situation around me, and maybe the accident could have been avoided," explained Alena while crying. She felt very guilty. because Alena felt she had been negligent, and because of her negligence, Lisa ended up
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