All Chapters of Changed Souls, Became the CEO's Mistress: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
145 Chapters
don't want to divorce
"Rey." Carissa immediately hugged Rey; somehow she felt uneasy. Because Carissa had never been a snatcher of someone's husband before, and if it wasn't Ellen, maybe Carissa wouldn't have spoken so openly."That's it, darling; it's all over; Ellen is gone." Rey said. He rubbed his lover's back. Rey knew for sure this would be against Bella.Rey calmed Bella and took her back to bed, not to continue their lovemaking game but to let her rest. Because Rey was very sure that Bella would be tired of arguing with Ellen just now.Meanwhile, at this time, Ellen was already in front of Karina's apartment. She pressed the bell for a moment, and not long after, Karina opened the door, welcoming her beloved daughter. However, something surprising happened: Karina saw Ellen coming and sobbing, which indicated that Ellen was not fine at the moment."Honey, what's wrong with you?" asked Karina with a panicked expression, How could it not be? Ellen said goodbye to go home in good condition, and now El
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Tell the truth
Rey smiled at her mother-in-law's words. Rey was sure that Ellen would have told her everything that happened last night."Rey knows Ma, but Rey hopes Mama will not speak with emotion because Rey wants to solve this problem with a cool head," Rey said very calmly. Seeing Rey's still calm attitude towards Karin's sudden arrival made Karin very confident that Rey would definitely hear all of Karin's requests and words so that Rey wouldn't divorce Ellen."Mama, just get to the point. Mama is very disappointed with the fact that happened to Rey. Even though Mama is very sure that you are a different man, you are a man who can be responsible and can make Mama's only child happy. " However, hearing Ellen's explanation last night made Mama realize that you might just be tempted by a seductive woman," said Karin. The woman Karin meant was none other than Bella."Mama, in an affair, the people involved are a pair of lovers, a man and a woman, so don't just blame the woman; I'm also at fault. B
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Looking for evidence
After Karin left, Carissa thought again about her words. To be honest, Carissa was afraid that her actions were wrong and would actually ruin all of Rey's plans."I have to tell Rey, I'm afraid that everything I say to Ma'am Karin will actually boomerang for Rey and me," muttered Carissa.Rey, who was busy with her work, looked at her cell phone screen, which was ringing with an incoming call. After seeing who the person calling was, Rey smiled meaningfully."Hi darling," Rey immediately greeted his girlfriend Bella."Rey, are you busy?I'm afraid to disturb you," said Carissa reassuringly."No, darling, I'm not busy; I will always have time for you," said Rey.Carissa smiled at Rey's answer. "Rey, ma'am Karin asked me to meet earlier," said Carissa, surprising Rey. Rey was afraid that Karin would do something to Bella."Honey, why didn't you tell me? Did Mama Karin hurt you?" Rey asked to make sure; her voice sounded very worried."Rey, don't worry; the two of us just met and talked;
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Get evidence
"Bella?" Regina welcomed Bella's arrival with joy; she looked very friendly."Hi auntie, How are you?" Carisa was very friendly."Auntie is very kind, especially after seeing you coming. Auntie missed you; you haven't come for a long time," said Regina."Yes, Auntie, sorry because I'm very busy right now," said Carissa. Regina invited Carissa into the house, and, to be honest, Carissa was surprised why Viren wasn't visible at all."Auntie, where is Viren? I didn't see him." Finally, Carissa asked about Viren's whereabouts."Oh my, Auntie forgot to tell you, if Viren is meeting his client for a moment because he has something important to do, Viren will be home soon," answered Regina."The house is quiet; I think this is the right time for me to find the evidence I'm looking for," muttered Carissa."Auntie, I'm curious what Carissa looks like; can I see her photo?" Carissa asked; she knew that the photos of herself were only kept in the room."Yes, if you want to see, come with Mommy t
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stupid attitude?
"I can't stand listening to Viren's nonsense words; I have to get out of here immediately. I think I can't wait to see the contents of my cellphone. Is all the data still safe?" Carissa muttered"Viren, it looks like I have to go home; I don't feel well, and I have to rest," Carissa reasoned."Yes, dear, I understand your situation. Do you want me to take you home?" asked Viren, offering himself."No need; my driver is on his way to pick me up; he'll meet you on the way," said Carissa."Okay then, darling, be careful on the road and rest; hopefully you will get better soon," hoped Viren."Thank you Viren, I'm really sorry for coming in this condition, I missed you so much that I had to force myself to come here," Carissa pretended to be sad to get sympathy from Viren."Honey, I'm the one who should apologize; I should be the one to meet you, but you're the one who came here," Viren said, looking guilty."Stupid man, when you fall in love it's easy to be deceived," Carissa muttered, la
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The start of destruction
When she got home, Carissa tried to check her cellphone and found it couldn't turn on. Carissa thought it might be out of battery, so she tried to charge the cellphone first."I hope my efforts aren't in vain," muttered Carissa. While waiting for the cellphone to charge, Carissa heard the sound of the cellphone ringing."Whose number is this?" Carissa muttered, receiving a call from an unknown number. At first, Carissa just kept quiet about it because she thought it might be a prankster. However, the phone didn't stop ringing, so Carissa couldn't help but accept the call because she was afraid it was an important call."Hey bitch!" Just as Carissa brought the phone to her ear, Ellen's angry voice could immediately be heard; even the cursing didn't stop."You are an ignorant bitch!" Ellen exclaimed."Ellen, are you drunk?" Carissa asked because Ellen's voice sounded different. Moreover, Carissa also heard loud music, and this further confirmed that Ellen was indeed at a nightclub now.
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notify whereabouts
"Ellen, tell me, who are you with now?" Carissa asked; she was confused about what to do. Carissa was quite worried that something would happen to Ellen."Who am I with? Of course I'm alone; you already stole Rey from me, you bitch!" Ellen continued to rave and curse at Carissa."I know who I should call now," muttered Carissa. She immediately ended the phone call with Ellen and tried to contact the person Carissa was referring to."Carissa?" Karin muttered. She was currently confused about finding Ellen's whereabouts. She tried to contact her daughter's cell phone, but it was busy, and now Karin actually got a call from Carissa."What's wrong with you calling me?" Karin asked in a curt tone."Is Ma'am looking for Ellen?" asked Carissa."How did you know? Did you do something to Ellen?" Karin accused Carissa of having done bad things to Ellen."There's no point in me doing all that, ma'am," said Carissa in a lazy tone."Oh yeah, wouldn't it be good for you and Rey if you did bad thing
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Unrequited love
After receiving information from Carissa that Ellen was currently at a nightclub, Finally, Karina immediately caught up with Ellen. Karin had to think first about which nightclub Ellen was at. When Karin arrived at the parking lot, she saw Ellen being carried by a man. Afraid that the man intended to harass Ellen, Karina immediately took action."Ellen!" Karin approached Ellen and hugged her."This is my daughter; thank you for helping my child," said Karina. She immediately took over Ellen from the foreign man."Jeez, Ellen, why are you so drunk?" said Karin. He also took Ellen home."Rey." While unconscious, Ellen kept calling Rey's name. Seeing her daughter's condition, of course, Karin felt very uncomfortable."Rey, can't you really give Ellen a little chance? I'm sure that if she is with Rey, Ellen will be happy and will change for the better," muttered Karin.Meanwhile, on the other hand, Carissa, who had finished her business with Ellen, immediately checked her cellphone, but i
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still trying?
"But Mama is sure that as time goes by, your love will grow, as long as you leave Bella," said Karin, still stubborn.Rey took a deep breath. "I think I've been trying for a long time to open my heart to Ellen, and the result is still the same: I can't love Ellen at all. I think this conversation won't stop because Mama keeps forcing me not to divorce Ellen, even though Mama clearly knows that I won't change my decision. "I hope Mama can accept my decision," said Rey. He was forced to just leave Karin because if he continued to serve her, he wouldn't be able to finish. Karin and Ellen have the same attitude; they are both stubborn people.-//-"Mom, where are you from?" Ellen found the apartment empty; she even looked for Karin all over the room, but to no avail. And after several hours of waiting, Karin finally came home."Especially if it's not to meet Rey," Karin answered with a weary expression."Mama came back to see Rey." Karin asked, and when she heard Rey's name, Ellen's face
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Find a way
Ellen sighed softly because her struggle to maintain her household with Rey really didn't seem like it would be successful."If I ask Rey to stay with me, Rey definitely won't want to, but it's different if I tell Bella and show my weak side. I'm sure Bella will pity me and want to leave Rey; that way Rey will come back to me," muttered Ellen."I have to go, Mom." Ellen immediately left without saying where she was going."Ellen, where are you going?" Karin asked; she was afraid that Ellen would return to the nightclub."Looking for a way to maintain my household," answered Ellen firmly, and she immediately left."What else will Ellen do?" Karin muttered. She could only accept what Ellen would do. Karin seemed stuck helping Ellen.Meanwhile, Carissa is currently repairing her cellphone. She deliberately waited because she didn't want something to happen to the cellphone, which contained evidence of Viren and Ellen's affair."Can it be repaired?" Carissa asked worriedly."Yes, it will
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