All Chapters of The Fake Marriage To My Worst Nightmare : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
156 Chapters
81. A Dirty Brawl
LEO POV"In a hurry to leave when I can give all your want for free in just a few minutes," she seductively said and moaned. I shut my eyes and pushed her aside but she would not move. She held her leg high to my waist, circled her arms around me and kissed my chest. I could feel my muscles grow tense so I forcefully pushed her off. "If you're too dumb then allow me to ring the bells in your ears. I'll pass. I don't want to have anything to do with you so get lost," I yelled. My voice caught the attention of the other men but Zane calmed them then moved to my side."She's serving her purpose. Why hurt her? I deliberately brought her since you always loved her services at the club," Zane said."Not anymore. Are you even listening to yourself? Emily's right outside there. Imagine what she'll think of me if she finds out about this?" I said with a worried look on my face."What would she think? This isn't your first time, man. Have fun! Or did someone kidnap the real Leo?" he teased."T
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82. Confident Feelings, Confused Decision
LEO POVI placed my lips on hers and without hesitation, her lips pressed mine. Her lips were warm and soft. I could feel her body pressed against mine and my grip tightened on her waist as I moved my hands to her hips. I lifted her off the bed while we were still kissing and held her against the wall. Her lips explored mine then I moved from her lips to her neck down to her chest. She moaned excitedly and grabbed my hair. I moved from the wall and dropped her gently on the bed. I unzipped her dress then kissed her gently and carefully while expecting her reaction. She might lose it like she always did whenever I tried to have sex with her but she was already absorbed by pleasure. I smiled as I felt her hands in my hair. She lightly touched my back with her hands exploring my muscles down to my pants. She unzipped it and pulled her dress down. I felt her hot breath on my skin and she moaned loudly as my lips pressed on the top of her breasts."Are you not done, Leo? He wants to call
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83. Truth About The Past Night
EMILY POV"You never cease to amuse me. You're my wife for goodness sake," Leo said."Manners, please. Someone might be listening," I whispered."Why are we whispering again?" he said and laughed. I was short of words because there was no where to hide. Leo was obviously in love with me which was great news. However, it felt like a path with a dead end. He had not said a word about keeping me with him forever. He avoided the topic of our contract. He was not even ready to clarify our relationship but I needed to know. I wanted to define the kind of relationship we had. After he almost had his way with me the previous day, I needed to thread carefully. My inner mind echoed that he could not be trusted. He could be one of those men that would go extra miles to get the cookie but was I even worth the stress? I had pondered over it and the best solution was to avoid him. I decided to stay away till he was elected the chairman. I still could not figure out what to do with our child but
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84. Like A Thief In The Night
EMILY POV“What’s sixty dollars for?” I asked, gripping the arm of my chair as if the world depended on it.“Just broke it down to make it simple for you to understand. For goodness sake, your husband’s a billionaire. You have just an hour to find me the money or… You already know,” Julius said with an annoying smile.“Wipe that wicked smile off your face. Who hired you? I won’t pay you a dime if you do not tell me,” I threatened.“Oops!! That’s your loss because I can just send it on all platforms right now. I have the drive here,” he said and smacked his lips. “On the contrary, I should let you in on it so that you can be more careful. I have to look out for my latest client,” he added and cackled with laughter. I was growing weak inside as I anticipated the revelation.“Well, Kay Robbins hired me to cause a scandal but the damn guy is a devil. He’s after me because I didn’t give him the video,” he said.“Why didn’t you?” I asked, hiding my surprise. Kay had been the villain from th
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85. Can We Keep Our Secrets?
KAY POV"Damn! I'll make that guy pay," I fumed and increased the volume of the stereo in my car. Loud music was blaring out of it and I moved my hands to the rhythm. I drove my car past a corner and all of a sudden, I saw Julius and Emily together. My jaw dropped and I tightened my fist. Julius had gone one step ahead of me. I could tell because he had no dealings with her unless he decided to expose our secret; my secret. They were having a serious conversation and it seemed like she had handed a bag over to him."Is he blackmailing her?" I mumbled and sneered. "That bastard! She already knows about me. I can't have her spilling the truth to Leo at this time," I said and bent low behind the steering. Julius left her standing at the scene, rushed into a car and it sped into the street. I sat upright in the car and opened the door. Meanwhile, Emily was fidgeting as she held her car door knob and looked sideways. Surprisingly, she did not see. She rushed into her car and zoomed off.
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86. Start Of A Pregnancy Saga
EMILY POVAfter Kay left, my heart beat faster and my hands trembled. I had gone deeper into the hornet's nest and there was no going back. I rushed into my car and held the steering wheel but my hand still trembled. I felt suffocated so I turned on the air conditioner. My phone beeped with a notification; a message from Leo which read: Prepared something special for you tonight. Be expecting you by 7pm. Don't be late!The phone dropped from my hand as soon as I read the message. I wondered how he would react when he finally got to know about our child. "What if he kicks me out without making the remaining payment of our contract?" I mumbled and placed my head on the steering wheel. "What have I done? What have I done?" I cried. I started the car and zoomed off to the villa. One of the maids got my bag while Martha hurried down the stairs to meet me."Welcome back, Ma'am," she said."The whole house is on fire! Who's cooking?" I asked, taking in the aroma of the food."Mr. Leo said h
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87. An Anonymous Package
EMILY POVMy legs grew heavy and I felt lightheaded as I made my way to the elevator with the other workers. I could not work overtime because I suddenly felt scared. I had a tingling feeling that someone was watching me because how could they know about Max. Although Julius already knew, I wondered if Kay knew. If he did, he would have threatened me with the knowledge but he didn't which meant that he was not aware of Max's existence. "Ma'am, we're at the ground floor," one of the workers said as they waited for me to exit before leaving. It was a sort of respect for me as Leo's wife. "Thank you. I'm so sorry," I said and bowed then left the elevator area. I walked out of the building and instantly saw Jude parking in front of me."I hope I didn't keep you waiting," I said and managed to smile."You did but the order came straight from Leo. He'll bury me alive if I don't get you to the party," he replied and I laughed heartily. Being with Jude made me forget my worries for a while
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88. Pregnancy Saga II
EMILY POVLeo was silent till we got home. I could not even face him after I reacted the way I did. The moment we stepped into the house, I rushed to the staircase."Emily, we need to talk," Leo's deep voice echoed in the room. I froze on the spot. Then I turned to face him. He dropped his coat on the chair and placed his hands on his hips. "If it's about my reaction in the car, I already apologized. I was just worked up," I said to cover up my anxiety."You don't even know if that's what I'm about to say," he said with his eyes looking distractingly at me. "Crap! I just got caught," I mumbled."You've been acting weird lately. You space out a lot and you can't provide a tangible reason for doing so. Is something bothering you? And if it's somebody, you can tell me. I'll have it under control," he said and held my shoulders. I instantly felt the urge to scream that I was pregnant and Kay was after my life but I held it in."I…I need to tell you something," I said."I'm listening," h
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89. So Near Yet So Far
EMILY POVIt was as though the man in question had mastered the placement of the CCTV cameras. He had his back turned to the cameras at the entrance and he ensured not to turn his face until he wore a helmet. "Shit!!! I can't believe this," I screamed. The control room staff as well as other members who had watched our previous conversation were startled by my outburst. I still didn't care because I wasn't myself anymore. I needed clarity. There were just too many situations coming at me at once and I had no one to share them with. My legs staggered as I stepped out of the room. Then my stomach growled which meant I had to take something. I had not eaten any meal since I left home in the morning. When I arrived at the company cafeteria, there was a long queue because it was lunch break. Due to my unstable disposition, I decided to get my meal from the cafe instead of heading out for lunch. "Good afternoon madam," some of the employees echoed as they saw me."You don't have to join
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90. The Lid Is Off
LEO POVI was worried about Emily. We had started getting close so I could tell when she was anxious. She always had a certain glow that radiated all over her which was quite endearing but it burned down all of a sudden. She became touchy like she did when we were in the car back from the seminar. She even turned down my offer to watch movies and left for work earlier than usual. I could sense that she was hiding something from me but I could not tell what it was. I wasn't her confidant but we still shared a bit of information about ourselves. She would not feel so nervous around me if the matter did not concern me. After getting dressed for work, I sauntered to the dining room."Did Emily tell you anything?" I asked Martha as she placed a bowl of fruits before me after serving the main meal."No, she didn't. She left early while we cleaned the house," she replied. I nodded then ate my breakfast while pondering on endless thoughts about Emily. After I was done eating, I drove to the
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