All Chapters of The Fake Marriage To My Worst Nightmare : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
156 Chapters
101. A Visit To The Hood
EMILY POV"Why?" Leo asked."I don't want to leave Max anymore. I don't know what might happen if we leave. I want to stay close to him," I explained. Since I discovered that Justin knew about Max, Kay found me at the same hospital and the person responsible for the anonymous packages also knew about him, I decided to stay around him. I would stay in New York till he gets out of the coma."Does anyone know about Max?" he asked. It was my opportunity to expose Justin but I could not afford to risk hurting my brother. The anonymous package was also about Leo's family which meant there was more to the events unfolding."Not really. I just want him to be safe," I replied."Then I can get an elite team of guards to stay around his room and keep him protected while we're on our trip," he suggested.THE NEXT DAY"I hope that we do not get caught. You're a public figure and I'm your wife with a fake identity. We could get in serious trouble if someone recognizes us," I said as we approached m
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102. Surety
EMILY POVI stepped out of the jacuzzi after taking a cold bath. It was what I needed to get refreshed after our encounter with Crystal. Leo was a little bit quieter than he used to be, which was a cause for concern. I wore an attractive nightgown just to charm him for the night. While he worked on his laptop like he always did, I appeared beside him on the bed."Can you place that aside and just relax for the night. This could be a business trip but it's also an opportunity to take a break," I said, closing his laptop and setting it aside on my table. He stared at me for a few seconds then breathed in and held me close."You don't need to do so much to cheer me up. Crystal means nothing to me. I just get the feeling that she wouldn't appear in Europe and at our exact resort without a reason. She's up to no good like she always is," Leo explained."Had she done something before?" I asked."Almost duped me of millions of dollars," he replied."Really? And she had the guts to show up he
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103. An Attack On Her
EMILY POV"Get your hands off me, Crystal!" I yelled but she wouldn't let go of my hair. It was fast becoming a scene as some concierges tried to separate us. Some of the guests held their phones to take videos of us. After we've been successfully separated, she continued hurling insults on me."You're just a no-good loafer who's trying to fit into a society she doesn't belong to. You're a nobody and a liar. You're…" she said but Leo's deep masculine voice interrupted her."Shut your mouth and don't you ever utter such words against my wife again," he yelled then whispered to Jude and a few guards who stood behind him. "Get those people to stop recording the video." Jude nodded and the other guards followed him while Leo pulled me to the pavilion. "Are you alright? Hope you're not hurt? Let me see your hair," he said."I'm fine and my hair's intact. Don't worry so much," I replied.Our eyes locked then he embraced me."I'm sorry for putting you through all these. It's my fault and I
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104. Ladies! Time’s Out
LEO POVEmily's face held no expression as she stared at the caller ID then at my face. I was unsure of what to do. I wanted to have nothing to do with Annabel. Even our company's partnership had been delegated to another team. "What does she want with you?" Emily asked."Maybe to rant about how I cut her off," I replied."She'd better deal with it," Emily said then drew me closer to her. She wrapped her hands around my neck and got me back to the kiss while Annabel kept calling. *********"What do you want, Annabel?" I asked when I finally picked her call late in the night. We decided to spend the night at the penthouse and Emily had fallen asleep a few minutes after laying on the bed. I had a couple of documents to look through so I stayed awake and worked on them. At that moment, Annabel's call came in but I ignored it. A few times more and I could not bear it so I picked it up. "It's quite unfair for you to dump me the way you did, Leo. To think you promised that nothing would
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105. A New Open Secret
LEO POV"What do you mean?" I said, sitting upright on the bed. I grabbed my phone and it was one of the top stories for the morning."Find out who did this. I want all the information on them," I ordered. I scrolled through the content and discovered that the person was still unaware of Max's condition. It only stated that he was a high schooler who suddenly went missing. I glanced at the other side of the bed and was surprised to see that the space was empty. My heart raced and I lept out of bed immediately. At first, I checked her former room. Then I climbed down the stairs to the dining room to see her sitting at the table. Her phone was in front of her and my mind went numb as I imagined what she must be feeling at the moment. Her hair served as a veil over her face but she looked at me the moment I walked in. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red from crying. She must have seen the news before I got the call from Jude."I knew it was a bad idea to lie about my b
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106. Getting Rid Of Her
LEO POVThe Robbins Estate which was where I grew up didn't seem like home to me like it always felt. It felt strange. Those I had called family were strangers to me. Kay was one of those I suspected in revealing Emily's identity while my father fooled me all my life and turned me against my mother. I drove through the tarred road to the main building and walked out in anger. I could not understand what my father meant with the message he had sent. A servant led me to where father stood at the pavilion in the compound. "Are you avoiding me?" Father asked."Why would I do that?" I asked."Because you've gone against our morals and values," he said."Why do you say that?" I asked."I know that Emily is pregnant with your child and from what I heard, you've fallen in love with her when I specifically told you not to," he replied."Is that why you sent that disturbing text message? What has Emily done wrong? Why would you humiliate her?" I asked, my face painted with curiosity."You're t
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107. Back Down Or Die
EMILY POVIt took a lot of courage to step out of the house after my identity scandal. I was afraid of meeting people who might recognize me and call me a fraud. However, I had to step out after Leo convinced me. What I didn't expect was a public call out by one of his flings. I felt she had left earlier but she lurked around till Leo went in to get his car keys. She approached me instantly which took me by surprise."Hey people! Guess who I found at the supermarket today? Emily the scammer!" she said while someone was taking the video."What is the meaning of this? This is an invasion of my privacy and I can also sue you for defamation," I replied."Who cares? We all had to leave Leo to you after we discovered that he was married. Only for you, the ungrateful privileged woman to deceive him. You're just a poor girl. You don't even fit into high society," she yelled. I was extremely embarrassed but I was done crying over spilled milk. "Turn that thing off right now or I'll…" I said,
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108. A Never Ending Family Feud
EMILY POV"This child is not a bastard. This is Leo's child and I do not have any intention of getting rid of this baby. I can't believe you'll say something like this about your grandchild," I said."I do not care about sentiments. I wouldn't have built an empire if I focused on sentiments. I'll organize a press conference tomorrow and I want you to tell everyone that you covered up your family background so as to fit into high society and win Leo over. This is not a request or a negotiation. It's an order. Do what I tell you to do and I'll give you half a million. That includes, speaking at the press conference, getting rid of that bastard and staying away from Leo. And if you don't, you'll leave me no choice than to deal with you in the best way possible. Leo must never have a weakness, especially not someone like you," he said.I did not understand what he meant by someone like me. He wanted to make me feel so little and he succeeded in doing so because I felt overpowered as I sta
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109. Baby Drops Off The Twig
EMILY POVI was in total shock after hearing what Dr. Maureen said. How could the baby be dead? "That's not… That's not possible," I said, fighting the pain.The doctor didn't say anything afterwards. Leo was in shock as he stood with mouth agape. The doctor got Leo out of the room.The pain I felt was unbearable. It was both physical and emotional. I could not hear the thought of losing my baby. I felt something being injected into my body and passed out after a few seconds. HOURS LATERMy hand moved slowly on the bed till I could feel someone's skin. The body was warm and I touched its hair. I stretched to see who it was and I discovered that it was Leo who was sleeping like a baby. Due to my movements, he woke up instantly."Are you awake? How do you feel?" he asked then rushed to the the wall. "Doctor, she's awake!" he screamed happily. I was weak so all I did was follow his trail as he moved to my side. "I'm so glad that you're awake. I was so scared," he was almo
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110. Why Him?
KAY POVDealing with Emily had been a hassle. She was Leo's greatest weakness but she was too clean. I could not have my way with her nor did she give me the opportunity to get close to knowing her. Apart from the secret baby she had with Leo, I could tell that she was hiding something. She was too anxious about seeing me at the hospital so it was more than just exposing her secret baby to Leo. I needed answers to my question so I got one of my men to make a proper background check on her. Then I discovered that she was Emily Jones and not Steven. I didn't get much information about her friends and family because she was truly an orphan with a missing kid brother and no close friend. Her hidden identity was the weapon I needed to disrupt Leo's life so I got it on social media and got a team of experts to make it trend like crazy. Emily could not show her face to the public which had definitely taken a toll on Leo. I felt so happy but that was not my goal. I wanted Father to see tha
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