All Chapters of The Fake Marriage To My Worst Nightmare : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
156 Chapters
121. On His Tail
EMILY POV"Nothing happened and I'm just staring like every other day," Leo replied."Really? I know you and I can tell when something is wrong. Did they get you angry?" I asked."Don't worry about my face, Emily. What was it you wanted to inform me about?" he asked. Since he was not ready to talk about it, I shrugged then pulled out the document and stretched it to him. "I met Jeff today and he gave me this," I said. He took the document and perused it then his eyes met mine."I knew that Kay was behind it," he said, confirming his suspicion."Jeff also told me that Kay has been meeting the board executives to turn them against you," I explained."How did he know all of this and why didn't he tell me. I go to that office almost everyday," he said."He said he had to be careful and he was also present at one of the meetings Kay had with an executive. Jeff is not really the most reliable person but this is a lead that points to the fact that Kay did all this," I said."Well, he's made
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122. A Declaration Of War
EMILY POV“Where is this happening?” Leo asked.“I think it might be at the company’s auditorium. He obviously set up a diversion so he can play the hero,” I said then grabbed my tablet and tuned it in to the video of his press conference.My hand folded into a fist and I glared at him through the video. Surprisingly, Leo was calm. He simply watched in silence.Kay had mounted the podium and he came close to the microphone and said, “I appreciate the love and support you all had shown to me and my family since we lost my father, Mr. Robbins who has been a great leader and role model in this country, the United States of America…”Jude stepped into our car and sat at the driver’s seat then turned back to see us watching the live coverage of the event.“Kay played a fast one on us. He got some reports here to cover your arrest while the others are at the press conference,” he said“That’s obvious. The real question is what he hopes to achieve with this,” Leo said.“There had been severa
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123. A Bait
EMILY POV“Why are we keeping this away from Leo? This is basically about him,” Jude said.“I don’t want to make false accusations. It would be embarrassing and he might get mad at me. That’s the last thing I want right now,” I replied.“Okay then. I’ll get the gadgets ready. All you need to do is get it in and say the word. Then we’re good to go,” he said.“And one more thing. I do not want anyone else to know about this. This plan must not flop,” I said.“I’ll be handling it myself. You can count on me,” he replied.“Why is she counting on you?” Leo asked all of a sudden. He was sweating all over and he had his shorts and shirt on.“Hey babe,” I said then stood up to embrace him. I began to pray that he’s forget what he heard. He encircled my waist with his hands and laid kisses over my face then my lips. I pulled back and stared at his face while caressing his strong arms.“You should get a shower. You stink,” I said.“On it. Meanwhile, why are you counting on him? Do you need some
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124. The Confession Of Agnes
EMILY POVI made my way out of the house to Jude’s car. He was already on standby to tap into Agnes’ phone.A sound beeps on his laptop then Agnes’ lock pattern appeared on the screen. He followed the lock pattern then searched through her phone. He clicked on the message icon and just when we were about scrolling through, she sent a message to one, “Big Brother”.“I think we just found what we’re looking for,” Jude said then clicked on the message. It reads;They have evidence against the boss. Leo knows nothing about it. Emily is becoming very nosy. What’s the next line of action?“I knew there was a mole in this house!” I exclaimed.“We have to confront her,” Jude said.“I’ve called Leo and he’ll be here at any minute,” I said.Jude had instantly scrolled through her messages and downloaded it before she locked her phone again. After a few minutes, Leo pulled into the compound and found us by the car.“Hey babe,” he said and embraced me.“Hi,” I replied and pecked his cheek.“What’
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125. Heavy On The Shoulders
EMILY POVI turned to face him immediately and looked in his eyes which looked sorrowful. "You sound so serious. What can't you hold in anymore?" I asked.He took a deep breath and his face was as if he would burst into tears. He held me close and cuddled me then kissed my shoulder. "You're the only true family I have. Promise that you won't leave me," he said.I looked up at his face because he was acting weird. He had never said that word to me before. "What's the matter, Leo?" I asked."Promise me first," he said."I promise that I won't leave. I love you so much to leve you alone," I replied, caressing his cheeks. Out of nowhere, the thought of the Robbins family's involvement in Max's kidnap stormed my mind. I tried to get rid of the thought but it lingered on. Leo planted a kiss on my forehead then encircled his arm around me. He was like a little kid afraid of losing his mother."I think Kay killed my father," he said."What?!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him. "How could
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126. Who Is Dane?
EMILY POVI rushed into the bathroom and took a cold shower then got into the closet to put on my outfit. Leo walked into the closet and stood at the door.“You’re acting weird and with everything going on, I’m not at ease,” he said.“There’s nothing going on, Leo. I’m fine. I just need a breath of fresh air to clear my mind,” I said.“Then we could take a short trip or visit our beach side,” he suggested.“We can’t afford to take short trips when you’re contending for the chairmanship position and I’d rather be alone now. Painting can be exhausting and one of the ways to get through is to de-stress. I’ll be back soon, I promise,” I said.After putting on my pants and sweatshirt, I pecked his cheek and raced out of the house before he could oppose me. I had to meet the anonymous person who kept making me nervous and anxious. I got into the car and made my way to the location the person had sent to me.I arrived at the location and stepped out of the car. The restaurant had people leav
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127. What You Have Under Wraps
EMILY POVMy face brightened as he stated that he saw the number plate.“Then why haven’t you gone to the police station? That could be your chance at finding out if the car was truly for the Robbins,” I said.I sniffed in then sighed. “When I chased after the car and it disappeared, I got a bike and drove into the streets. That was when I saw the car again opposite where I was. I followed it from a distance and saw it drive into the Robbins Mansion. There was a party going on and as you know, your husband’s family only mingle with the elite,” he said then paused, sniffed in once more and continued with his narration.“I tried to go in but the security at the gate would not let me. I yelled and shouted that someone in one of the cars took my son but none of them listened. I was arrested and locked up for two days. None of the policemen said anything to me. I was just there like a nobody. After I was released, I reported my son’s kidnap and told them what I saw. They checked the numb
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128. Should Love Start To Fade?
EMILY POV“I want to be alone,” I said then stood up from my chair and hastened to my car. I sat behind the steering wheel for minutes but I could not drive. My eyes moved from inside the car to the restaurant and the man was still there, sipping tea and wiping his face. I started my car engine and zoomed off to the villa. It all seemed unreal and impossible but Dane seemed sincere. I wondered if Leo knew all about the kidnappings or if he was in the dark like every other person. I also could not figure out why they kidnapped people. However, one thing was sure. The Robbins family housed the heinous den of the kidnappers.I parked in the garage and made my way to the bedroom where I found Leo. It was unlike him to be in the room at that time of the evening especially since I was not indoors. I could not take my eyes off him as he laid on the bed and typed on his computer. The revelation placed me in an awkward position around him. Since my mind was preoccupied with several thoughts, I
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129. Confrontation Amidst Strife
EMILY POV“I’m not doing anything to you. We have so many eyes in this house. This is a living room not a bedroom. It’s inappropriate,” I said just to save face. I wasn’t thinking straight but nevertheless, I would not have sex with a man who might possibly be the cause of my woes. He might not be guilty but I had to be sure and to do that, I had to stay away and think about my next line of action. I was taking too long but it’s not an easy task to digest the fact that your husband’s family are responsible for an attempted murder of your only sibling.“Is that the problem?! Is… Is that…,” he said over and over as he approached the intercom.“I want the maids and the guards dismissed from the main building. I want everyone out. You can stand guard outside,” he said through the phone then returned back to where I stood. I rolled my eyes because he didn’t get what I meant. Although I meant nothing than to stop using from having sex that night.“You did not have to do that,” I said and st
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130. Love Should Conquer All
EMILY POV“Yes! Your fault! Is that what you guys have been doing all these while? You cover up your heinous crimes with the R&B Group then pretend to be a hardworking family?” I blurted out without thinking.“I beg your pardon. What is that supposed to mean?” he asked.I held my breath then sighed as a tear rolled out on my cheeks.“Your family has been involved in the various NYC kidnap cases flowing around in the media,” I said, dropping the bomb that could shatter our relationship.“What… Emily, what are you saying? I don’t understand you,” he said.“The Robbins family kidnapped Max and I have proof that they did,” I said.“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Emily. You should not be the one to tarnish my family’s image like this. What if this gets out?” he asked“Oh! You’re afraid that this might get out? So you knew about it,” I said“Know about what?! How can you just cook up such a silly accusation and you expect me to believe that?” he said as he was starting to grow angr
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