All Chapters of The Fake Marriage To My Worst Nightmare : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
156 Chapters
141. She Knows It Too
LEO POVI looked away as I spoke because I was ashamed.“I knew that the Robbins mansion held those who were abducted so I visited and searched the place. I got a few clues but was attacked by Kay’s men. I bet he already knows that I know something,” I said.“Why would you do that? You didn’t even share a thing with me. What if something had happened to you?” she yelled.“I was trying to protect you. I knew you would react this way. I had to find out the truth,” I said.“What else did you find?” She asked “I found the location of the underground funnel where I guessed they were being kept. We also found the trash site where corpses of their victim were kept. I noticed that they kidnapped young men” I explained. Emily’s hands dropped and she stared into space. “My father was in it. He had been running the organization which I think they called the MIR project since around 1995,” I said.“1995?! Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed.“I’m sorry I got you worried. There was too much going on
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142. Vengeance Is Mine
LEO POV“Oh my goodness! When did you arrive here?” I asked.“I’ve been here all along,” Emily replied.“Really? You look amazing. Where are you off to?” I asked.“Off to wherever you’re going off course,” she replied and I gawked at her.“Do you even know where I’m off to?” I asked.“I heard your entire conversation with Jude early this morning. I know that Kay’s man has been sighted and you’re bringing him in. I want to be there as well. I don’t want to be left out anymore. This is my fight too,” she answered. I moved my right hand through my hair then stared at her. She could be a pest sometimes. Her face wore and unwavering firm look, convincing her to stay back would lead to a war within the house.“If you escort me, you must not do anything. Just watch, alright?” I said and she nodded.“Let’s go,” I said and she followed behind me till we reached the car. We stepped into the back seat while the driver started the car. Then I had just an entourage, four men in a car who followed
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143. Something About Max
LEO POVThe man spat out blood then shot me a deadly stare.“You can’t force words out of my mouth. What did you do to me?” he screamed. I grabbed another sachet of the chemical on the table and inserted the injection into it. After filling the injection, I approached him.“Don’t come near me,” he yelled but his right thigh ws stiff.“Once this enters into your body, you’ll become paralyzed in another part as well. You’ll experience immense pain that you can’t endure because your body wont be able to take it,” I said then bent low and looked him in the eye.“What do you know about Max Jones,” I reiterated.“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he yelled. “Fine!” I said then stuck the injection into his left thigh. He screamed and the leg was paralyzed immediately. He squeezed his face as the pain began to set in.“That’s just the start, man. Give it fifteen to twenty minutes and you’ll want to die but you won’t. I won’t let you die. You’ll suffer. The pain would become too unbear
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144. Little Drops Have Made An Ocean
LEO POVEmily moved her hands slowly then her eyes fluttered open. Her hand moved straight to her forehead then she sat upright."Where am I?" she asked. My hands were in my pocket as I glared at her. She was extremely stubborn and almost killed a man. I didn't know she could be violent if she was provoked. "You're safe here," I said, aitting beside her. I took her hands in mine and caressed her lips. "You collapsed while you were yelling at that man. I rushed you to the hospital because you lose consciousness," I explained."What about that man?! I hope he rots in hell," she said."He didn't die. We had another antidote. Why did you do that, Emily? He could die and his blood would bw on your hand. I don't want you to hurt anyone because of your revenge," I said."It's easy for you to say. You share what he said that they did to my brother. I don't even know if he'll ever survive it. I'm going to kill him if the news would bring joy to me and Max" she said, forcing herself out of th
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145. The Search Party
LEO POVA few men guarded the house where we kept Agnes while we headed out to the address of the lockers provided in the form of patterns in the footer. We arrived at one of the largest malls in the city. "Screw that guy. He's such a con artist!" Jude exclaimed."Whatever it might be, we are digging that out today. Get on the move and do not alert anyone. You know that a CCTV camera would be watching. Stay vigilant," I said and signalled to the men who followed us. We splitted into different groups and went in separate ways to check the locker numbers. The lockers were placed in different strategic places without a sequential pattern so we had to look around the entire mall. We also moved so as not to alert the security men at the entrance of the mall. While we were moving on from a store, my eyes caught a simple dress that Emily would love. It bore a striking resemblance to one of the dresses she wore when we first met. I chuckled then went into the store to get it. "She'd be sur
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146. The Ambush
LEO POV"What's the status?" I asked Jude as we communicated through an earphone."Hacking in the progress. The FBI would be ready to take him in once the special unit apprehends him as well," Jude said."Keep your eyes on the look out and make sure nothing gets redirected," I ordered."Roger that," he replied then I cut the call. As soon as I parked my bike, some men in black approached. They were all on guard after I broke into the house the other day. The one who appeared to be their leader faced me squarely with one hand on the tip of his gun."I suggest you leave, Mr. Leo. We have strict order from Mr. Kay to keep you out of the house," they said."Why is that?" I asked. They were quiet as they gawked at me. I laughed hysterically which got them confused. Then I pulled out a stun gun and struck the man in front of me. He fell unconscious instantly but I had declared war. The others attacked me without restraint. Then members of the elite team joined from nowhere and in a few minu
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147. Brothers Duel
LEO POV"How could you too?!" I yelled back at him."Really?! This is father's legacy. No matter what had happened, you should have protected our family. Our name. For goodness sake, are you even a Robbin?!" Kay roared."I'd rather just be Leo if being a Robbins meant sacrificing the life of innocent people for a worthless experiment to fill your bellies," I replied."You've crossed the line, Leo. For a second, I felt you would change your mind because we're stl brothers but I see that you've been brainwashed. That devilish woman did a thing on you," he said "Don't call her that! Don't you ever talk about her with your filthy mouth," I shouted."I see that you've made up your mind to drag us in the mud," he said."Us?! Who is us? If you ever comsidered me your brother, you won't sabotage my efforts in the company. You won't embezzle company's fund to destroy my reputation. You won't hire people to mock me and my wife. You won't even try to force yourself on my woman. You went against
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148. Uncharted Territory
LEO POV"You should stay here and keep an eye on them," I said."The others can. Let me follow you. That was why you hired us. To protect you. I'm with you on this mission," Silas said. 'Let's go!" I yelled and he followed. The guy who had kept an eye on Kay began to give us directions till we arrived at the other entrance of the cave at the other end of the estate. While we made our way there, I saw the storage room where the drugs were kept. Then I saw some corpses, dead bodies of men who could not stand the drugs as they were too powerful. It could never be approved by the government. I was astonished to see that there was another passage outside the estate that led to the underground tunnel. Once we stepped out, I noticed some fresh foot prints on the ground. Kay had least expected the attack so he had nothing prepared. I raced after him with Silas until we came face to face."Hey!!! Do you think you would ever escape?" I yelled."Stay away from me, Leo. You have everything. Tak
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149. Spread Like Wildfire
LEO POVI rushed to the railings to catch his hand but it was too late. He fell off the bridge and hit his head hard on the ground. The other team members arrived as back up. "Kay's down there. You've got to check him. He must not die," I said. He's yet to pay for his crimes and see how much evil he has done. I wanted him to witness excruciating pain like he made others go through. The elite team members rushed to him and I followed as well even though I was limping. By the time we arrived at the place, he had lost consciousness and was bleeding profusely. I could not understand the emotions I was feeling as I watched him lay on the ground.★★★★★★As we drove through the streets, the doctors began to treat me in the bus. We were already making headlines. Leo Robbins exposes Father's illicit drug den.Kay Robbins embezzles R&B Group funds for personal reasons.Leo Robbins exonerated from embezzlement scandal.FBI to apprehend Kay Robbins for abduction, human trafficking and gross co
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150. An Eruption
LEO POV"Something of this magnitude is happening and you could not wake ulme up to inform me? How do I defend us if I lay sleeping at home?!" I yelled."I wanted you to rest. You're hurt all over, Leo. You can't even walk properly," she said."That does not give you the right to shut me in. I need to know what's going on. I can't sit still," I said and tried to move down the stairs. She rushed to my side then stood before me to stop me from moving any further."What are you doing?" I asked."Jude stated that I should keep you away from the news and let you rest for the day. I completely agree with him and would do as he says," she said."And I said that I'm not interested in resting. Is that so hard to understand?" I asked."Why are you like this, Leo? I only care about you. I could not sleep all night because you were in pain. I woke up early to prepare your favorite soup so you can get enough strength. I'm doing all I can to get you back into shape so please, don't disrupt it," she
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