All Chapters of One Luna, Three Hated Alphas: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
188 Chapters
HECTOR When Aaliyah is gone, I get into my room and pace about, more stressed about her attitude than I am with the letter. This is beyond mood swings, this is unexcused anger and so much vile. Her hormones must be taking a toll on her, so pitiful, and as much as I feel sorry for her, I have to watch out for myself. Somehow, I couldn't shake off her words that seemed like threats, even though I try to tell my brain that it was her being sarcastic and defensive. There is a knock on the door and then another. “Who's that?” I ask, both impatient and irritated. "It's maid Kim, Alpha Hector. I want to get your bath ready.” Her tiny voice responds, urging her not to yell. It's about that time of the day, I needed to be alone, but I also needed to see Hudson and Hunter for their opinion, so why not."Oh, come in.” I finally give a short reply. She comes in and bows. "Good morning Alpha Hector.”"Just get to it." I dismiss her, with a frown on my face. “I'm done, Alpha Hector.” She bo
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AALIYAH.The three alphas had disagreed when I initiated the urge to take a stroll within the pack and clear my head, all by myself. Their fear was evident with the tons of questions they shot at me. Apparently, they're having post-traumatic experiences. Crying more than the bereaved. Of what use is it when they are adamant about doing what's requested in the letter? Truth be told, I wished I had thought it through before making such outrageous demands. Who would have thought the greatest of the pack houses, Orlando pack is at deficit? My thought exactly. Regardless, there's a silver lining in all of our mistakes, I get to think of how to lure them to the location when it finally comes with the second letter.What if you go missing too? Hector had quarried. He had tossed aside the recent misunderstanding that ensued days ago and displayed nothing but pure affection, which makes my conscience prick me continually. Guilt eating me deeply. But then again, I would choose my baby over s
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AALIYAH Cruel seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours and hours, a gloomy day. With tides changing, also did our emotions and the only thing that is constant is his absence...his sweet smelling and beautiful memories make it unbearably obvious. Daily, I check the mail expecting another letter and trying to cover up my tracks. I know it's barely a week since the first one, and it will take another week and two days to the deadline and just a week for the second letter to arrive, but anxiety will be the death of me. Along with the changing tide is my mood. From blank to blunt to bitter. Like a young widow. I didn't need a reason to be irritated by anyone or anything. It doesn't take much, actually. You could just flash a warm smile and you literally earned my hate, cause why would you smile at all? Perhaps you're happy with the recent happenings.And when you don't, you become that pack's wizard, wishing harm on everyone. And just maybe you're quietly monitoring me to know ho
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AALIYAH There's silence as a maid dishes out our dinner. The only noise heard is that of the spoon clinking the dish. As necessary, she's in her uniform, her hair near bound in a not-so-archaic cap, and for Hudson, extra demand is an apron that's now neatly strapped to her body. Around the long dinner table, the three alphas and I are seated. Hunter facing Hudson and that leaves Hector and I sitting directly opposite, but I don't meet his gaze. It’s been a tradition since I got marked as their Luna and the pack’s lady. We all sit around the table to eat, with all smiles, spreading love and lust and joy. Sometimes we try to do it daily, but when either of us is sick or out of town, we may decide to eat separately or together, regardless of the other’s absence. But in the case of us all being present, we must eat together as a happy unit. Only today I feel different, I don't want to be in the likes of them, sniff their smell, look in their faces, and hear their voices as they rant
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HUDSON.When Aaliyah walks away, we're left staring at each other in utter confusion. Like what the fuck just happened? I drop the spoon and whatever the shit I'm holding and settle in my sit, having already lost my appetite. "Let her be, we must have gotten on her nerves with the incessant jokes.” Hunter speaks up after long minutes of us staring ourselves down and the food that's going cold. “Indeed!” Hector scoffs. "We must always make an exception for her shit. What the hell did we say to piss her off?”"Nothing, but you know how their body system functions uniquely, hormonal dominance and all...”"Hunter, please! More like stupidly and not uniquely...”"You should be the one calming down. It sure hasn't gotten to this, so...”"Oh please. Spare me the sermon. You should be mute if you've got nothing to say.”“Unsolicited.” He takes a spoonful of his food, no more bothered about the situation. I, on the other hand, keep staring at my food, still confused to death. And more than
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AALIYAH.I don't know how but I find myself trapped in a room with this physician that's almost like a psycho. With great scrutiny, she scans my every system. From my palms to my teeth and nostrils, it won't be a surprise if she also assesses my breath, the actual air. When she arrived at the house, a maid came to inform me of the pack house physician’s arrival... For long minutes, I was confused and pale as paper, trying to get why she was here at first. I'm not sick, or pregnant... Perhaps, it's in the long minutes of frustration I dragged my feet down here for I should have declined and I truly wish I did. Jeez. She waves an informal greeting, and doesn't hesitate to fix me a seat for my torture... And the moment I butt kisses the seat, every of her action reeks of my bad decision to be trapped. And right now? I'm in need of a rescue. “Be still.” The old physician instructs. I obey almost at once, halting every naughty movement and taking the form of a statue. Her pen touch
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HECTOR.I sit quietly at my seat at the top, in the spacious chamber. Scouting through miserable journals is of no use, considering that I know the state of finance of the pack by heart. Doing stupid plus and minus won't amount to anything when there's nothing to show for it, no gold to fill up a box, talk more of a bag, no rhinestones or pearls or sapphires to speak for it."Call me Hudson...” I hesitate. "...and Hunter.” I add, after much deliberation. Hunter has been nothing but surprisingly annoying of late and having him spew more shit would push me to the wall, regardless, it's better than saying things behind his back, he wouldn't find it funny, nor will the aftermath of things. "Yes, Alpha." The guard by the entrance responds, with a bow and walks out. It takes long minutes before they show up, chanting like kids and daily I wish to trade places with them, desperately. And to think we almost ended our lives for a throne...this throne? Moon!"Good day, brother." Hudson begi
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AALIYAH Silence descends on the chamber like a plague immediately their eyes meet mine. Their faces are in uttermost shock and I bet they must be wondering how long I've been there for and how much I heard. Apparently, everything...I heard every fucking thing. When the guard had gone to summon Hudson and Hunter, and was dismissed for privacy, I stood by the door. The guard though remains close by, he dares not ask me to leave or inform them of my presence. Constantly he gave me this scared look, for both his job and his life and I’ve gotten too far to give a shit or let anything sabotage my plans. I've barely seven days to the deadline and I’m yet to come up with a selling plot. I’m in dire need of one ... Freaking desperate. “Aaliyah...” Hector begins, choosing his words carefully. “Yeah, alpha Hector.” I shade him. “We didn't realize we've got company, for how long have you been there? Perhaps waiting to see either of us.” His tone is blunt. He freaking knows I’m here for ei
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NIKKI I wake up to an empty bed, Chris is up already up and about. Recently, he's been too busy flipping through journals and accounts and stocking up treasures in a medium golden box. Ever since he sent the letter to Orlando Pack, he's been acting weird and alone. Perhaps they turned him down, but I doubt that Aaliyah would do such, considering it's her late papa’s pack and she is the legal alpha. And even if they did turn him down, I’m sure the reason is justifiable. The army is kicking off strong, intense training and skills and over the months, they've increased in number, of people volunteering themselves. Regardless, there's more work to be done. The army is not strong enough to defend the pack fully if it's kissed with battle. The only way out is investing in ammunition and redeeming the pack members held captive as slaves, the sole reason why Chris is working his ass off. I scratch my lazy eyes, get out of my bed and into my robe before stalling out of the bedroom. With a
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NIKKIIt’s been a hectic day, and the blessing of a day like this is the beauty of sleep. Taking off my dress, I amble into the bathroom. The bath one of the maids prepared earlier is still warm.I soak myself in the water, allowing its warmth to massage my skin. The fragrance from fresh lemon soap wafts into my nose, calming my senses as I take a deep breath. Just what I need.The activities of the day play before me, and Chris’ voice yelling at me is one I can’t shake off. I get it; he was exhausted and under pressure, but having him take it out on me is unacceptable.Is it because he’s never yelled at me before? We were once cozy lovers set ablaze and ready to destroy everything we touched with our heat.And now?I sigh. I just might be overthinking it; perhaps I’m still pissed at him.Getting out of the bath, I press off the excess water from my hair. I take the towel to pat dry my body and properly dry my hair, leaving it wet and clogged around my shoulders.As I open the door to
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