All Chapters of One Luna, Three Hated Alphas: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
188 Chapters
NIKKI The cool morning breeze kisses my skin, erupting goose bumps at its awakening and almost freezing my blood. My lids flicker and open widely, taking in everything in sight at a glance. I clutch the bed sheet to my bosom, my muscles too flaccid to as little as move.I stretch lazily, yawning all through. Morning came earlier than expected, but it's not something to worry about, considering I’m not in Wild Crest Pack. Back in Wild Crest pack, I would be up and about. Doing all the activities that should be done in the morning as the pack’s Luna and even extra spicy as Chris’ mate. Despite having servants around, I like being in control and I super hate it when something flops. So I made sure the servants only do the basic things while we were yet to wake or tired down in bed to pleasure ourselves. Countless times, Chris has asked that I go easy on myself, but I can't help it... More like I was wired to be the control freak kind of lady. And right now, I have the liberty of sprea
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NIKKI So petrified, I hurriedly pick out a dress from the wardrobe, not minding the odd colour combination. All that matters is finding the freaking face behind their masks. I get ready in a split second and rush out of the room. Standing in front of the door, I practise breathing exercises to free my lungs which feel like exploding into shreds. “Nikki, a calm mind is better than wealth.” I recite the mantra absent-minded. I have to calm down. I'm going to get answers and not snap their head off. Breathing in and out slowly for a few more minutes, I walk towards her room in hurried strides. “Oh moon!” I jolt like lightning, cussing under my nose. Not concentrating like I should, I bumped into someone. I raise my head to see it's one of the alphas... Alpha Hunter to be exact. "I'm so sorry I startled you.” He tenders an apology, wearing a smile. I can't tell if he's laughing at me for my odd appearance or that I’m disorganised or that I almost jumped out of my skin. Well, it sh
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NIKKI I knock on the door just once, I’m impatient to wait for a response. I knock for the second time and already exhausted, I enter and shut it behind me. “You never get to wait for a response. What if I’m doing something discreet?” she turns to look at me, her eyes are shooting daggers. "It's always blissful to have a secret partner watching, don't you agree?” I roll my eyes at her before taking to laughter. A peal of laughter that feels choking at the moment. Can I fucking be straightforward with these masked people? ‘Calm down Nikki, be sure before you leap.’ My wolf mutters. ‘Indeed! Not like I’m stabbing anyone, it's just confrontation. Why am I making a big deal out of this?’“Not in the slightest... You also don't want to be part of this secrecy.” She eases. I scan her from head to toe and take note of her big boobs strap in a half-cup strapless lacy bra that's very much enthralling. The black-to-match thong is beaded in the centre, in a straight line. Her rich and thi
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AALIYAH Nikki finally leaves with the realization that I desperately need to fulfil my dirty thoughts, but she's unaware that it may be my last. If everything goes as planned and Mellissa gets away with the heads of my three monsters, it would be the last I would see and feel of them. I might as well make it memorable. Earlier, I told a guard to call Hudson and have him come over with his brothers, wanting to have them in here at the same time, not leaving a clue as to the reason I called. For what it's worth, I’m enjoying every bit of it, the suspense and the anticipation of their expression when they realize I’m about to rope them into a dirty game of four. Regardless of the thrill, I can't completely erase that it would be the last I would see and hear of them. What would I tell baby Hendrix happened to his papa? All three of them? How would he take it? Will he be proud of his mama even though I acted in his favour? I exhale, almost getting a migraine from the very thought of
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NIKKI. I pace about in the large compound, looking for anything that catches my fancy. You may want to give me my tag as jobless and restless and jumbled, I more than deserve it at this moment. Thoroughly, I scan through the arena, scouting for the slightest clue. Maybe the valuables or gossip from the servants or even me eavesdropping on the alphas. But right now, they will be busy filling all of Aaliyah’s holes up, and a good-for-nothing moan will be the only result of my effort, should I attempt to. On seeing me, two guards keep shut almost immediately. I don't move, rather I look at them squarely, already busted. I feel so reduced and desperate and the truth is that I don't give a shit. Aware that they would grow cold on me at the very sight of me, I don't just burst in on them. I walk down the corridor, taking a wild guess that servants would be at the entrance, guards or maids, as long as I get what I want from their extracurricular activities; gossip. I begin to stroll gen
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NIKKI I feel like a piece of shit, like a foolish person that only sees what they want them to see and enjoys the name 'best friend’ in public and a 'clown’ in private. I feel used and everything is improper. For long minutes, I sit on the bed motionless. No willpower to get my ass off the bed and their pack. Knowing that the guards saw me, they will break it to Aaliyah and the three alphas soon. Even though it's too early in the morning, I can figure my way out. I don't need their guards or carriage or help. I will go to the pack’s inn and take refuge there before I get ready for my next movement. Damn! I cuss in my head, ramming my palm on my thigh and yelling from the torment. This is not the first nor the second time I get treated like an option. But this will be the last time I will give them an option. Never ever again. In haste, I throw my bag on the bed and angrily begin to stuff it with the belongings I had already brought out to use, feeling so comfortable and at home.
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AALIYAH I didn't mean to say it...didn't want to say it. At least not in this way and manner and certainly not now that my plan is yet to mature. I didn't know how to handle this in the spur of the moment...with her playing this emotional card. I had to spill. On realization that I just made the worst decision of my life, I sit on the bed and sob. I sob, not because I miss my baby, but because I’m about to fail him for the second time. What happens to only telling her what I want and only showing her what I tell?Nikki on the other hand is too frozen to care in the world what is happening to me at the moment. She seems more taken aback like she wasn't expecting such news, not even in her wildest dream and certainly not to her dearest baby. "Is this some sort of joke? Like, don't even care to play a fast one on me and expect me to believe the crap like some dumb...”"Quit it. Fucking quit being self-absorbed. And you think I care so much about riling you up that I would put the joke
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AALIYAH. I stand up from the bed, both riled up and pissed. Why the fuck is she acting like my papa or a shrink? What's with all this mind-reading and acting smarter? I get that she's smart, scratch that, the smarter one amongst all three of us, I was the wildest, and Linda, most cunning. But right now, it would actually do us both a favour is she sits this one out. I don't respond. Rather, I remain mute, and trembling from anger, not because I’m scared of her fuss, but instead, because I let out so much that I can afford, and slowly, I can see the smoke of my plans setting ablaze and smell it like a sacred incense. Still agitated, I sigh. "Aaliyah, what does she want?" Her voice is low but firm and I can feel her eyes lurking around my fidgeting frame. And it only means one thing, maybe two. First, she knows that I’m lying to her goddamn face, and second, I’m lying again even though she's yet to have facts. “Nikki, I don't know what you're expecting from me.” "The truth!
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NIKKI. I'm not certain I heard right. I so need her to speak up, and repeat whatever the heck she said. But there's silence, no words of disclaimer after that, just silence... Icy and wrecking silence. And then she's gone. In less than an hour, I've heard unimaginable things... Things I badly wish I never heard but ain't no freaking way of becoming innocent again. I watch her walk away sobbing like a child. I can only imagine the depth of her trauma and sympathize with her but not feel it the way she does. First her baby and now her mates? To worsen it, all three of them? Now, that's too much of a burden. I open my mouth to yell her name and just how easy it opens, it closes on its accord. Words fail me, my muscles are flaccid, and I can't go after her. Was she joking? Is there more spilling to be done? If she was, why is she then investing her energy in getting treasures stocked up like it's the actual ransom? Is this some sort of a pity party soliciting show? I gasp, exhau
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NIKKI “Nikki, please, would you?” she sighs. "I have less than five days, please don't complicate things for me, lady simplicity.”A deadly silence follows afterwards. It lingers for the longest, and there's not a single sign of it coming to an end, not anytime soon. “At least, let me in. Please.” I break the silence, the thumping of my heart so loud, I bet she could hear it from the other end. “This is the closest you can get to me on this matter.” She sighs. “At least let's have a heartfelt conversation.” I plead. "You never can tell how much we would accomplish.”"Jeez, Nikki, sit this one out. If you don't care about me so much, then how about baby Hendrix, your godson? We can't disrupt the whole process...”"We won't if we do the right thing.” I try to sound convincing even though I can't believe my lies. “There's nothing right about any of this, his abduction, the ransom, my life, all of it.”"You can't let her make you feel like shit, you...”"Okay, that's it. I'm done. Yo
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