All Chapters of To live or to love: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
96 Chapters
He took a deep breath and looked at Aurora, his face grave. "...I had to lie to him to buy some time," he continued. "As we speak, three of his men are out in your hometown looking for this cave that doesn't even exist. It's only a matter of time till they realize the truth and return to tell my father about it. By then, both of us might have no way of escaping death."Aurora's eyes widened in shock. "What?"Derek shook his head. "I don't know what to do now, honestly.”Aurora couldn't sit still. She was pacing around the room, her thoughts racing a mile a minute. She ran her hands through her hair, trying to calm herself down, not wanting panic to take over, she needed to think logically. She looked out the window, the moon casting a silver glow over everything. She could see the woods in the distance, and for a moment she felt a twinge of homesickness. But there was no time for nostalgia now. She turned around and faced Derek, who was watching her with concern. "We have to come
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They both stood in the dark cave that was illuminated only by a red light emanating from a glowing stone. The red light emanating from the stone was a dim glow, casting a warm hue in the cave. It seemed to pulse and flicker, as if alive, casting deep shadows across the rough, jagged walls. The light was intense enough to illuminate the immediate area around the stone, but the rest of the cave was plunged into a pitch-black darkness. The red glow had an eerie quality to it, almost otherworldly, casting the cave in an ominous and foreboding atmosphere. It seemed to give off a sense of energy that could be felt, as if it had some kind of supernatural power. The light shimmered and danced, casting shadows across Ragnar's face as he stood transfixed by its glow. It was an eerie and unsettling light, yet it was impossible to look away from it.The woman in her sixties was pounding something in a small mortar and whispering spells under her breath. Ragnar stood a few paces away, watching h
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Gasher stood before Ragnar in the throne room, looking a bit haggard and worn out. His clothes were tattered, and there were some scars on his body, which looked like he had gotten from running swiftly in the woods and having his skin brushed against sharp leaves, thorns, and shrubs. His hair was matted and unkempt, and his beard was overgrown.Despite his disheveled appearance, Gasher carried himself with a sense of pride and confidence.His eyes were sunken and tired, but they still glimmered with determination. He looked up at Ragnar with a mixture of fear and respect. His posture was slightly hunched, and his hands were clasped behind his back. He tried to keep his breathing steady and calm, despite the pounding of his heart in his chest. He knew that he had to keep his composure if he wanted to make it out of the throne room alive.Gasher started, his voice low and even, betraying no hint of the fear and anxiety that he was feeling. He tried to keep his gaze steady.."Your Highn
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"Kill that girl tonight."As Ragnar's words echoed through the room, Derek's heart felt as though it had stopped beating. His world felt as though it was crumbling around him, and his knees almost gave way beneath him. He had known that his father's rage would be great, but he had never imagined that he would order the death of Aurora. Derek's mind raced, trying to think of a way out of the situation, but he could see no escape. He felt as though a ton of bricks had been thrown onto his chest, weighing him down and suffocating him. His hands trembled as he tried to form words to plead with his father, but his tongue seemed to be tied.The despair and guilt that he felt were almost unbearable, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing Aurora, the one thing that gave him hope in a world of darkness."But, father, we need her to get the antidote," Derek said.Ragnar replied coldly, "I decide whom I need and who I don't. Get rid of her by tonight. This is the only way you can stop me fr
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Derek watched in confusion, Aurora picked up the dagger that he had dropped and brought it close to her palm. Derek's eyes widened in shock as he realized what she was about to do. He tried to stop her, but she was quick and before he could even reach out to her, the blade was pressed against her skin.Aurora took a deep breath and then made a swift cut across her palm. The sound of the blade slicing through her skin echoed through the room, and Derek winced in pain, imagining the pain she must be feeling. But to his surprise, Aurora didn't flinch or cry out. Instead, she held out her bleeding hand towards Derek.Derek quickly held Aurora's bleeding hand, his eyes widening in confusion and concern. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice trembling. Aurora looked at him with a determined gaze and replied, "I'm showing you that I trust you."Derek was still confused."You don't have to do this," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. Aurora continued to let her blood drip to the
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The diviner sat cross-legged on his mat in front of Magnus, his eyes closed in concentration. Magnus studied the man intently, his brow furrowed in confusion and concern."What do you mean my daughter might be in danger?" Magnus asked, breaking the silence in the tent.The diviner opened his eyes and looked up at Magnus. "There is a secret disease in the royal arena caused by the blue blade poison," he said. "I was called to find where the antidote was with my powers, and according to what I saw, the antidote seemed to be somewhere here in the Blood Moon pack."Magnus' eyes widened in disbelief. "What? You mean the blue blade disease actually exists?" he asked.The diviner nodded. "Yes, and it seems to be spreading rapidly. But what's more concerning is that I believe your daughter is in danger because of it. She may have been taken to the Blood Moon pack to be used as leverage to obtain the antidote."The dim light of the candle flickered and danced, casting eerie shadows on the fac
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Ragnar lay in his bed, his body writhing in pain. The blue blade sickness had taken a severe toll on him, leaving him weak and helpless. His breathing was labored, and his eyes were shut tightly as he clenched his teeth, trying to endure the excruciating pain that coursed through his body.He let out a low groan as another wave of pain hit him, making him break out in a cold sweat. His hands trembled as he gripped the sheets, his knuckles turning white with the strain. Ragnar knew he was running out of time, and the thought of his impending death made him angrier than ever.Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.“Your Highness, can I come in?” Came the voice from outside the door. Ragnar quickly tried to compose himself. His face contorted with pain as he shifted on his bed, his breaths coming in short gasps. He clutched his stomach, feeling a wreck of havoc on his body. Despite the pain, he knew he had to maintain his composure and show no signs of weakness in front of his guards.
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An awful smell hit them like a wave, as they approached the tunnel's entrance, causing them to recoil and cover their noses. It was a putrid odor, like rotting flesh mixed with something sour and pungent. The smell was so intense that it made their eyes water and their stomachs churn.Derek wrinkled his nose in disgust and muttered, "What is that smell?" Aurora replied, "It smells disgusting. I don't think I can handle it." Derek took a deep breath and said, "We don't have a choice. We have to go through it"When he lay down to crawl into the tunnel, he was hit again by the nauseating stench, and he gagged a little. He was struggling to keep his stomach under control as he slowly made his way through the tunnel. The smell only got worse as he crawled further. It was as if he was swimming in a pool of rotten eggs and decaying animals. The air was thick with the stench, and he could taste it on his tongue. tense Aurora followed Derek into the tunnel, feeling the wet, slimy groun
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Miranda shuddered as the cold water hit her face and ran down her body. The shock of the icy liquid jolted her awake from her unconsciousness, and she blinked rapidly, trying to clear her vision. Her body was still weak from the tunnel collapse, and the cold water seemed to seep into her bones, causing her to shiver uncontrollably.As she opened her eyes, Miranda was greeted with the sight of the guard standing over her, his expression one of anger and impatience. She tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat, the cold water causing her to gasp for air. Miranda struggled to keep herself conscious, feeling an excruciating pain in her bones. Every breath was a struggle, and her body ached with every movement. The weight of the debris that had collapsed on her was still fresh in her memory, and the pain was too much to bear. She tried to move her hands and legs, but the ropes that bound her to the poles only made the pain worse.The pain felt like hot, searing knives running th
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81She was feeling both nervous and excited as she made her way over to the large standing mirror in Fel's room. The prospect of selecting some of the princess's jewelry was a rare opportunity for the maid, but the task of getting the keys was daunting.The mirror was massive, almost as tall as the ceiling, and was ornately decorated with intricate carvings along its edges. Era peered behind it, but it was dark and she couldn't see anything. She paused for a moment, contemplating her next move.Suddenly, she remembered a small candle she had spotted on Fel's bedside table. She hurried over and lit the candle with a match, then returned to the mirror. Holding the candle in one hand, she reached her other hand behind the mirror, feeling around for the keys.Her fingers brushed against something cold and metallic. She grasped it and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. She tried again, this time putting more force into it, and she heard a faint clinking sound. She pulled once more and the keys
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