All Chapters of To live or to love: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
96 Chapters
The guard approached the door where Fel was hiding and slowly turned the doorknob. As he opened the door, he peered into the dark room, scanning his eyes around to ensure everything was in order. He took a few steps inside, his footsteps echoing in the silence. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he took another look around, searching for any signs of disturbance. Suddenly, his gaze fell upon Fel's hiding spot behind the door. For a split second, he looked directly at her, causing her to freeze in terror. But just as quickly, he looked away and continued his inspection of the room. After a few more moments, he appeared satisfied that everything was in order, and he turned to leave, closing the door behind him.Fel let out a deep breath of relief as the guard closed the door and walked away. She sat there for a few moments, still holding her hand over her pounding chest, trying to regain her composure. Slowly, she stood up and looked around to make sure that the coast was clear.Th
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Miranda weakly crawled towards Fel's body, her body trembling with each movement. She winced in pain as she put her hand over her aching body.. Her tears flowed freely as she approached Fel's motionless body. She knew that Fel was badly hurt and she didn't know if she could save her.As she reached Fel's side, Miranda gently placed her hand on Fel's shoulder and tried to shake her awake. But Fel didn't respond. Her body was limp and her breathing had stopped. Miranda's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation.She slowly moved Fel's head to rest on her thighs and held her hand tightly. The sight of Fel's bloodied body and her pale face made Miranda feel sick to her stomach. She fought back the urge to cry and tried to focus on helping Fel.Fel weakly looked up at her, raising her hand to touch Miranda's face. Miranda held Fel's hand close to her face, trying to give her some comfort. She could see the pain in Fel's eyes and it broke her heart.Fel was struggling to spea
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Ragnar's eyelids fluttered as his consciousness returned to him. The room around him was hazy and out of focus, causing him to blink rapidly as he tried to clear his vision. He could hear a soft, rhythmic pounding noise, and a familiar scent of herbs filled his nostrils. It was then that he realized he was lying in a bed, and a physician was standing beside him, pounding some mixture in a mortar.Feeling parched, Ragnar croaked out,"Water.”The physician looked up from his work as he heard Ragnar's weak voice asking for water. Without hesitation, he grabbed a cup of water and quickly made his way towards the bed. Holding the cup carefully, he helped Ragnar sit up a little and offered him the cup to drink. Ragnar's hands trembled a bit as he took the cup and started drinking the water in small sips, feeling the cool liquid refresh his throat. The physician watched closely, making sure that Ragnar drank enough water to quench his thirst. Once he was done, the physician gently took the
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The air in the room was initially quiet, with some guards lying around, others sleeping, some playing games, and others chatting. There was a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, with occasional laughter and banter. Despite the various activities taking place, there was an air of camaraderie that seemed to bring everyone together. However, this atmosphere was suddenly shattered when a guard burst into the room, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He scanned the room quickly, looking for his belongings. Some of the guards in the room looked up from their activities and stared at him in confusion.The guard's sudden entrance had caused a sudden shift in the mood of the room, and a tense silence enveloped it.The guard rushed over to his cabinet and started packing his things at breakneck speed, his movements frenzied and disorganized."What's the matter?" one guard asked, trying to get to the bottom of the situation."Didn't you all hear?" the guard responded frantically,"The king is passi
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As he entered the room, he took in the sight of Ragnar lying in bed, seemingly unaware of his presence. He leaned on his stick, studying the king carefully, and noticing the frailty in his appearance. Ragnar's skin was pale, and his breathing was shallow, a clear indication that the sickness had taken its toll on him.He recalled the brief meeting he had with Magnus and how he had divulged information about Ragnar's plans with his daughter, also being aware that Magnus was going to wage war against Ragnar because of it.Gasher gave Ragnar's shoulder a slight tap.Ragnar stirred from his slumber as he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Gasher, standing beside his bed. Ragnar's vision was slightly blurry, and it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dim light of the chamber.As he blinked a few times to clear his vision, he became more aware of his surroundings and the presence of the diviner. The room was silent exce
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Ragnar looked at the Diviner with a solemn expression, "The ingredients are innocent baby pups born during an eclipse," he said.The Diviner's eyes widened in disbelief and horror as Ragnar revealed the ingredients used to make the blue blade potion. He felt a cold sweat break out all over his body as he realized the enormity of what Ragnar had just told him. It was a number one taboo against the Lindlings, who were known to be fierce protectors of their kind in the underground world, and would not hesitate to wipe out an entire pack if they felt they had been wronged in any way.The Diviner's mind raced with the implications of this revelation. If word ever got out that Ragnar had used innocent baby pups born during an eclipse to make the potion, it would cause a great uproar among the Lindlings, and they would stop at nothing to seek revenge. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his emotions in check, as he knew showing any sign of shock or horror would only serve to further agitate R
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Miranda trudged through the dense woods with a heavy heart, each step feeling like a burden on her sore feet. The rough terrains seemed determined to prolong her journey home, but she pressed on despite the pain. Her labored breaths were visible in the chilly morning air.Miranda shivered violently as the coldness of the morning pierced through her thin clothes. Her teeth chattered uncontrollably, causing a faint, staccato sound to emanate from her mouth. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to preserve any warmth she had left in her body, but it was no use. The icy breeze cut through her like a sharp knife, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Her breaths came out in foggy puffs, a visible testament to the frigid temperature. Every step felt like she was trudging through a sea of icy water, and her feet felt numb and heavy. Her whole body trembled as she moved forward,Miranda winced as she felt the sting of the wounds on her body. It was as if tiny whips were still lashing
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One of the men, engrossed in the task of cutting down the tree, noticed a faint movement in the distance. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out what it was. Suddenly, he realized that it was a woman walking towards them. He called out to the others, "Hey, look over there, a woman is coming!"The others stopped what they were doing and turned to see for themselves. They chuckled amongst themselves, joking about who the woman might be and whose type she might be."Maybe she's into tall, dark, and handsome," one of them said, eliciting a round of laughter from the group."Or maybe she's into strong, silent types," another chimed in, earning a few nods of agreement.She appeared to be weak and disoriented, barely able to stand on her own two feet. Her movements were slow and unsteady, as if every step required all of her strength.Her hair was disheveled and fell messily around her face, which was pale and contorted in pain. Her dress was torn in several places, and blood had soaked t
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Magnus furrowed his brows in a deep frown as he observed the vast plains below. The beauty of the land was undeniable, with its rolling hills and expansive fields, but Magnus couldn't appreciate it in his current state of mind. His thoughts were consumed with anger and frustration.Overlooking the vast expanse of the plains below the beauty of the landscape was undeniable - rolling hills stretched out before him, dotted with verdant trees and grassy fields. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over everything it touched. The sky was a canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples, with wispy clouds painted in hues of gold and silver.But despite the beauty of the scene before him, Magnus could feel a deep anger burning inside him. He clenched his fists tightly behind his back, his knuckles turning white with the force of his grip. His gaze shifted beyond the horizon, where the borders of the Scorpion Zeal pack lay. Hatred for his enemy burned within him, fueled by a desire for ve
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The maids frantically packed their belongings, the room filled with commotion. Some were shoving each other, while others were arguing about their belongings. One maid shouted, "That's mine, give it back!" while another retorted, "No, it's not, I had it first!" The room was chaotic, with everyone trying to grab their things as quickly as possible.Another maid was trying to pack her jewelry when she realized that her necklace was missing. She searched frantically through her belongings, but it was nowhere to be found. "Has anyone seen my necklace?" she asked the others, hoping someone had accidentally picked it up. But nobody had seen it, and her panic only grew as she thought about losing something so valuable.In the midst of the chaos, one of the maids accidentally knocked over a vase, causing it to shatter on the ground. "Oh no, what have you done?" exclaimed another maid, irritated. "Can't you be more careful?" The maid apologized profusely, but the others were already rush
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