All Chapters of My Quadruplet Step Brothers are My Mates: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
271 Chapters
Third person.Jason appeared to be the most disturbed from the rest. He felt guilty for everything that had happened and swore to get everything settled. He had no idea of what to do since it was obvious that Ashley and Bianca was innocent.“I doubt that Kayla left here by herself! I mean, where would she go to?” He asked the others who stared back at him without an idea of what to say. “Someone took her out of here!” Jason suddenly declared and immediately, they all turned to look at him in shock. “Stop trying to place the blame on someone else! You are the cause of everything”, Jake shouted, getting ready for another round of banter. Jason took in a deep breath and clenched his fist in fury. He was beginning to get tired of his brothers because everyone of them placed the blame on him and they were not making an effort to think otherwise. “Can we stop putting the blame on me? Everyone of us here is at fault for betraying her! It’s not just only me”, he said defiantly but Ethan l
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James was in awe by the number of punches that got thrown to his face. He knew that he could easily retaliate by making use of his powers, but he knew better than to do that. At least, not yet…These were the alphas and so, he had to be respectful.“Where is Kayla?” Jason asked for another time and this time, James was beginning to get worried.Kayla was someone who he really cared about and if she was in danger like they made it seem, it simply meant that he had to do something about it. “Look! I have no idea of where she is! She is probably hanging around somewhere. We should go look for her”, James said again. He was beginning to get frightened by the dead glares that came from each of the alphas. He had thought that they would relax and listen to him. But then, their eyes were red and it was quite clear that they won’t leave him without a fight. “We should search his room!” Jason suggested and James heart flew out of his chest. The last thing he wanted was someone searching hi
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JasonI had no idea if I was acting out of proportion. But then, I knew what I was doing and I could swear that it was right. The only person in that entire academy who was close to Kayla was James. It wasn’t mere coincidence that Kayla was missing and he had her pictures in his room.“I didn’t do it. Stop dragging me now that I’m still being nice”, he declared but I let out a deep hiss and rolled my eyes at him.One thing I knew about the academy was how they loved making use of threats. Most of them made use of it because they had powers, but I wasn’t moved by any of that. Perhaps, I’ve seen the type of powers James had….the type that made me stuck to the ground.“What will you do? Get me stuck to the ground like you did that day on the field?” I asked James who gulped down hard and shook his head negatively. “That one was not me! Mine is worse. Trust me when I say that you don’t want to witness what mine looks like”, James said and again, I turned to look at my brothers.Mason se
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KaylaThat moment where it was clear that they knew who I was, I knew that the best thing to do was to make use of my powers.“I command you to let me pass this gate”, I said to all of them and immediately, they nodded their head and gave me the space to pass. A bright smile made way to my face just as I left the academy. My power really made me feel important and I didn’t want to think of how I would feel if I don’t possess any powers. “Where are we going?” My wolf asked and I swallowed hard. I had no idea of where I was going to but I was quite certain that I would figure it out as time went on. My heart was beating out of my chest just as James words came into my ears. He had warned me sternly to stay away from going to the forest but I wasn’t making any attempt to listen to him. This was my quest and I was going to ensure that I get to the root of it, no matter what it was going to take. With a deep breath, a new wave of relaxation came into my heart and I felt that I was do
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EthanThe thunder came again and this time, it was even fiercer than the first time. And then, there was a tornado. “What the hell is the cause of that?” I yelled as we all looked around, wondering what prompted the tornado. No, there was no news about that and we were not told to expect something like that. At this, I couldn’t help but wonder where it was coming from.“Stop! James, stop!” We heard a loud voice and immediately, we swirled around to take note of who it was.It was someone very familiar but I wasn’t certain of what her name was.“James!” She said and immediately, James took in a deep breath and sky cleared.“What the hell! That was you?” I screamed as I turned to look at James who didn’t say a word to me. He was angry and I could see this in how he looked at us. But then, we weren’t meant to be blamed because we were only trying everything possible to see that we find Kayla.“James, I told you not to use your powers, no matter what!” The woman said as she walked over
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KaylaIt was a stampede of a group of animals who I had no idea of what their name was. They looked quite strange and out of reality. I held on to the tree as I stared at them from the top, feeling so glad that I was able to hide on the top before they approached me. If I had remained there, it was quite obvious that I would be killed.Just then, one of them walked forward and started looking around. Taking a closer look at the creature, I suddenly observed that they had the qualities of humans. They had a head and a feet! My heart flew out of my chest at this realization and for the hundredth time since I started this quest, I recalled the story of James and how he talked about the beasts of the forest no one knew what they were. I remained silent on top of the tree, barely breathing since I was scared that my breath might make them realize that I was actually at the top of the tree.I remembered a story back then which was told my my father.He talked about a young boy who went in
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Third person. Everyone turned silent as they stared at Claire who still looked like someone who just saw a ghost. Jason gulped down as fresh set of sweats formed on his forehead. He had a thousand questions to ask, but the major was why Kayla would go to a forest without telling anyone. Ethan’s mind traveled quite a distance as Claire words replayed back in his mind. He had spoken to Kayla a couple of days ago and even, shared a poem with her. However, he never caught a glimpse of the fact that she was making some plans to head over to the forest. “It was all my fault! I shouldn’t have told her about the forest…I should never have opened my lips to say all what I did”, James said as he dug into his head in frustration, blinking off the tears that threatened to fall out of his eye. The quad were blank and in a complete state of confusion. They exchanged glances with each other, trying so hard to fully understand what was currently transpiring between Claire and James.“I think it’s
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JasonI rushed into the bedroom and grabbed a bag, throwing all my clothes into it and panting heavily. At first, hearing that Kayla was stuck in a forest somewhere away sounded like joke, but with each minute that passed, it became clear that it wasn’t anything close to a joke.“This is all your fault! I can’t believe that we put Kayla in such a situation!” Mason huffed as he walked into the room, throwing dead glares at me.No doubt, my brothers hated me right now. But then, I wasn’t the one to be blamed because I did all what I did because of how much I wanted to keep our secret safe.“We should just get ready to go with them. We don’t have time to waste”, I said to my brothers, ignoring the fact that they stared at me with a look of disdain on their faces. The next couple of minutes saw us packing our things into the bag and making our way out of the room.When we got to Claire’s apartment, we discovered that she was nowhere in sight. “She just left with James…a couple of minute
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KaylaI opened my eyes calmly, shutting them immediately the bright sun made way into my eyes. This was the second day already and I had no idea of how far I would go before I get lost…I blinked off the tears that welled up in my eyes just as I tried to take off the memories of the party that invaded my soul. I couldn’t stop thinking of quad and how they excited they must be to see that I wasn’t in the picture anymore. A deep hiss came off my lips as I finally decided to think less of them and focus on my quest instead. I jerked back to my feet and observed a foot trail behind me. It looked as though someone was staring at me while I was asleep. My heart dropped as I swirled around, trying to be sure that I wasn’t at the verge of getting endangered by anything around. In the middle of doing that, a soft wind flew past me, causing a wave of goosebumps to attack my skin. My heart beat went on the rise but I was quick to recall a part of the story my father once told me. “Running i
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Third person. “What are you saying?” Jason asked as he walked closer to Claire and James who were talking to the old man in the library. “You all shouldn’t be here?” Claire said as she turned to the boys who were walking over to her with a big frown on their faces. “Were you trying to leave without us?” Jason asked Claire who blew out hot air and gazed at him. She didn’t seem to have anything to say because that was what she had planned to do.She had thought that leaving without the boys was the best thing to do. At this, she left with James, hoping that she would be long gone before the quad realizes. “What exactly were you trying to do?” Ethan asked as he walked closer to them, staring at Claire and back at James.“We are only trying to collect the amplifier”, James responded and looked away since he couldn’t bear the dead glares that came from the boys. “Without us?” Mason yelled from behind as he walked over to James and grabbed him on his neck, ignoring his struggles to bre
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