All Chapters of My Quadruplet Step Brothers are My Mates: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
271 Chapters
Jason“We can die for Kayla!” I blurted out, causing everyone to freeze in shock. I never believed that I would have the ability to spew something of such nature right in front of everyone, but I couldn’t withhold the feeling to do so. “Don’t think of her being our mate. Remember that Claire reads mind”, Ethan sent me a mindlink and I nodded in affirmation. Claire took in a deep breath and turned to each of us, obviously wondering what must have come over us. It was clear that she never believed that we were willing to go such extent for Kayla because we didn’t show any form of affection to her. “You can die for Kayla. Of course you can!” James replied in a sarcastic manner that made me have the rush to tear him apart.Claire was silent for a while, but then, she finally spoke up. “This is not all about you wanting to die for her. It’s the fact that everyone of us could end up being dead if we are not careful. This decision is final and I won’t go against it. Your father would be
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Ethan. Once we resolved how to go about being with the team that was heading over to help Kayla, the next thing we had to do was make use of the plan that involves getting into the truck. We stared at the truck that was parked some distance away from us. From what I could tell, they went to take a nap or rest before they start their journey much later in the evening.“If only we had powers like Kayla, we would have easily messed up with their minds and made them to allow us go with them”, I said to Jason who was also looking at the truck and thinking of a means to get into it. He let out a small scoff after which he laughed aloud. I joined in the laughter and in no time, we were clutching on our stomach and laughing aloud. That was the truth though. Kayla power was no doubt the best thing to happen to anyone. I couldn’t put a stop to the countless thing I would do with a power like hers if I ever had the opportunity. The first thing though would be to tell Bianca to go drown herse
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Kayla.My heart was racing at this point. For another time, I recalled that James had said that the seer lived quite a distance away from the forest. “How do you know that I’m Kayla?” I asked the voice, still looking around since I had no idea of who it was.Whosoever it was still stayed in a wind form and the voice was the only one I heard. “I know everything about you, Kayla. I also know that your step brothers are your mates”, the voice said and started laughing aloud. Sweats broke out on my forehead at this point. I took in a sharp breath and held my chest, trying so hard to avoid being scared even if I was.“It might be the seer…if not, how would the person know my deepest secrets?” I asked myself as I tried to make a decision. “Can I see your face then?” I asked, still looking around each time I felt the whooshing sound of the wind. There was a deafening silence after which I heard the uproar of a laughter.“You can’t see me! I mean, you must follow me before I show you wha
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It was now just Ethan and I on the quest to find Kayla. We were able to successfully make our way to the truck and luckily, we didn’t get caught. After what seemed like ages, we heard distant noises and then, it became clear that it came from James and Claire. My heart beat was on the rise just as I shut my eyes and tried to stop my breath from being loud. The car started and in no time, we were on our way to the forest. “Are we sure this is the right thing?” I whispered to Ethan who was obviously lost in thoughts. Ethan didn’t say a word. He just kept mute and nodded, but I needed no one to tell me that he was scared just like me. After driving for some minutes, the car came to a stop and we heard the sound of the front door opening. “We can’t come out now. She would send us back if she realizes that we came with them. We should just hold on and trail them right until we are inside the forest with them”, I said to Ethan who was at the verge of opening the trunk and coming out.
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KaylaI gazed around for another time, trying so hard to figure out how possible it was that I was back to the same position after being in the forest for a long time. I had thought that I would be close to the seer’s hut, but then, I was back to the very spot where I spent the first night at in the forest. “What the hell is going on?” I asked myself again as I looked around, wondering why I wasn’t making any attempt towards proceeding. Just then, I caught sight of four people making way towards where I was. I quickly hid behind a tree since I didn’t want to be seen by anyone. The first thing I thought of was why someone was in the forest, and what they might be searching for. I didn’t lift my head up until some minutes later when I figured out that they must have taken another direction. However, the moment I lifted my head, my eyes caught sight of a very familiar figure. “Jason?” I quietly asked myself as my heart started racing out of my chest. I tried to talk, but nothing
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Ethan. No…we never planned to see Kayla that fast. It seemed like a miracle or something of that nature because I had thought that we would search for days before catching sight of her. At a point, I also thought that she might be dead or lost since we were quite late in the search. But then, it was still morning. We had just packed up our camp stuffs, racking our head around the particular direction to take in finding her. There were different paths of the forest and it was clear that we would get missing if we take the wrong path. “Are you sure that we would find her?” Jason had asked and for a moment, I gulped down hard to conceal the fear I had in my heart. I truly didn’t think so. I was scared to my bones and I silently prayed that Kayla was not gone forever. After a while, I heard the slight ruffling of the leaves nearby. It sounded like some kind of animal but after careful thoughts, I realized that it had the weight of a human.“That can’t be an animal! I’m sure that a h
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KaylaEthan’s voice was the force that propelled me to stop in my tracks. Jason was the last person I wanted to see, but Ethan was someone I couldn’t turn back from. There was a sort of connection I had with him, one that I didn’t have with any other of the quad. At this, I slowly walked over to them, with tears dripping out of my eyes and almost blurring my vision. “Kayla!” Ethan said as he pushed me into a warm hug, sobbing in the process and touching every part of my body to be sure that he wasn’t just having a mere hallucination. “Are you really here?” He asked again as he finally pulled out of the hug and took a careful look at my face. His face fell and I could tell that I didn’t look so good. I was in the forest for barely two days. But then, my skin already looked so pale and rough. “Have you eaten anything at all?” I heard a voice and turned to glance at Jason who was looking at me with the softest pair of eyes I had ever seen. I giggled inwardly and rolled my eyes at
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EthanI slowly walked behind Kayla, with my heart beating out of my chest. I was blank and not really confidence that I would be able to make her have a change of heart. However, a part of my heart pushed me to say it anyways. I was about to divulge the secret Ashely and Bianca asked that we keep, but if that would make Kayla forgive us, I was ready to do that. “There was a reason for everything”, I finally said as I took in a deep breath and looked at her. She let out a small scoff after she stopped walking to spare me a long glance. “A reason? There was no reason for anything! You are in love with your girlfriend and I mean nothing to you”, she said, almost at the verge of yelling out of her lungs. I shivered, watching how swift she was with her outburst. It broke my heart to see how pained she was by our actions and I couldn’t wait to see things come together.“I’m sorry. If there was a better option, I would never have done that”, I explained and again, she let out a scoff a
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KaylaIt was night time already. The entire quad seemed to be angry with me and it was quite weird. At first, I was the one mad at him. But then, everything changed already. I made to talk to them, but each time I looked towards their direction, they darted their eyes away from me. This was so weird. I had no idea of the next plan to take and I couldn’t figure out how I intended to carry out my plans with them in the picture. “What exactly is the plan now? They are not even looking at me”, I sighed deeply as I spoke to my wolf who didn’t seem to have anything to say to me. Jason stared at me with disgust and that made fresh set of sweats to break out on my forehead. I felt bad about everything. It was clear that his display at the party was just a plan by Ashley and Bianca. How didn’t I think of this? After being in a pensive mood for what seemed like ages, I finally summoned up the courage to walk over to them and hold a conversation. I knew that it may come out bad, but I was
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JasonThere was a mood switch after we finally got to meet with Kayla. It was weird that we didn’t get to think of it af first. But then, now that I did, it got me so enraged. I figured out that Kayla was the reason why we were in this mess. If she had told us that she had powers, we would have been able to swiftly sort out the issues and it wouldn’t have escalated to this point. I’m sorry”,Kayla said as she sat close to me, with a sad look in her eyes. The more I heard her talk, the more I got angry with her. “We came all the way into the forest because we thought that we were at fault and needed to apologize. But then, I’ve just realized that we were wrong and it doesn’t make sense”, I said defiantly and started walking away. She looked quite surprised by my outburst, but I didn’t give a damn. Everything was beginning to be about Kayla and I didn’t like it anymore. I took some distance away from her and watched how she sulked from a distance. “Do you think this is a right ti
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