All Chapters of My Quadruplet Step Brothers are My Mates: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
271 Chapters
Third person. The atmosphere was silent. Claire turned to look at Kayla who had a soft look on her face. Kayla was so convinced that Claire already learnt about the secret and so, she wanted to know her thoughts about it. Claire on the other hand was quite confused about what Kayla was pointing at. “I didn’t read anyone’s mind in this forest”, Claire protested but Kayla took in a deep breath and shook her head negatively. The last thing she wanted at this point was to listen to anything that had lies in it.“Ethan and I had a conversation, a very confidential one. You listened to our conversation and I saw it in your eyes”, Kayla insisted, causing everyone around to look at her. Jason cleared his throat after a while and decided to speak up. He was beginning to get exhausted because they had been in the forest for a day and there didn’t seem to be any sign of progress.“Kayla, I think you should step down on what you think. Claire is already going through a lot because she is try
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KaylaI stared at Jason who was still kneeling on the ground. My heart fluttered and my heart raced. He was really filled with surprises. Who would have thought that he would be on his knees, begging me for forgiveness after all what he did to me the past couple of hours. “Get on your feet. It’s fine”, I said to him, but the look he had on his face was enough to say that he wasn’t fully convinced about that. At this, I pulled him up and gave him a warm embrace. It was better late than never. I would be leaving them in a couple of hours and the best thing would be to enjoy the best part of them before I finally leave. Jason took in a very deep breath after which he wore a wide smile. “Thank you, Kayla”, he said and caressed my cheeks softly. The hate I had in my heart suddenly went into thin air and my wolf danced around in excitement. Jason had one effect in me…one that was very spectacular. “We need to figure out the best way to make our way out of this forest. The earlier we
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EthanThe minute the morning light struck my eyes, I jerked to my feet. My eyes shifted to the corner where Kayla slept last night but it was empty. “Kayla?” I yelped in shock as I stood up and looked around, wondering where she had gone to so early in the morning. I walked around the part of the forest where we camped, hoping that I would catch sight of her around. To my utmost surprise, she wasn’t anywhere in sight. Panic set in at that point and I called out for Claire and Jason. “I think something is wrong. Kayla is not anywhere in sight”, I explained, with my heart beating out of panic. Claire was the first to react. She took to her heels and went around the forest in search of Kayla. “Where did she go to? What is going on?” Claire screamed out of her lungs, almost at the verge of having a panic attack.I sensed trouble in the air at that point. Claire was reacting in a manner that got me scared. It seemed as if she had an idea that something might go wrong. “What’s going
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Third person.Everyone exchanged glances with each other as the details of the letter started sinking into the deepest part of their hearts. “She actually left us…”, Jason said in a voice that sounded like a whisper, with fresh set of beads forming on his forehead. Ethan was too stunned that he couldn’t utter a single word. He turned to look at Claire who was staring like someone who was dumb. “Claire, what are we going to do? We can’t leave her alone in this forest”, Jason said as he walked over to clear who looked like she was at the verge of tears.Claire gulped down and wiped the small tears that dropped out of her eyes. She took in a sharp breath as she tried so hard to figure out what next to say. “This forest is a very dangerous place. I’m actually quite surprised that we are yet to get attacked by anything”, Claire said and that was when James recalled something very important. He walked over to her, with his hands folded to his chest and his heart beating heavily. “The l
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Kayla. “One hundred and twenty four!” I gasped as I stopped running to catch my breath. I had been running and counting as I did. I had no idea of why I did that but I felt that it was a great means to keep my mind busy. I collapsed to the ground, panting heavily and wiping out the sweats that scattered across my face. My mind drifted off to thoughts of Claire, Ethan, Jason and James. I couldn’t help but wonder what they might be thinking at the moment. I had dropped a letter for them and I couldn’t help but hope that they would listen to the letter and stay away from me. My heart was beating heavily at this point. I had no idea of what I was doing, but it was better to die and others live, rather than being the cause of everyone’s death. The forest beast had told me that if I took the deal with him, he would ensure that the team makes their way out of the forest without any bad thing happening. But then, if I failed to live up to the deal, everyone of them including me won’t liv
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Third person.The team were in shock to see how fierce Kayla was with her powers. It looked like a dream at first until they heard the rumbling noise. “Is it the forest beast? Is he here to attack?” Claire asked as she brought out a knife and took her stance. The boys looked around in fear too, grabbing their weapon and looking around to take the beast once it appears. James was the first to see and realize what was happening. He knew Kayla so well. As a matter of fact, he was her trainer and he always knew that her powers were far more than one could think of or imagine. “It’s not the forest beast”, he said with a quivering voice as he stared at the ground that was beginning to tear apart into two different part. They stopped and turned to look at James. “It’s Kayla”, James dropped. They stopped in their tracks and that was when it dawned on them them that Kayla was on the other side and she was creating a rift with their power.“Stop, Kayla!” Jason cried out and tried to jum
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JasonI’ve never felt this kind of heaviness all my life. It felt as though I was leaving a part of my life behind and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Somehow, I wished that I could go back to the forest and continue the quest to find her. But then, the reality was that I may not even live to tell the story if I decide to do that. “She will be fine. I understand that she is your mate and the mate bond thing is…” James was saying when I grabbed his shirt and looked into his eyes.“I don’t want to hear that from you ever again! You just had the privilege to learn that secret and that doesn’t give you the right to blab about it whenever you wish to. I won’t take it lightly with you the next time you try that with me”, I said and pushed him until he staggered lightly. He chuckled calmly and suddenly wore a frown. “Can I ask why you hate me so much?” James asked and for a minute, I took a pause to ponder on the question that he just asked. The truth was that I hated him b
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Third person. It’s been four hours since the team returned back to the academy. News already went round that they were back, even if many people had no idea of where they went to. Claire already made plans for that and so, when people started asking questions about their whereabouts, they were told that they went on a training at another pack. Jake and Mason were yet to return from a team hunt they went for since earlier that morning. At this, Ethan and Jason were the only ones in their room. Ashley and Bianca were not at the academy because they were out on the same hunt as Mason and Jake. “This is quite strange. I’ve never felt this empty all my life”, Jason started as he looked at Ethan who didn’t look pleased as well. “I never knew that having someone as your mate would take such a level of your heart. I mean, I can’t think of anything else apart from Kayla”, Ethan added, with a small chuckle that was accompanied by a frown. He felt so pained in the deepest part of his sou
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MasonI returned from the hunt to meet Jason and Ethan sitting on their bed in the room. From the look on their faces, I could tell that something was wrong. But then, I was excited to see them after so many days of waiting for their return. “Welcome!” I screamed in excitement as I rushed over to them, with my heart beating in elation. Jason wore a small smile on his face but that transited into a quick frown. At that point, I could tell that something was really wrong. If everything turned out fine like we had planned, they would probably be smiling and talking about their experiences at the forest.However, I was glad that they were back and I hoped that Kayla was fine too. “I’m glad that the both of you are back. I mean, I kept praying to the moon goddess every hour. How did it go? Is Kayla in her room?” I asked Ethan who shifted his eyes and lowered them to the ground.Jake turned to look at me, with fear written in his eyes. The both of us were the ones trying so hard to ass
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KaylaI wiped tears out of my eyes as I finally stopped running and took in a deep breath. I had no idea that my powers would really go far to the extent of creating a rift between me and the others. It was at this point i understood why the forest beast decided to give only me access to my powers; he knew that I could use it to send them away. I had a thousand thoughts swirling around my heart and the major was why the forest beast wanted me to be alone. My heart skipped a beat each time I recalled that I was the only one in the forest and even if I tried so hard to remain firm, I was troubled. I took a sit on the ground and finally allowed the entire tears I had in my eyes to flow out without any restraint. My chest was in pains and my stomach was grumbling in hunger. I hadn’t really eaten so much ever since I entered the forest because I couldn’t place my hands on good meals. “Did I make a mistake by coming on the quest?” I asked myself for the hundredth time and again, I had n
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