All Chapters of My Quadruplet Step Brothers are My Mates: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
271 Chapters
Third person. Mason and Jake were still trying to process all what Jason and Ethan divulged to them. At first, it sounded like mere joke until they went to confirm for themselves and realized that it was true. The minute Jason told them, Jake had jerked to his feet and rushed to meet with James since James was also part of the team that went in search of her. To his utmost dismay, James said the same thing to him and this caused his heart to break into a thousand pieces. “We should all meet with Claire and come up with a solution”, Ethan finally suggested and they all nodded in affirmation. With a solemn look on their faces, they made their way to Claire’s quarters. There were already rumors flying around the school about how the quad returned looking different. But then, none of them were concerned about that. The major thing that plagued their heart currently was the fact that Kayla was in trouble and might be dead if they delayed. “What next now?” Jason was the first to ask
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JasonWhat the hell! What was our father doing here at the academy?The minute we walked out of Claire’s office, we met our father standing by the door, with a small scowl on his face. It seemed as though he was already aware that we were inside and so, was patiently waiting for us to come out before he sees us. My heart almost flew out of my chest and everyone of us was at the verge of having a heart attack. “Father!” I screamed out of my lungs, without an idea of what the perfect expression should be like. I was both shock and confused at the same time and so, I stared at him blankly. My brothers felt the same way I did. For minutes, we stood still, staring at our father who was looking into our eyes as though he was trying to take note of something.The look he wore on his face was so serious and for a minute, my heart skipped a beat. It was clear that he knew something and was very displeased by that. “Father, what are you doing here?” Jake asked, forcing a smile that barely
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Third person. The Alpha King stared at Jason who was now on his knees, pleading and asking for mercy. At first, he didn’t believe what Jason just uttered until Ethan went on his knees as well. “What the hell!” He muttered under his breath wondering when his sons decided to be so stupid to the extent that they went to the forest to save their step sister. “Can someone tell me what is going on? So, this was really true?” He spat out in rage as he jerked up to his feet, gazing at Claire and turning back to the boys. When he got the information that his boys might have gone on a journey into the forest, he shoved it aside as mere here say. He presumed that his sons would never be stupid to the extent of going into a forest that they’ve heard so many bad stories about. “That is not possible. I mean, I refuse to believe that. My sons are very responsible and the last thing they would do is go into the forest for any reason”, he said to them, with a big frown on his face. However, much
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EthanMy head swirled as I tried to replay what our father just said for another time. For minutes, we remained still and quiet, not uttering a single word to any one.“I’m so sorry”, Claire apologized as though she was the one responsible for what had just happened. The fault didn’t come from her. It came from whosoever it was that told the Alpha King of our disappearance. “Who do you think told him?” I asked Claire who took a pause and thought about it for a while. She shrugged slightly after which she shook her head negatively. “I honestly have no idea about that. I mean, the news could have gotten to them through any means, right?” She asked, staring at me and my brothers. I gulped down hard as fresh set of sweats formed on my forehead. Leaving the academy at a point like this wasn’t anything close to my plans because we were going to be leaving Kayla who was lost in the forest. “I have no idea of who might have done that”, Claire said in finality and just then, something clic
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Third person. “Tell me, have you heard of such thing?” Ashley went on, not sparing Jason a single glance. It was at this point it dawned on Jason that he actually took the wrong choice of talking and yelling at her right in front of everyone. “Have you ever seen someone who loves his sister so much that he is willing to kill himself for it? His step sister! I mean, he hated her at first when she came into the pack but now, she becomes someone who he can’t spend a day without having thoughts about. I ask again, is that normal?” Ashley asked everyone and they fell into an uproar of murmurs. Jason’s heart was beating out of his chest as he took note of the students eyes and the type of look they had on their face. Each of them stared at him with a dead glare, as though he just committed a form of abomination that wasn’t accepted anywhere in the world. “Listen to me guys! She is lying!” Jason yelled out of his lungs as he grabbed Ashley and started pulling her out of the classroom.
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Kayla.My eyes blinked severally but didn’t remain stable until i jerked up and let out a loud scream. I had no idea of what was currently wrong with me because I felt so sick and exhausted. Just then, I recalled the apple I had eaten earlier and how it must have been responsible for what was currently wrong with me.“What the hell!” I muttered under my breath as I looked around, hoping that I would be able to recall where I was at the moment. There was nothing coming to my head because I was blank and unable to decipher what was current going on. “Where am I?” I asked again and just then, I felt a cold feeling on my neck. It seemed as though someone placed his cold hands on my bare skin. A loud scream flew out of my lips as I looked around, getting more frightened when I didn’t see anyone around. “Dear, are you scared?” I heard that one familiar voice that was able to send cold shivers running down my spine. I swallowed hard and wiped sweats off my forehead, trying so hard to r
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Ethan.We got back to the pack house later that evening. Just as our father had said, we were done with the academy and there wasn’t anything to do about it. Inasmuch as we considered ourselves to be grownups and people who could make their own decisions by themselves, there were times when whatever our father said was what we had to do. Now, we were back to the house like before, but the only difference was Kayla who was not in the picture. “Your father has accepted the request for everyone to have dinner together later tonight”, a servant said as he walked over to me. I had sent the servant to pass a message to my father. Our father wasn’t making attempt to meet with us and so, I had to be the one who pushed for it. We really needed to talk to him because there was a lot to talk about. “Do you think he would agree to your plans?” Jason said, minutes after the servant left. Jason was a shadow of himself. Ever since we returned to the pack house, I didn’t fail to realize that th
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KaylaI winced in pain the minute I tried to lift my legs up. The pain was excruciating that I gave up almost immediately. I had beads of sweats scattered across my face and my heart beat was on the rise. My heart was filled with various questions that scared me and one of them was if I was going to walk again. “Relax, Kayla. I can hear through your thoughts”, I heard a soft feminine voice and for a moment, I thought that I had just heard wrongly. I knew that someone picked me up from the ground after the beast tried to kill me. However, I had no idea that it was a woman.What was a woman doing here in the forest?“Relax Kayla, I hear through your thoughts”, her voice said again, causing me to jerk up in fear.I looked at her intently, with my heart beating out of my chest. At first, I had thought that I would be dealing with another invincible being. However, I was lucky to see that it was a woman in a human form. “Thank goddess”, I mumbled under my breath since that went a long
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Third person. It was already some days after the return of the quad and there wasn’t any plans to go help Kayla. The boys were so angry at their father but he seemed to have made up his mind in that regard. He wasn’t going to help save Kayla and if she died in the forest, it wasn’t going to be of any concern to him. Now, he went ahead to organize a party to celebrate their return from the academy when his step daughter was out there in the forest. “What are we going to do?” Mason asked Ethan who was standing before them and wearing a massive scowl on his face.They were dressed in a tuxedo, but the looks on their faces was enough to tell the entire guests that things weren’t great. Their father walked over to them, with a stern look on his face. “Follow me, all of you!” He declared, causing the quad to stare at each other in surprise. The look on their fathers face was enough to tell them that something was wrong. They took in a deep breath and nodded their head in affirmation.
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Third person. Kayla was staring at the seer, waiting for her to tell her the exact person who might be responsible for her mother’s death. A part of her heart pointed at her step father because she couldn’t place her hands on why he suddenly turned strict and wicked out of the blues. That was something that wasn’t even closely related to his traits at all.“Tell me. You are a seer! Who killed my mother?” Kayla yelled out of her lungs, breathing heavily. Her eyes suddenly started changing between blue and red. “That’s it…rage. Keep going”, the seer said, staring at her with an interesting look on her face. Kayla was taken aback by this. She had thought that the seer would swiftly tell her who it was that killer her father. However, the seer seemed to be just interested in seeing her get angry. The ground started rumbling at that point, as though an earthquake was at the verge of taking place. “Who killed my mother?” Kayla screamed out of her lungs and a part of the ground opened up
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