All Chapters of My Quadruplet Step Brothers are My Mates: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
271 Chapters
Jason. I sat down at the garden, with my hands wrapped around my chest and the wind whipping through my face. My eyes were still swollen and it was hard to believe that I cried for Kayla. I guess nothing pained me the way the news of her demise did. It felt as though a part of my heart was taken away from me right under my watch. “Jason?” Ethan called out as he walked over to me, taking a seat beside me and sparing a second to take a careful look at me. “Are you still crying?” He asked and I took in a deep breath. “I guess I became vulnerable after all. All these while, I felt that being kind and close to her would make me vulnerable. I had no idea that I was already vulnerable before trying to prevent it”, I explained to Ethan who pulled me into a very warm hug. “This was her favorite place in this house. She loved the garden so much that she would come here each time she felt sad”, Ethan explained and I nodded, with a sad smile across my face. “It’s so hard to believe that sh
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Kayla. Jason seemed to be the first person I could make my first appearance to. I had no idea of why the case was that way, but I didn’t push the feeling to do that. “You were at the funeral?” Jason asked again, still trying to ascertain if he heard me correctly. I took in a deep breath as I prepared myself to break the information to him. “Well…I have no idea of how to say this yet. But then, I really need to let this off my chest and think of what next to do”, I stated, watching how he stared at me intently. Jason kept staring at me calmly, with his heart beating calmly but his face wearing a great level of excitement. It was clear that he was super excited to see me. After what seemed like ages, he pulled me into a very warm hug and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. “I missed you so much. You have no idea”, he said in a voice that sounded like a whisper. Memories from the forest started trooping into my head and for a minute, I presumed that he might be lying. He seemed t
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Ethan. When I woke up and saw Kayla looking at me, with a small smile on her face, I thought that it was only a dream. It prompted tears to drop out of my eyes because of how much I missed her. It’s been barely a day since her burial but I was yet to get over her death. “I miss you Kayla, now I’m having hallucinations”, I muttered under my breath as I watched her stretching her hands towards my face. I stayed still, knowing fully well that I won’t feel the effects of her touch since she was merely a product of hallucination.But then, her hands touched my face and I froze in shock. “What!” I screamed out of my lungs as I jumped to my feet, panting heavily and trying so hard to keep my breathing steady. She was still there, looking at me with a small smile on her face. “ I miss you so much Kayla. Now I’m going crazy”, I muttered silently and lowered my head to the ground. Just then, I heard a loud laughter. At first, it felt as though my ears were only deceiving me. However, lif
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Third person. It was finally the day for the wedding. Kayla had her plans up in her sleeves and was only waiting for the right time to bring it forth. This was the time for her to get her revenge on as many it was that tormented her there at the park and she was going to start with Ashley and Bianca.Ashley and Bianca were getting ready in their wedding dress. With the news of Kayla’s death, they were certain that their greatest opposition was out of the way. They had always wanted Kayla dead because she was the greatest force against their relationship with the quad. Now that it happened, they couldn’t help but feel convinced that nothing else would stop their wedding. Kayla decided to pay them a visit…a short but scary one…She had already met with everyone of the quad and assured them that everything would be fine and okay. That day, she had called them together after making her personal appearance to each of them. Jake and Mason were the last of the quad she visited. After sho
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Kayla. A small smile spread across my face the moment I got done with Bianca and Ashley who really felt that they had just seen a ghost. I could imagine the terror they were currently going through and that gladdened my heart. Next, I had to visit the alpha king, my step father. Inasmuch as the seer already told me that he knew something about my mothers death, he was also the person responsible for pushing the quad into having a wedding they didn’t want to. At this, there was need to stop him if I wanted the wedding to come to an end as well. “Father”, I said the minute I got into his room in my invincible form. He was sitting on a table, going through some letters and muttering some inaudible words to himself. He froze in shock the minute he heard my voice after which he stirred and looked around. The panic in his eyes was surreal and the way he trembled made me feel glad. Who would have thought that the Alpha king also felt scared ? He usually posed himself to be the stron
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Third person. The Alpha king remained fixed on the spot as though he had just seen a ghost. He gulped down hard and wiped sweats off his forehead after which he swirled around to take a closer look at Kayla. “Kayla?” He called again for the hundredth time, looking at her closely and blinking his eyes as though she would vanish the next minute he opens them. He walked closer to her and touched her, almost jerking up in shock when he realized that her body was really there in the room with him. “How is this possible?” He asked himself again, watching how Kayla gazed at him with an interesting look on her face. She had a thousand things to say, but all she could do at the moment was stare calmly. “You didn’t die?” He asked again. Kayla let out a small chuckle after which she folded her hands to her chest and shook her head negatively.“I’m so sure you wanted me dead as well. Well, I’m sorry, but I didn’t die”, she dropped, staring into his eyes with a cold gaze that sent cold shiv
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Jason. It was finally the supposed day of our wedding. We didn’t really seem so concerned because Kayla already assured us that everything would be fine and there won’t be any wedding. I had no idea of what she planned to do but there was a certain level of peace in my heart. Ashley already came to visit me, with panic written all over her face. I could tell that Kayla already paid her a visit.“I don’t think everything is right. Are you sure that Kayla is dead?” Ashley had asked, breathing heavily while I only hissed and kept mute.I hated the fact that she always threw herself on me.
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Third person. The alpha king walked into the scene, with a massive frown on his face. His countenance was in contrast to what he was meant to look like on a day like this. The entire pack was quite puzzled at this, but none of them dared opened their lips to say a word. The Alpha king took a seat at the far end just as he stared at his sons and their supposed brides.There was a look of disdain in his eyes just as his gaze rested on Ashley and Bianca. After what seemed like ages, he cleared his throat and stood up. “This wedding will not hold”, he dropped and immediately, the entire pack turned their attention to him.
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KAYLA. I stood at the far end of the hall, with my disguise carefully in place just as I watched the drama taking place in the hall. I felt a great surge of relief just as I watched the shocked look on Bianca and Ashley’s faces. That was the highlight of the entire event. “Why would the Alpha King suddenly call off the wedding? Did something go wrong?” I heard some people whispering around and a bigger smirk spread across my face. “Did he find out something?” Another asked just as I adjusted my cloak to cover my face properly. It was nothing of such. The Alpha king was working according to my orders!
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Third person. Ashley looked at Kayla who was standing before them with a fierce look on her face. There was something unsettling about this particular Kayla and despite how hard they wanted to shove it aside, they could not. She smelt like trouble and drama. “Kayla….are you real?” Ashley asked and touched Kayla who flinched as though she just got touched by a pest. Bianca let out a small scream of frustration after which she started crying aloud. “She caused it. It’s her, she declared, pointing at Kayla who still remained silent. Kayla loved the look of torment on their faces.
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