All Chapters of The Last Lycan: The Alpha's Bride: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
119 Chapters
Natasha's POV
I stand alone in my room, my thoughts swirling with confusion and questions. Last night was supposed to be the night of forced wedding with Lucien , a night filled with anticipation and uncertainty I was preparing myself to fight him off when he comes to fulfil his duties, especially when the council men were so keen about making cubs for their pack But instead of fulfilling the expected role of a supposed husband, Lucien vanished from the house, leaving me bewildered, anxious and scared of the unknown.As I contemplate his absence, a flicker of movement catches my eye. Through the window, I see the very car that departed in the dead of night slowly making its way back into the compound. My heart skips a beat, curiosity mingling with apprehension as I try to make sense of this unexpected return.The car comes to a halt right in front of my window, and I catch my breath as Lucien and Adam step out. Their bodies are marred by splatters of crimson, blood staining their clothes and
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Natasha's POV
At the sight of the blood fright grips me hard, I trembled and I imagine Tyler’s blood was what stained Lucien so much earlier, I staggered backwards and hit my back against a steel wall. A cold voice emanates from inside the cell, filled with disdain. "You're so clumsy. I can't believe you haven't been caught yet," the voice sneers. It belongs to Tyler, who’s still a stranger to me, his hands bound with chains and hanging from the top of the cell. He appears more beaten and worn than the last time I encountered him.Curiosity gets the better of me, and I cautiously approach the cell, peering through a small hole in the door. Our eyes meet, and a wave of unease washes over me. "Do you know where my mother is? I ask anxiously, with my gaze fixed sternly on him. "I don't know. I haven't seen her." He gives a sincere and uncertain answer, “there’s been a lot of prisoners brought in here day and night. With time it all begins to fade and you stop recognizing people. "Can you descr
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Natasha's POV
As I make my way down the hallway towards the dining area, my ears catch the sound of hushed voices coming from a slightly ajar door nearby. Curiosity piques within me, and I find myself drawn towards the source of the conversation. I approach the door, which leads me to a small, dimly lit room.Inside, I see Lucien and Adam engaged in a conversation, their voices laced with a sense of urgency and although they were loud, I couldn’t hear a thing they were saying. The room is cozy and intimate, rather than a large conference space. The walls are adorned with elegant tapestries, adding a touch of sophistication to the atmosphere. A small bar occupies one corner of the room, stocked with a modest selection of drinks.I strain my ears, trying to catch snippets of their conversation. Their words mingle with the faint clinking of glasses and the occasional chuckle. It's evident that they are discussing matters of importance, their voices carrying an air seriousness and it’s even evident on
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Natasha's POV
I sleep off later out of exhaustion and over feeding, my belle is hard and I feel a little uncomfortable but it is worth it. The food was delicious and I am grateful for Silver for always pulling up whenever I needed her. I lay in bed wondering what life outside of this confinement is like, I wonder if my favourite musician has a new song, I wonder what news are trending on my favourite social media platforms. Reminded of my friends back when life was sweet a bitter tear dropped from my eyes. I smiled and snuggled my bed before falling back asleep.Later in the morning as the soft embrace of sleep gradually released its hold on me, I was abruptly stirred by the distant sound of tires crunching against the gravel outside. My senses heightened, and I instinctively peered through the thin gaps in my curtains, trying to catch a glimpse of the source of the disturbance. To my surprise, a sleek car pulled up in the compound, and my heart skipped a beat as I recognized Lucien's girlfrien
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Natasha's POV
In the dimly lit corridor, Adam's eyes meet Lisa's with a mix of seriousness and determination. He takes a deep breath, ready to share the unsettling truth he had witnessed moments ago."I saw her gown," Adam begins, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. "She was here, Natasha, in the corridor. I don't know why I think she was spying on us,she saw us and it's clear she's up to something."Lisa's features contort with anger, her brows furrowing and her lips forming a thin line. The revelation sparks a fiery response within her, fueling her resolve to confront the intruder who dared encroach upon their private moments.Lisa and Adam are pacing back and forth, their faces contorted with anger and frustration. Natasha, the betrayed girlfriend, has stormed off, leaving them to face the consequences of their actions.“I can’t believe Natasha caught us like that! She must be crazy to be roaming around like that, I thought you said she wasn’t allowed outside of her room!” Lisa yell out
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Lucien’s POV
I don’t know why Adam is hell bent on making me kill Natasha but I’m definitely not ready for that, ever since she’s been in this house I’ve found absolute and total pleasure in all that she’s done, watching her in my computer screen is oddly satisfying, the perfect body and her cute little face. “My little pet” I say and caress the computer screen before, surrounded by monitors displaying live footage from the cameras I strategically placed in Natasha's room. Her every movement is captured, her presence filling my otherwise mundane existence. I watch her as she gets dressed, the soft curve of her body accentuated by the fabric that clings to her skin. A faint smirk plays at the corner of my lips, betraying the simmering desire that lies beneath my stoic exterior.In the depths of my mind, I ponder the motives driving Adam's relentless pursuit to have Natasha eliminated. His determination to rid her from my life puzzles me. Is it envy that fuels his actions? Does he see her as a thre
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Lucien’s POV
His razor sharp claws and fangs gnawing violently at me, I watch his every step as he circles around me, calculating his next possible moves and when he’s finally going to attempt striking me. As the tension reaches its peak, I feel a surge of power coursing through my veins. My transformation begins, my body shifting, bones cracking, as I embrace my half-werewolf form. Fur sprouts from my skin, my muscles bulge with newfound strength, and a primal growl escapes my throat.The other wolf, sensing my change, lunges at me with incredible speed. His jaws snap in mid-air, aiming for my vulnerable abdomen. With lightning reflexes, I twist my body, narrowly evading his deadly strike. The air whistles past me as his jaws miss their mark, and I can sense the raw power behind his attack.In response, I unleash a thunderous roar, my fangs bared in a primal display of dominance. The clash between us intensifies, a whirlwind of snarls, growls, and desperate lunges. Every move is calculated, ever
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Lucien’s POV
It all feels like a dream that started two days ago when she started caring about me and how I felt, now it’s almost like she’s totally forgotten that I killed her father in her presence and I’m holding her mother captive.“Is this girl really that short witted or she’s just putting up a facade?” I say to myself in my seated position, I am in my living from sat in front of a little fire when I heard one of my men’s voice. As the commotion echoes through the mansion, I hear the distinct voice of my trusted man, bellowing at Natasha. “I’m not going back with you,” she firmly asserts, her tone laced with determination. “Natasha, come back with me. It’s not right for you to be here,” he pleads, his voice tinged with authority.His commanding tone fills the air, urging her to return with him. My expression remains stoic and unmoving, giving no indication of the internal conflict I feel at the sight of her defiance.Natasha, undeterred by the man's demands, spots me sitting in the room a
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Natasha’s POV
After hearing Adam and Lucien’s conversation, I’m worried I might be annihilated if I mess things up, I decided in myself to steady my behavior and character throughout just to stay alive. As I navigate through the mansion, my steps measured and deliberate, I remain acutely aware of the dangerous undercurrents that run through this place. The knowledge of Adam's sinister intentions lingers in my mind, a constant reminder of the precariousness of my situation. But I'm determined to defy the odds and protect myself and my mother.In my silent pursuit of self-preservation, I find myself drawn to Lucien. Despite his cold and stoic demeanor, there's something about him that intrigues me, a flicker of vulnerability that I catch glimpses of in his eyes. I understand the risks of getting closer to him, but I believe that by staying near, I can uncover that part of him and safeguard my mother and myself.I observe him from a distance, watching his every move, studying the way he carries himse
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Natasha's POV
The time is 12:45pm Lucien succeeds in driving my out of the large living room and back into my room but he didn’t manage to drive out my resolve, I remain bold and confident as ever. My smile brightens wider and I throw myself on my bed heavily, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m going on a event with Lucien” I repeated to myself severally. I check the large wall clock mounted on one side of my bedroom and there’s still some time before evening. Unlike before I’ve grown really calm and reserved, I look all over my room hoping to find something worth playing with for some time but unfortunately there was nothing available at my disposal. “Pftt, how does he expect me not to lose my mind being confined to these walls and not lose my mind?” I say quietly to myself and yawn, I am tired from all the running and boredom is starting to kick in, I lay on my side and let myself drift away and sleep.I awaken from my deep slumber, my body tingling with a sense of disorientation. I glance at th
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