All Chapters of The Last Lycan: The Alpha's Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
119 Chapters
Lucien's POV
The next day after the garden encounter, The next day dawns upon me as I awaken in the embrace of my vast, darkly lit room. The air hangs heavy with a sense of grandeur and opulence, the room exuding an aura fit for dignitaries and presidents. The walls are adorned with rich, dark colors, accentuated by minimal lighting that casts subtle shadows across the space. A single large window stands tall, its presence shrouded by heavy black curtains that deny entry to the morning sunlight.I slowly rise from my slumber, feeling the weight of the previous day still lingering within me. As I shuffle towards the opulent en-suite bathroom, the plush carpet cushions my every step. The room is a sanctuary of marble and gold accents, a testament to extravagance and luxury.I grab hold of my toothbrush and squeeze a generous amount of toothpaste onto its bristles. The sound of running water fills the room as I wet the brush before proceeding to meticulously scrub my teeth, the rhythm of the brush ag
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Natasha's POV
I don’t know why Lucien has decided to be nice to me but I won’t yield, he hurt me by forcing himself on me and I won’t give in to him so easily anymore.I find myself in the grand study room, the dark oak bookshelves towering over me. Lucien enters the room, his presence commanding attention. I can sense his icy gaze fixed upon me, but something seems different today. His demeanor has shifted, and he attempts to be nice, to make me feel better. It's all too much.As I stand there, he approaches me with a faint smile on his lips. "Natasha, my dear," he says, his voice still holding its authoritative tone. "I noticed you seemed a little down lately. I thought I could do something to lift your spirits."I feel a surge of irritation. How can he suddenly pretend to care after all that has happened? His attempts at kindness feel disingenuous, like a facade. I cross my arms, maintaining a guarded expression as I respond, "I appreciate your concern, Lucien, but I don't need your gestures of
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Natasha's POV
A bitter smile plays on Tyler’s lips, a hint of remorse flickering in his eyes. “I was once one of Lucien’s most trusted men,” he admits, his voice heavy with regret. “But I betrayed him. I revealed his weaknesses to our enemies, thinking I could gain something from it. I was wrong, Natasha. I paid a heavy price for my treachery.”“Why did you betray your master?” I ask with a look of bewilderment. “He- he- killed my parents and made me watch, he took me as a prize and trained me to be like him” Tyler’s voice carries hints of pain and anger. My heart sinks as I absorb the weight of Tyler’s confession. He, too, has fallen victim to Lucien’s iron grip, imprisoned within these unforgiving walls as a consequence of his past actions and mistakes. The irony of our shared fate intertwines our paths, weaving a web of secrets and redemption.But now, united in our struggle, we find ourselves facing a common enemy. Together, we will expose Lucien’s true nature, confront the darkness that engu
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Natasha's POV
As the first rays of morning light creep through my window, I slowly awaken from my slumber. Just as I begin to stretch and yawn, the sound of Lucien’s deep voice resonates through the room, jolting me fully awake. His presence is both intimidating and captivating at the same time.With a hint of amusement in his voice, he teases, “Did you know that you’re so defenseless when you’re fast asleep? I could have easily kidnapped you without you even knowing.” I can’t help but let out a soft chuckle at his remark, finding humor in his attempt to liven up the atmosphere. “Unfortunately I’m already kidnapped…” I say to myself clinking my fingernails together as my laugh is almost visible to him.But the laughter quickly subsides as I regain my composure, knowing that he always maintains such a strong and dominant front.Lucien, however, seems oblivious to the fact that his words carry a certain comedic undertone. His icy gaze remains fixed on me, his expression unyielding. It’s as if he ex
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Lucien's POV.
The night before, I sit in my opulent, dimly lit room, lost in deep contemplation. Thoughts swirl within my mind as I consider the idea of organizing a public conference to announce a Luna for my pack. It is a significant decision, one that carries both the weight of tradition and the potential to shape the future of our pack.This will not be the first time my so-called wife will be seen in public, but it will mark the first occasion for Natasha, to address the public directly. I can’t help but feel a tinge of apprehension for the implications it may have on my reputation as the Alpha if she messes up the speech and reveals that our marriage is based on force and threats. The room exudes an aura of dominance and power, reflecting my own stature within our clandestine world. Dark furnishings and rich tapestries surround me, creating an atmosphere that mirrors the complexities of my position.As I ponder the possibilities and consequences of this public conference, I find myself oscil
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Lucien's POV
Walking into Paul’s humble wooden house, I observe the simple yet cozy atmosphere that surrounds us. The worn wooden walls exude warmth, complemented by the faint scent of aged wood. As my eyes scan the room, they land on a collection of old guns hanging proudly on the wall, telling tales of Paul’s past. Pictures of a younger Paul, adorned with a charismatic smile, decorate the shelves and surfaces.With a playful smirk on my face, I start throwing jokes about his prime years, teasing him about his once invincible efficiency. “Ah, Paul, I must say, those were the days, weren’t they? You were like a force of nature, unstoppable in your prime,” I jest, trying to provoke a reaction.Paul, ever the serious one, meets my banter with a confident gaze, his expression unwavering. “Ah, my friend, you may think my best days are behind me, but let me assure you, I am still one step ahead,” he retorts, his voice carrying a hint of mischief.We engage in this lighthearted banter, exchanging witty
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Adam's POV
I silently navigate through the corridors of the house, my gaze fixed on Natasha as she moves about with unusual mannerisms. From the concealment of the dark corners, I watch her closely, a flicker of annoyance dancing in my eyes.Natasha’s presence has always been a source of irritation for me. There is something about her that rubs me the wrong way, her every action tinged with an air of insincerity. As I observe her peculiar movements, I find myself growing more determined to catch her in the act, to expose her for whatever hidden agenda she may possess.I wait patiently, biding my time, knowing that the perfect opportunity will present itself sooner or later. Natasha’s movements take her to the maids’ quarters, a seemingly innocent destination that does not pique my suspicion. It is when she strays into areas she shouldn’t, when she oversteps her boundaries, that I will strike.For now, I retreat stealthily to my own room, the anger simmering within me. I am not one to be fooled b
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Natasha's POV
The time is 5:12pm Immediately after breakfast in the morning Lucien was first to excuse himself, he left the house revealing nothing about where he was going and I freely roamed the house until I got tired. As I step back into the sanctuary of my room, a cloud of uncertainty envelopes my thoughts. Lucien’s mention of a public event lingers in my mind, casting a shadow of doubt over its true purpose. I can’t help but see through the whole facade, recognizing it as nothing more than a grand display of pretense and deceit.The room’s dimly lit ambiance reflects my own feelings, mirroring the darkness that has settled within me. I navigate through the space with a sense of detachment, my footsteps echoing softly against the polished floor.Thoughts swirl in my mind, questioning the nature of the upcoming event. Will it be yet another charade, aimed at projecting an image of love and devotion that is far from the truth? Will I be expected to play the role of a dutiful and adoring wife, w
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Natasha's POV
The room is filled with the sound of laughter as we enjoy a moment of lightheartedness amidst the cleaning endeavors of the maids. Lily, in her enthusiasm to join the merriment, suddenly finds herself slipping on the freshly mopped floor, her feet losing their grip and her body descending rapidly to the ground.A collective gasp escapes our lips, quickly followed by uncontrollable laughter. Lily’s eyes widen in surprise as she hits the floor with a resounding thud, her limbs splayed in comical fashion. Amidst our fits of laughter, we struggle to regain our composure as Lily valiantly attempts to rise.“Ahhh why does it have to be this freshly mopped ground!” Blaming the slippery floor between bursts of laughter, Lily finds solace in the explanation for her unexpected fall. Another maid, perhaps a little too eager to assist, rushes to her aid, only to find herself succumbing to the treacherous floor as well. Both of them end up entangled in a comedic display of limbs and laughter.The
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Natasha's POV
The next day, the time is 8:33am. The early morning sun casts its gentle rays across the compound, bathing everything in a soft, golden glow. I stand by the window, taking in the serene beauty of the surrounding gardens. The tranquility of the moment is interrupted by the distant sound of approaching vehicles. Curiosity piques within me, and I wonder who could be arriving at such an early hour.As the vehicles draw closer, the low hum of engines fills the air. I watch intently, my eyes scanning the driveway, eager to catch a glimpse of the visitors. The anticipation builds, but my view is partially obstructed by the lush foliage that adorns the entrance.Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I step closer to the window, hoping for a clearer view. The sound of car doors opening and closing reaches my ears, accompanied by the muffled voices of unfamiliar individuals. My heart quickens its pace, and I find myself growing more intrigued by the moment.Yet, as the minutes pass, the e
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