All Chapters of Saved By A Dark Billionaire : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
Mum's The Word
Olive's P.O.V. That second where we all froze in shock felt like it lasted an eternity only to play again at double the speed. Dad swiveled back around, his fist drawn back and ready to hit Lucas in the throat. I pulled on Lucas' shirt, forcing him back so that dad's punch missed. Due to the lack of contact, Dad had to take a step forward so as not to fall. He had put a lot of power behind that punch. I dragged Lucas further back away from Dad. I'd like for my child's father to not be killed by my own. Dad looked at me with narrowed eyes and for a moment I think he contemplated hitting me too. Daisy gasped, thrown off by the whole debacle playing before her. "I'm calling the police," she said, rushing to dad's side and looking at us like we were in the wrong. Oh Daisy, if you only knew. I could tell that this whole thing only made her believe me less. I signed realizing that what I had set out to accomplish would not be happening. I looked at her and her little baby bump, worried
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Thank You For Asking
Olive's P.O.V. **Song Suggestion: Turning Page by Sleeping At Last** "Merry Christmas, Rose." Lucas woke me up with a small present. He sat at the edge of the bed with an excited smile. "Open it." I rubbed my eyes, sitting up and grabbing the box. It was small, but had a beautiful red ribbon with printed roses on it. I untied the ribbon, slowly opening the box to reveal another smaller, black, velvet box. I furrowed my brow as I opened it. Inside was a beautiful rose ring with a large center stone in the center of the rose. The rings band had delicate and dainty leaf and twig style motifs. It was stunningly beautiful, but it looked like an engagement ring. I went to look at him to ask if he realized what he had gotten, but when I looked up I found him on one knee beside the bed. My eyes widened and my heart began to race. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but God was I ready for him to ask. "Olive Brewer, you are the light of my life. The sun that I revolve around. You are eve
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More Than Just A Friend
Olive's P.O.V. Hailey came next, but we all banned her from the kitchen after she somehow burned butter. She was designated to work on decorations and music. Ian showed up after, surprised by the two large men in my kitchen. I forgot that Ian has no idea I fight. "So happy you could make it. Come meet my important people." I greeted him, pulling him by the wrist towards the kitchen. "Meet Davis and Carter. They run an underground fighting ring that I participate in at times." "She's phenomenal," Lucas said, wrapping his arm around my lower back, pulling me to his side so he could kiss my temple. "She had the title of champion for a year before she met some asshole boyfriend, named Julius." Carter made a face as if to say Julius was the nastiest thing ever. I laughed at his expression. "Well, shit, Red. I left you and you became strong. Was I holding you back?" Ian asked, looking at me differently. Impressed, maybe? "No, you were saving me, and bringing light into my life at the d
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Ian's Letters
Olive’s P.O.V.“Are you okay, my Rose?” Lucas asked as we finished cleaning up the place. Everyone was long gone now, but the evening was spectacular.“Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking,” I answered, grabbing a cup off the coffee table that had only been half drunk. The marshmallows had disappeared in the heat of the coco, leaving this sort of froth at the top.“What about?” He asked, taking the cup from my hands and washing it.“I think I need to read Ian’s letters,” I admitted, biting at my cheek. “I need to know what he said.”Lucas went silent, which only made me nervous. He turned the sink off, facing me. He dried his hands as he held my gaze. When he approached me, his eyes softened, feeling sympathy for me. He pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my forehead.“I’ll go see my mom for a little while. I am sure she’s still awake. Text me when you’re done,” he said, letting me go.“You don’t have to leave.”He shook his head no at me before speaking.“You should read them alone, Rose. I
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We Created This
Lucas' P.O.V. Christmas was more than I could have asked for. She had said yes, and despite Dad's threats, I've been on cloud nine ever since. I need to get back to work before Dad discovers I'm trying to marry Rose. I get the feeling he'd try to stop it by any and all means necessary. He doesn't need to know until it's done and over with. I won't put Rose, or my bud, through any unnecessary stress. "Good morning, my future wife." I kissed her forehead as I woke her. She says she's not a sleepyhead, but she most definitely is. "Today's the day." Sleep evaded me last night, even with Rose in my arms. I was too excited for today. It's our first doctor's appointment for our bud. We'll get to see our growing baby on an ultrasound today, and be sure of Rose's due date. I've been giddy all night. "Today's the day." She smiled as her eyes opened. That had been the fastest she'd ever woken up, aside from the time she had to bolt to the bathroom to throw up. She is excited too. I can only
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Boy Or Girl?
Olive's P.O.V. The morning sickness has been easing as time passes. I wake every morning and stare at the now outdated ultrasound pictures. Today we are going to a ultrasound place that does gender reveals. We'll get to see our little bean again. I wonder what it'll be? Boy or girl. "I can't wait to see my little bud again." Lucas smiled at me. I nodded, leaning against him, feeling the same excitement. "What do you think, boy or girl?" I asked him. "Girl. She'll be my little Rose bud." He nodded looking only at the ultrasound picture held onto the fridge by an old floral magnet. "I say Boy. He'd be my little knight," I countered with a smile. We walked hand in hand towards the shop that does the gender reveal. The place felt like an overly decorated doctor's office with pink and gold frills. They seemed to want to freeze their clients stiff as I froze my ass off waiting to be called. Lucas held me close, providing me with some warmth. About 15 minutes later we were called to f
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Olive's P.O.V.Olive: You're coming to my graduation, right?#1 Best Friend: I wouldn't miss it for the world.Ian's reply made me feel better. He and I hadn't spoken much since Christmas. I know he meant it when he said we were still friends, but he needed time to get over me. We text every now and then but it wasn't daily like it had been before Christmas. It made me a bit sad, but I know it's for the best.Hailey on the other hand, texts and calls multiple times a day and drops by every other day with something new. Yesterday it was a little red bracelet that looked like it was made of yarn. I'm meant to put this on our child when she's born. Hailey made me swear, so I did."I've been thinking a lot about what we should name our little Rose bud," Lucas said, as he rubbed his hands over my growing baby bump. He'd been reading my junior year journal of college. He's just a couple of journals away from the one he's been desperately wanting to read…his journal."Okay, what have you come
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Lucas' Journal
Lucas' P.O.V. I finally finished her journals from junior year of college. This was it. I was finally getting to her journals about me. At the beginning of all this, I wanted to only read the journals about me, but I'm glad that Rose made me work for it. I have such a better understanding of her now that I've read her innermost thoughts about her past. She was a cherry tomato red as she handed me these journals this morning. She asked that I not read them while she's awake. Her embarrassment was adorable, but completely unnecessary. She was currently asleep beside me, lightly snoring with her peacefully beautiful face. Rose is tired from interviewing around town, trying to find an engineering job for experience until the place she really wants is hiring again. I wanted to use my connections to help her, but she told me if I did, she’d be really mad at me. She wants to get her job from her own hard work. I find it very noble, but I wish she’d let me help. I placed my hand over our Ab
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Welcome To The World
Olive's P.O.V. "You need to sit, Rose. The doctor said to sit and elevate your feet. You're starting to swell around your ankles again," Lucas reminded me as I waddled around the flat trying to get last minute things together. The bassinet was put together and sat beside the bed. The bottles were sanitized and put away already. All the clothes were washed, folded and organized. My hospital bag was ready to go, along with Abi's. I packed her the cutest take home outfit. I love all the frills, laces, and colors on little girl clothes. Of course, I bought a shit ton of bows that are way too large for her head, too. I have those neatly organized as well. I still feel like I'm forgetting something, or missing something, but I'm not sure what. Daisy had my baby brother a few months ago, and according to Joe everything is still going well. It made me wonder if Dad really had changed, but then I remembered that he's dad and it's only a matter of time until his ugliness resurfaces. I hope
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Lucas' P.O.V. **Song Suggestion: Only You by Julia Westlin** I felt so antsy as I waited for my Rose at the end of the aisle. Everything looked spectacular, the flowers in the garden were vibrant and beautiful. Their floral scent was carried in the cool September breeze. Mom was holding Abi in her arms sitting in the front row before me. Abi's strawberry blonde hair was almost hidden behind the large white bow she sported. The white dress almost swallowed her whole, but she looked so adorable. My Rose bud has stolen my heart completely. She and I have late night talks as I work and rock her back to sleep. Her mother and she are everything to me. They are the sun that I revolve around, the lights of my life. I am the luckiest man on the planet. I know this, and right now I'm the luckiest man, waiting for his beautiful bride to emerge. The music began to play and everyone stood as Rose came into view. My heart stilled and raced all at the same time. My eyes misted as this moment too
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