All Chapters of Saved By A Dark Billionaire : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
102 Chapters
Olive's P.O.V. After talking with Joe for most of the afternoon. I decided to head to the bookstore. The one, that according to Joe, dad's girlfriend works at. He told me her name and described her in Joe terms. "Blank skin, very plain. She's got a long neck that could use some free birds. Dark hair, and a round face that screams innocence. She's young too." He told me. So now here I am, stepping inside some book shop to spy on dad's girlfriend. I wonder if she even knows about me? Has she seen any pictures of me. There was only one that hung on our walls. Any that had mom in them had been burned away when I turned 12, leaving just one hanging frame of me when I was a baby, sporting a big toothless grin. I don't think she'd be able to recognize me from that picture, even if she had seen it. I grabbed a book off a display table, flipping it and looking interested in it as I eyed the dark haired woman behind the counter. Her name was Daisy according the name tag. She had a round face
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Can We Be Friends Again?
Olive's P.O.V. I felt antsy as I paced the room, knowing Ian would be coming here soon. I stared at my phone to see Lucas' contact. Why do I feel almost guilty for running into Ian? I didn't invite him over or initiate the conversation. Hell, I tried to get away. Olive: You won't believe who else I ran into today. I decided to text him about it. Then it won't feel like such a bad thing, right? My Knight: Hmm, let's see. A high school bully who saw you today, and questioned their life decisions? His answer made me let out a laugh. Olive: No, although, it would feel amazing to rub my life in some people's faces. I smiled as I texted. My Knight: I give up then, who did you run into? Olive: Ian. He was at the bookstore when I was spying on my dad's girlfriend. I sent the first message typing out the second when my phone started to vibrate in my hand. Lucas was calling me, no longer interested in texting about this…he wanted to talk. My heart raced with worry, making me feel like
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I Need You Desperately
Olive's P.O.V. This stomach bug, won't seem to leave me. I guess I should be grateful that it isn't making me throw up all day long. My eyes were still sticky with sleep. I was exhausted, having stayed up late talking with Ian. We spoke in person till the sun set and then we texted almost all night. Lucas and I texted all night too. He didn't get much sleep. He said he needs me in his arms to get any semblance of sleep. I let him know how things went with Ian and he said he was happy for me. I don't know how true those words are though. I think it bothers him a little that we're friends again. I'm not sure, but I hope not. #1 Best Friend: Good morning, sleepy Red. If you're anything like teenage Red, then you're still asleep. In which case, I hope this wakes you 3:) Olive: Jokes on you, I am already awake :p I texted him back, feeling happy to have my first best friend back in my life. I feel somehow whole again. Olive: Good morning, my Knight. I hope you were able to get some s
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You're Not Alone Anymore
Lucas' P.O.V. **Song suggestion: Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor** Trigger Warning for topics of suicide. I was deep into her junior year. It had been complete misery for her. The bullying was relentless, and her home wasn't any better. She felt lost, depressed, and extremely lonely. She still worked with Joe, but she didn't count him as her friend, even though he was her only social interaction. My heart broke for her immensely. I can't imagine having to face everything she has been through by herself. Dear future me, If there even is a future me. I guess I should say dear future whoever is reading this. I've decided today is the last day I'm going to take the harassment at school. The last day I'll spar with dad and feel his fists on my torso. It's not worth it anymore. The ache in my chest has grown into a crater too big for me to handle. It has swallowed me whole, and immersed me in its darkness. There's no light here, no hope. I'm alone, bitterly and utterly alone. No on
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I'm Late
Olive's P.O.V.Ian's familiar Dutch colonial styled, white house with red shutters and bright red door came into view as I reached the end of the dirt road path. I missed this place with it's lush green grass, no matter the time of year, such soft grass you'd think you were walking on clouds. I parked, taking a deep breath, and calming my twirling stomach. I don't know why part of me was scared of entering that house. I was scared of the feelings it would stir inside me again. The want for a normal family, for the loving embrace of a nice family.I headed towards the door, knocking on the thick cold metal. I could hear Ian yelling "coming" as he approached the door. It swung open to reveal his tousled hair and kind smile. A smile that wrinkled the sides of his eyes in merriment. He was happy to see me."Welcome back to my humble abode." He gestured with his arm to come in. I stepped past him greeted by the toasty heat. Mrs. Daniels always kept it warm in here during the colder months.
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I'm Ready When You Are.
Olive's P.O.V. I spent the rest of my time in Ian's house with the thought gnawing away at me. Is there a baby growing in me right now? Am I going to have a baby the same age as my soon to be brother? What do I do? I had such a strong urge to run out of Ian's house, buy a test and pee over the damn stick. I wanted to know right now, right this very second. Instead I helped Caterina with dinner. I helped set the table up with Ian, and sat to eat with them, making small talk with Donald. It was a very pleasant evening. One I would have enjoyed a lot more if I wasn't worried about carrying another life in me. I found myself looking at my flat stomach with great curiosity. "What's up with you?" Ian asked me as we were clearing the table. "What do you mean?" "You seemed distracted all throughout dinner." I currently hate that he can still pick up on my emotions so easily. "I don't know what you mean." I shrugged my shoulders, meandering towards the kitchen. "Oh come on, Red, talk to
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My Rose And My Bud
Olive's P.O.V. **Song Suggestion as you read: I Get To Love You by Ruelle** Forcing my eyes to focus I saw Lucas' contact flash across my screen. I sleepily answered, pressing the cold glass of the screen against my face. "Hello?" "I'm here, Rose. What room are you in?" He asked quickly. I sat up so fast my head spun for a moment. "Room 2," I finally answered. I heard the phone go silent, seeing Lucas had hung up. I walked to my room door, opening it to see him making his way towards me. My eyes instantly watered at the sight of him. I missed him so much even though it had only been a couple of days. I couldn't help myself. I found my legs running towards him, and my arms crazily wrapping themselves around his neck. I held him tight as his arms hugged around my waist and pulled me close. He picked me up, allowing my legs to hook around his waist as he walked us towards my room. He closed the door behind him, laying me gently on the bed. His intense brown eyes looked down at
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He Did It Too!
Lucas' P.O.V. **Song Suggestion: The Story by Davis Naish**I have my Rose in my arms again. Her sweet scent chased away any and all sadness that had crept inside me in her absence. She was warm, perfect and somehow mine. She had calmed herself after a while. I hated to hear her cry, but something tells me it wasn't because she was sad.We're having a baby.I don't think I've ever gotten news that has elated me so much as I did today. Yes it's extremely early.. extremely. Who wouldn't be worried in this position? It's insane, yet I'm so excited. Picturing a child with Rose is something I can't stop doing now. I bet if it's a gril she'll have a sweet round face like Rose with those piercing blue eyes and fiery red hair. She'll have my nose and my lips, and maybe even my height.I can picture a little boy with my blonde hair, but with her curls and thickness. Of course, I keep hoping they'll have her eyes, maybe shaped like mine, but colored like hers. Whatever they come out looking li
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Why Is He Crying?
Olive's P.O.V. Cat and I finished making breakfast, and brought it out to the dining room. I felt the awkward tension between Lucas and Ian as I entered. I was hoping they'd hit it off, but it seems to be taking longer for them to get along than I would like. Lucas met my eyes with a smile, causing my heart to flutter. He pulled a chair out for me and I sat happily. Lucas waited until I made my plate before making his own. He was being more than courteous. Breakfast was awkward at first, but once Donald entered it became a big social event. He helped make Lucas feel welcome and ease the tension around us. I was thankful he was here. We all sat around taking and laughing with empty plates in front of us for a while. I felt so extremely lucky at the moment until the bacon grease hit me and I had to bolt for the bathroom. I felt Lucas and Ian chasing after me in concern. There goes my delicious breakfast. I felt Lucas hold my hair and rub my back again. I hated that he was seeing all
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It's About My Dad
Olive's P.O.V. "I see why you guys hung out so much here." Lucas said as he looked out towards the coast at my and Ian's favorite spot. I would still come here even after Ian moved, but it only made me feel lonlier. I hadn't been here myself since sophomore summer. A cold breeze carried the salty ocean air to my nose, making me take a deep breath. I missed that smell. The only thing I smell in New York is the stench of garbage mixed with the urine in the alleyway. There's no fresh air in New York, just the millions of smells intermingled into one stench. "It's beautiful," he said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. I loved the tickle of his breath on my neck as we watched the waves crash in. "I'm glad you could see it. Thank you for coming home early," I told him, placing my hands over his. "I'll come running any time you need me, Rose." I nodded, not able to say anything more. I focused on this moment, on the feel of him holding m
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